Files: 51e9718cb367cc06af5a19f5ebafb0887420e957 / index.js
91765 bytesRaw
1 | var fs = require('fs') |
2 | var http = require('http') |
3 | var path = require('path') |
4 | var url = require('url') |
5 | var qs = require('querystring') |
6 | var util = require('util') |
7 | var ref = require('ssb-ref') |
8 | var pull = require('pull-stream') |
9 | var ssbGit = require('ssb-git-repo') |
10 | var toPull = require('stream-to-pull-stream') |
11 | var cat = require('pull-cat') |
12 | var Repo = require('pull-git-repo') |
13 | var ssbAbout = require('./about') |
14 | var ssbVotes = require('./votes') |
15 | var i18n = require('./i18n') |
16 | var marked = require('ssb-marked') |
17 | var asyncMemo = require('asyncmemo') |
18 | var multicb = require('multicb') |
19 | var schemas = require('ssb-msg-schemas') |
20 | var Issues = require('ssb-issues') |
21 | var PullRequests = require('ssb-pull-requests') |
22 | var paramap = require('pull-paramap') |
23 | var gitPack = require('pull-git-pack') |
24 | var Mentions = require('ssb-mentions') |
25 | var Highlight = require('highlight.js') |
26 | var JsDiff = require('diff') |
27 | var many = require('pull-many') |
28 | |
29 | var hlCssPath = path.resolve(require.resolve('highlight.js'), '../../styles') |
30 | |
31 | // render links to git objects and ssb objects |
32 | var blockRenderer = new marked.Renderer() |
33 | blockRenderer.urltransform = function (url) { |
34 | if (ref.isLink(url)) |
35 | return encodeLink(url) |
36 | if (/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/.test(url) && this.options.repo) |
37 | return encodeLink([, 'commit', url]) |
38 | return url |
39 | } |
40 | |
41 | blockRenderer.image = function (href, title, text) { |
42 | href = href.replace(/^&/, '&') |
43 | var url |
44 | if (ref.isBlobId(href)) |
45 | url = encodeLink(href) |
46 | else if (/^https?:\/\//.test(href)) |
47 | url = href |
48 | else if (this.options.repo && this.options.rev && this.options.path) |
49 | url = path.join('/', encodeURIComponent(, |
50 | 'raw', this.options.rev, this.options.path.join('/'), href) |
51 | else |
52 | return text |
53 | return '<img src="' + escapeHTML(url) + '" alt="' + text + '"' + |
54 | (title ? ' title="' + title + '"' : '') + '/>' |
55 | } |
56 | |
57 | blockRenderer.mention = function (preceding, id) { |
58 | // prevent broken name mention |
59 | if (id[0] == '@' && !ref.isFeed(id)) |
60 | return (preceding||'') + escapeHTML(id) |
61 | |
62 | return, preceding, id) |
63 | } |
64 | |
65 | function getExtension(filename) { |
66 | return (/\.([^.]+)$/.exec(filename) || [,filename])[1] |
67 | } |
68 | |
69 | function highlight(code, lang) { |
70 | try { |
71 | return lang |
72 | ? Highlight.highlight(lang, code).value |
73 | : Highlight.highlightAuto(code).value |
74 | } catch(e) { |
75 | if (/^Unknown language/.test(e.message)) |
76 | return escapeHTML(code) |
77 | throw e |
78 | } |
79 | } |
80 | |
81 | marked.setOptions({ |
82 | gfm: true, |
83 | mentions: true, |
84 | tables: true, |
85 | breaks: true, |
86 | pedantic: false, |
87 | sanitize: true, |
88 | smartLists: true, |
89 | smartypants: false, |
90 | highlight: highlight, |
91 | renderer: blockRenderer |
92 | }) |
93 | |
94 | // hack to make git link mentions work |
95 | var mdRules = new marked.InlineLexer(1, marked.defaults).rules |
96 | mdRules.mention = |
97 | /^(\s)?([@%&][A-Za-z0-9\._\-+=\/]*[A-Za-z0-9_\-+=\/]|[0-9a-f]{40})/ |
98 | mdRules.text = /^[\s\S]+?(?=[\\<!\[_*`]| {2,}\n| [@%&]|[0-9a-f]{40}|$)/ |
99 | |
100 | function markdown(text, options, cb) { |
101 | if (!text) return '' |
102 | if (typeof text != 'string') text = String(text) |
103 | if (!options) options = {} |
104 | else if ( options = {repo: options} |
105 | if (!options.rev) options.rev = 'HEAD' |
106 | if (!options.path) options.path = [] |
107 | |
108 | return marked(text, options, cb) |
109 | } |
110 | |
111 | function ParamError(msg) { |
112 | var err =, msg) |
113 | = |
114 | return err |
115 | } |
116 | util.inherits(ParamError, Error) |
117 | |
118 | function parseAddr(str, def) { |
119 | if (!str) return def |
120 | var i = str.lastIndexOf(':') |
121 | if (~i) return {host: str.substr(0, i), port: str.substr(i+1)} |
122 | if (isNaN(str)) return {host: str, port: def.port} |
123 | return {host:, port: str} |
124 | } |
125 | |
126 | function isArray(arr) { |
127 | return == '[object Array]' |
128 | } |
129 | |
130 | function encodeLink(url) { |
131 | if (!isArray(url)) url = [url] |
132 | return '/' +'/') |
133 | } |
134 | |
135 | function link(parts, text, raw, props) { |
136 | if (text == null) text = parts[parts.length-1] |
137 | if (!raw) text = escapeHTML(text) |
138 | return '<a href="' + encodeLink(parts) + '"' + |
139 | (props ? ' ' + props : '') + |
140 | '>' + text + '</a>' |
141 | } |
142 | |
143 | function linkify(text) { |
144 | // regex is from ssb-ref |
145 | return text.replace(/(@|%|&|&)[A-Za-z0-9\/+]{43}=\.[\w\d]+/g, function (str) { |
146 | return '<a href="/' + encodeURIComponent(str) + '">' + str + '</a>' |
147 | }) |
148 | } |
149 | |
150 | function timestamp(time, req) { |
151 | time = Number(time) |
152 | var d = new Date(time) |
153 | return '<span title="' + time + '">' + |
154 | d.toLocaleString(req._locale) + '</span>' |
155 | } |
156 | |
157 | function pre(text) { |
158 | return '<pre>' + escapeHTML(text) + '</pre>' |
159 | } |
160 | |
161 | function json(obj) { |
162 | return linkify(pre(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2))) |
163 | } |
164 | |
165 | function escapeHTML(str) { |
166 | return String(str) |
167 | .replace(/&/g, '&') |
168 | .replace(/</g, '<') |
169 | .replace(/>/g, '>') |
170 | .replace(/"/g, '"') |
171 | } |
172 | |
173 | function table(props) { |
174 | return function (read) { |
175 | return cat([ |
176 | pull.once('<table' + (props ? ' ' + props : '') + '>'), |
177 | pull( |
178 | read, |
179 | (row) { |
180 | return row ? '<tr>' + (cell) { |
181 | return '<td>' + cell + '</td>' |
182 | }).join('') + '</tr>' : '' |
183 | }) |
184 | ), |
185 | pull.once('</table>') |
186 | ]) |
187 | } |
188 | } |
189 | |
190 | function ul(props) { |
191 | return function (read) { |
192 | return cat([ |
193 | pull.once('<ul' + (props ? ' ' + props : '') + '>'), |
194 | pull( |
195 | read, |
196 | (li) { |
197 | return '<li>' + li + '</li>' |
198 | }) |
199 | ), |
200 | pull.once('</ul>') |
201 | ]) |
202 | } |
203 | } |
204 | |
205 | function nav(links, page, after) { |
206 | return ['<nav>'].concat( |
207 | (link) { |
208 | var href = typeof link[0] == 'string' ? link[0] : encodeLink(link[0]) |
209 | var props = link[2] == page ? ' class="active"' : '' |
210 | return '<a href="' + href + '"' + props + '>' + link[1] + '</a>' |
211 | }), after || '', '</nav>').join('') |
212 | } |
213 | |
214 | function renderNameForm(req, enabled, id, name, action, inputId, title, header) { |
215 | if (!inputId) inputId = action |
216 | return '<form class="petname" action="" method="post">' + |
217 | (enabled ? |
218 | '<input type="checkbox" class="name-checkbox" id="' + inputId + '" ' + |
219 | 'onfocus="" />' + |
220 | '<input name="name" class="name" value="' + escapeHTML(name) + '" ' + |
221 | 'onkeyup="if (event.keyCode == 27) this.form.reset()" />' + |
222 | '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' + action + '">' + |
223 | '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' + |
224 | escapeHTML(id) + '">' + |
225 | '<label class="name-toggle" for="' + inputId + '" ' + |
226 | 'title="' + title + '"><i>✍</i></label> ' + |
227 | '<input class="btn name-btn" type="submit" value="' + |
228 | req._t('Rename') + '">' + |
229 | header : |
230 | header + '<br clear="all"/>' |
231 | ) + |
232 | '</form>' |
233 | } |
234 | |
235 | function renderPostForm(req, repo, placeholder, rows) { |
236 | return '<input type="radio" class="tab-radio" id="tab1" name="tab" checked="checked"/>' + |
237 | '<input type="radio" class="tab-radio" id="tab2" name="tab"/>' + |
238 | '<div id="tab-links" class="tab-links" style="display:none">' + |
239 | '<label for="tab1" id="write-tab-link" class="tab1-link">' + |
240 | req._t('post.Write') + '</label>' + |
241 | '<label for="tab2" id="preview-tab-link" class="tab2-link">' + |
242 | req._t('post.Preview') + '</label>' + |
243 | '</div>' + |
244 | '<input type="hidden" id="repo-id" value="' + + '"/>' + |
245 | '<div id="write-tab" class="tab1">' + |
246 | '<textarea id="post-text" name="text" class="wide-input"' + |
247 | ' rows="' + (rows||4) + '" cols="77"' + |
248 | (placeholder ? ' placeholder="' + placeholder + '"' : '') + |
249 | '></textarea>' + |
250 | '</div>' + |
251 | '<div class="preview-text tab2" id="preview-tab"></div>' + |
252 | '<script>' + issueCommentScript + '</script>' |
253 | } |
254 | |
255 | function hiddenInputs(values) { |
256 | return Object.keys(values).map(function (key) { |
257 | return '<input type="hidden"' + |
258 | ' name="' + escapeHTML(key) + '"' + |
259 | ' value="' + escapeHTML(values[key]) + '"/>' |
260 | }).join('') |
261 | } |
262 | |
263 | function readNext(fn) { |
264 | var next |
265 | return function (end, cb) { |
266 | if (next) return next(end, cb) |
267 | fn(function (err, _next) { |
268 | if (err) return cb(err) |
269 | next = _next |
270 | next(null, cb) |
271 | }) |
272 | } |
273 | } |
274 | |
275 | function readOnce(fn) { |
276 | var ended |
277 | return function (end, cb) { |
278 | fn(function (err, data) { |
279 | if (err || ended) return cb(err || ended) |
280 | ended = true |
281 | cb(null, data) |
282 | }) |
283 | } |
284 | } |
285 | |
286 | function paginate(onFirst, through, onLast, onEmpty) { |
287 | var ended, last, first = true, queue = [] |
288 | return function (read) { |
289 | var mappedRead = through(function (end, cb) { |
290 | if (ended = end) return read(ended, cb) |
291 | if (queue.length) |
292 | return cb(null, queue.shift()) |
293 | read(null, function (end, data) { |
294 | if (end) return cb(end) |
295 | last = data |
296 | cb(null, data) |
297 | }) |
298 | }) |
299 | return function (end, cb) { |
300 | var tmp |
301 | if (ended) return cb(ended) |
302 | if (ended = end) return read(ended, cb) |
303 | if (first) |
304 | return read(null, function (end, data) { |
305 | if (ended = end) { |
306 | if (end === true && onEmpty) |
307 | return onEmpty(cb) |
308 | return cb(ended) |
309 | } |
310 | first = false |
311 | last = data |
312 | queue.push(data) |
313 | if (onFirst) |
314 | onFirst(data, cb) |
315 | else |
316 | mappedRead(null, cb) |
317 | }) |
318 | mappedRead(null, function (end, data) { |
319 | if (ended = end) { |
320 | if (end === true && last) |
321 | return onLast(last, cb) |
322 | } |
323 | cb(end, data) |
324 | }) |
325 | } |
326 | } |
327 | } |
328 | |
329 | function readObjectString(obj, cb) { |
330 | pull(, pull.collect(function (err, bufs) { |
331 | if (err) return cb(err) |
332 | cb(null, Buffer.concat(bufs, obj.length).toString('utf8')) |
333 | })) |
334 | } |
335 | |
336 | function getRepoObjectString(repo, id, cb) { |
337 | if (!id) return cb(null, '') |
338 | repo.getObjectFromAny(id, function (err, obj) { |
339 | if (err) return cb(err) |
340 | readObjectString(obj, cb) |
341 | }) |
342 | } |
343 | |
344 | function compareMsgs(a, b) { |
345 | return (a.value.timestamp - b.value.timestamp) || (a.key - b.key) |
346 | } |
347 | |
348 | function pullSort(comparator) { |
349 | return function (read) { |
350 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
351 | pull(read, pull.collect(function (err, items) { |
352 | if (err) return cb(err) |
353 | items.sort(comparator) |
354 | cb(null, pull.values(items)) |
355 | })) |
356 | }) |
357 | } |
358 | } |
359 | |
360 | function sortMsgs() { |
361 | return pullSort(compareMsgs) |
362 | } |
363 | |
364 | function pullReverse() { |
365 | return function (read) { |
366 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
367 | pull(read, pull.collect(function (err, items) { |
368 | cb(err, items && pull.values(items.reverse())) |
369 | })) |
370 | }) |
371 | } |
372 | } |
373 | |
374 | function tryDecodeURIComponent(str) { |
375 | if (!str || (str[0] == '%' && ref.isBlobId(str))) |
376 | return str |
377 | try { |
378 | str = decodeURIComponent(str) |
379 | } finally { |
380 | return str |
381 | } |
382 | } |
383 | |
384 | function getMention(msg, id) { |
385 | if (msg.key == id) return msg |
386 | var mentions = msg.value.content.mentions |
387 | if (mentions) for (var i = 0; i < mentions.length; i++) { |
388 | var mention = mentions[i] |
389 | if ( == id) |
390 | return mention |
391 | } |
392 | return null |
393 | } |
394 | |
395 | var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty |
396 | |
397 | function getContentType(filename) { |
398 | var ext = getExtension(filename) |
399 | return contentTypes[ext] || imgMimes[ext] || 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' |
400 | } |
401 | |
402 | var contentTypes = { |
403 | css: 'text/css' |
404 | } |
405 | |
406 | function readReqForm(req, cb) { |
407 | pull( |
408 | toPull(req), |
409 | pull.collect(function (err, bufs) { |
410 | if (err) return cb(err) |
411 | var data |
412 | try { |
413 | data = qs.parse(Buffer.concat(bufs).toString('ascii')) |
414 | } catch(e) { |
415 | return cb(e) |
416 | } |
417 | cb(null, data) |
418 | }) |
419 | ) |
420 | } |
421 | |
422 | var issueCommentScript = '(' + function () { |
423 | var $ = document.getElementById.bind(document) |
424 | $('tab-links').style.display = 'block' |
425 | $('preview-tab-link').onclick = function (e) { |
426 | with (new XMLHttpRequest()) { |
427 | open('POST', '', true) |
428 | onload = function() { |
429 | $('preview-tab').innerHTML = responseText |
430 | } |
431 | send('action=markdown' + |
432 | '&repo=' + encodeURIComponent($('repo-id').value) + |
433 | '&text=' + encodeURIComponent($('post-text').value)) |
434 | } |
435 | } |
436 | }.toString() + ')()' |
437 | |
438 | var msgTypes = { |
439 | 'git-repo': true, |
440 | 'git-update': true, |
441 | 'issue': true, |
442 | 'pull-request': true |
443 | } |
444 | |
445 | var imgMimes = { |
446 | png: 'image/png', |
447 | jpeg: 'image/jpeg', |
448 | jpg: 'image/jpeg', |
449 | gif: 'image/gif', |
450 | tif: 'image/tiff', |
451 | svg: 'image/svg+xml', |
452 | bmp: 'image/bmp' |
453 | } |
454 | |
455 | var _httpServer |
456 | |
457 | module.exports = { |
458 | name: 'git-ssb-web', |
459 | version: require('./package').version, |
460 | manifest: {}, |
461 | init: function (ssb, config, reconnect) { |
462 | // close existing server. when scuttlebot plugins get a deinit method, we |
463 | // will close it in that instead it |
464 | if (_httpServer) |
465 | _httpServer.close() |
466 | |
467 | var web = new GitSSBWeb(ssb, config, reconnect) |
468 | _httpSserver = web.httpServer |
469 | |
470 | return {} |
471 | } |
472 | } |
473 | |
474 | function GitSSBWeb(ssb, config, reconnect) { |
475 | this.ssb = ssb |
476 | this.config = config |
477 | this.reconnect = reconnect |
478 | |
479 | this.ssbAppname = config.appname || 'ssb' |
480 | this.isPublic = config.public |
481 | this.getVotes = ssbVotes(ssb) |
482 | this.getMsg = asyncMemo(ssb.get) |
483 | this.issues = Issues.init(ssb) |
484 | this.pullReqs = PullRequests.init(ssb) |
485 | this.getRepo = asyncMemo(function (id, cb) { |
486 | this.getMsg(id, function (err, msg) { |
487 | if (err) return cb(err) |
488 | ssbGit.getRepo(ssb, {key: id, value: msg}, {live: true}, cb) |
489 | }) |
490 | }) |
491 | |
492 | this.about = function (id, cb) { cb(null, {name: id}) } |
493 | ssb.whoami(function (err, feed) { |
494 | this.myId = |
495 | this.about = ssbAbout(ssb, this.myId) |
496 | }.bind(this)) |
497 | |
498 | var webConfig = config['git-ssb-web'] || {} |
499 | var addr = parseAddr(config.listenAddr, { |
500 | host: || 'localhost', |
501 | port: webConfig.port || 7718 |
502 | }) |
503 | this.listen(, addr.port) |
504 | } |
505 | |
506 | var G = GitSSBWeb.prototype |
507 | |
508 | G.listen = function (host, port) { |
509 | this.httpServer = http.createServer(G_onRequest.bind(this)) |
510 | this.httpServer.listen(port, host, function () { |
511 | var hostName = ~host.indexOf(':') ? '[' + host + ']' : host |
512 | console.log('Listening on http://' + hostName + ':' + port + '/') |
513 | }) |
514 | } |
515 | |
516 | G.getRepoName = function (ownerId, repoId, cb) { |
517 | this.about.getName({ |
518 | owner: ownerId, |
519 | target: repoId, |
520 | toString: function () { |
521 | // hack to fit two parameters into asyncmemo |
522 | return ownerId + '/' + repoId |
523 | } |
524 | }, cb) |
525 | } |
526 | |
527 | G.getRepoFullName = function (author, repoId, cb) { |
528 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
529 | this.getRepoName(author, repoId, done()) |
530 | this.about.getName(author, done()) |
531 | done(cb) |
532 | } |
533 | |
534 | G.addAuthorName = function () { |
535 | var about = this.about |
536 | return paramap(function (msg, cb) { |
537 | var author = msg && msg.value && |
538 | if (!author) return cb(null, msg) |
539 | about.getName(author, function (err, authorName) { |
540 | msg.authorName = authorName |
541 | cb(err, msg) |
542 | }) |
543 | }, 8) |
544 | } |
545 | |
546 | /* Serving a request */ |
547 | |
548 | function serve(req, res) { |
549 | return pull( |
550 | pull.filter(function (data) { |
551 | if (Array.isArray(data)) { |
552 | res.writeHead.apply(res, data) |
553 | return false |
554 | } |
555 | return true |
556 | }), |
557 | toPull(res) |
558 | ) |
559 | } |
560 | |
561 | function G_onRequest(req, res) { |
562 | console.log(req.method, req.url) |
563 | req._u = url.parse(req.url, true) |
564 | var locale = req._u.query.locale || |
565 | (/locale=([^;]*)/.exec(req.headers.cookie) || [])[1] |
566 | var reqLocales = req.headers['accept-language'] |
567 | i18n.pickCatalog(reqLocales, locale, function (err, t) { |
568 | if (err) return pull(this.serveError(req, err, 500), serve(req, res)) |
569 | req._t = t |
570 | req._locale = t.locale |
571 | pull(this.handleRequest(req), serve(req, res)) |
572 | }.bind(this)) |
573 | } |
574 | |
575 | G.handleRequest = function (req) { |
576 | var path = req._u.pathname.slice(1) |
577 | var dirs = ref.isLink(path) ? [path] : |
578 | path.split(/\/+/).map(tryDecodeURIComponent) |
579 | var dir = dirs[0] |
580 | |
581 | if (req.method == 'POST') |
582 | return this.handlePOST(req, dir) |
583 | |
584 | if (dir == '') |
585 | return this.serveIndex(req) |
586 | else if (dir == 'search') |
587 | return this.serveSearch(req) |
588 | else if (ref.isBlobId(dir)) |
589 | return this.serveBlob(req, dir) |
590 | else if (ref.isMsgId(dir)) |
591 | return this.serveMessage(req, dir, dirs.slice(1)) |
592 | else if (ref.isFeedId(dir)) |
593 | return this.serveUserPage(req, dir, dirs.slice(1)) |
594 | else if (dir == 'static') |
595 | return this.serveFile(req, dirs) |
596 | else if (dir == 'highlight') |
597 | return this.serveFile(req, [hlCssPath].concat(dirs.slice(1)), true) |
598 | else |
599 | return this.serve404(req) |
600 | } |
601 | |
602 | G.handlePOST = function (req, dir) { |
603 | var self = this |
604 | if (self.isPublic) |
605 | return self.serveBuffer(405, req._t('error.POSTNotAllowed')) |
606 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
607 | readReqForm(req, function (err, data) { |
608 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err, 400)) |
609 | if (!data) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
610 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingData')), 400)) |
611 | |
612 | switch (data.action) { |
613 | case 'fork-prompt': |
614 | return cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, |
615 | encodeLink([, 'fork']))) |
616 | |
617 | case 'fork': |
618 | if (! |
619 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
620 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingId')), 400)) |
621 | return ssbGit.createRepo(self.ssb, {upstream:}, |
622 | function (err, repo) { |
623 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
624 | cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, encodeLink( |
625 | }) |
626 | |
627 | case 'vote': |
628 | var voteValue = +data.value || 0 |
629 | if (! |
630 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
631 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingId')), 400)) |
632 | var msg =, voteValue) |
633 | return self.ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { |
634 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
635 | cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, req.url)) |
636 | }) |
637 | |
638 | case 'repo-name': |
639 | if (! |
640 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
641 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingId')), 400)) |
642 | if (! |
643 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
644 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingName')), 400)) |
645 | var msg =, |
646 | return self.ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { |
647 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
648 | cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, req.url)) |
649 | }) |
650 | |
651 | case 'issue-title': |
652 | if (! |
653 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
654 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingId')), 400)) |
655 | if (! |
656 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
657 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingName')), 400)) |
658 | var msg = Issues.schemas.edit(, {title:}) |
659 | return self.ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { |
660 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
661 | cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, req.url)) |
662 | }) |
663 | |
664 | case 'comment': |
665 | if (! |
666 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, |
667 | new ParamError(req._t('error.MissingId')), 400)) |
668 | var msg =,, data.branch || |
669 | msg.issue = data.issue |
670 | msg.repo = data.repo |
671 | if ( != null) |
672 | Issues.schemas.reopens(msg, |
673 | if (data.close != null) |
674 | Issues.schemas.closes(msg, |
675 | var mentions = Mentions(data.text) |
676 | if (mentions.length) |
677 | msg.mentions = mentions |
678 | return self.ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { |
679 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
680 | cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, req.url)) |
681 | }) |
682 | |
683 | case 'new-issue': |
684 | var msg =, data.title, data.text) |
685 | var mentions = Mentions(data.text) |
686 | if (mentions.length) |
687 | msg.mentions = mentions |
688 | return self.ssb.publish(msg, function (err, msg) { |
689 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
690 | cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, encodeLink(msg.key))) |
691 | }) |
692 | |
693 | case 'new-pull': |
694 | var msg =, data.branch, |
695 | data.head_repo, data.head_branch, data.title, data.text) |
696 | var mentions = Mentions(data.text) |
697 | if (mentions.length) |
698 | msg.mentions = mentions |
699 | return self.ssb.publish(msg, function (err, msg) { |
700 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
701 | cb(null, self.serveRedirect(req, encodeLink(msg.key))) |
702 | }) |
703 | |
704 | case 'markdown': |
705 | return cb(null, self.serveMarkdown(data.text, {id: data.repo})) |
706 | |
707 | default: |
708 | cb(null, self.serveBuffer(400, req._t('error.UnknownAction', data))) |
709 | } |
710 | }) |
711 | }) |
712 | } |
713 | |
714 | G.serveFile = function (req, dirs, outside) { |
715 | var filename = path.resolve.apply(path, [__dirname].concat(dirs)) |
716 | // prevent escaping base dir |
717 | if (!outside && filename.indexOf('../') === 0) |
718 | return this.serveBuffer(403, req._t("error.403Forbidden")) |
719 | |
720 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
721 | fs.stat(filename, function (err, stats) { |
722 | cb(null, err ? |
723 | err.code == 'ENOENT' ? this.serve404(req) |
724 | : this.serveBuffer(500, err.message) |
725 | : 'if-modified-since' in req.headers && |
726 | new Date(req.headers['if-modified-since']) >= stats.mtime ? |
727 | pull.once([304]) |
728 | : stats.isDirectory() ? |
729 | this.serveBuffer(403, req._t('error.DirectoryNotListable')) |
730 | : cat([ |
731 | pull.once([200, { |
732 | 'Content-Type': getContentType(filename), |
733 | 'Content-Length': stats.size, |
734 | 'Last-Modified': stats.mtime.toGMTString() |
735 | }]), |
736 | toPull(fs.createReadStream(filename)) |
737 | ])) |
738 | }.bind(this)) |
739 | }.bind(this)) |
740 | } |
741 | |
742 | G.serveBuffer = function (code, buf, contentType, headers) { |
743 | headers = headers || {} |
744 | headers['Content-Type'] = contentType || 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' |
745 | headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(buf) |
746 | return pull.values([ |
747 | [code, headers], |
748 | buf |
749 | ]) |
750 | } |
751 | |
752 | G.serve404 = function (req) { |
753 | return this.serveBuffer(404, req._t("error.404NotFound")) |
754 | } |
755 | |
756 | G.serveRedirect = function (req, path) { |
757 | return this.serveBuffer(302, |
758 | '<!doctype><html><head>' + |
759 | '<title>' + req._t('Redirect') + '</title></head><body>' + |
760 | '<p><a href="' + escapeHTML(path) + '">' + |
761 | req._t('Continue') + '</a></p>' + |
762 | '</body></html>', 'text/html; charset=utf-8', {Location: path}) |
763 | } |
764 | |
765 | G.serveMarkdown = function (text, repo) { |
766 | return this.serveBuffer(200, markdown(text, repo), |
767 | 'text/html; charset=utf-8') |
768 | } |
769 | |
770 | function renderError(err, tag) { |
771 | tag = tag || 'h3' |
772 | return '<' + tag + '>' + + '</' + tag + '>' + |
773 | '<pre>' + escapeHTML(err.stack) + '</pre>' |
774 | } |
775 | |
776 | function renderTry(read) { |
777 | var ended |
778 | return function (end, cb) { |
779 | if (ended) return cb(ended) |
780 | read(end, function (err, data) { |
781 | if (err === true) |
782 | cb(true) |
783 | else if (err) { |
784 | ended = true |
785 | cb(null, renderError(err, 'h3')) |
786 | } else |
787 | cb(null, data) |
788 | }) |
789 | } |
790 | } |
791 | |
792 | G.serveTemplate = function (req, title, code, read) { |
793 | if (read === undefined) |
794 | return this.serveTemplate.bind(this, req, title, code) |
795 | var q = req._u.query.q && escapeHTML(req._u.query.q) || '' |
796 | var app = 'git ssb' |
797 | var appName = this.ssbAppname |
798 | if (req._t) app = req._t(app) |
799 | return cat([ |
800 | pull.values([ |
801 | [code || 200, { |
802 | 'Content-Type': 'text/html' |
803 | }], |
804 | '<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset=utf-8>', |
805 | '<title>' + (title || app) + '</title>', |
806 | '<link rel=stylesheet href="/static/styles.css"/>', |
807 | '<link rel=stylesheet href="/highlight/github.css"/>', |
808 | '</head>\n', |
809 | '<body>', |
810 | '<header><form action="/search" method="get">' + |
811 | '<h1><a href="/">' + app + '' + |
812 | (appName != 'ssb' ? ' <sub>' + appName + '</sub>' : '') + |
813 | '</a> ' + |
814 | '<input class="search-bar" name="q" size="60"' + |
815 | ' placeholder="🔍" value="' + q + '" />' + |
816 | '</h1>', |
817 | '</form></header>', |
818 | '<article>']), |
819 | renderTry(read), |
820 | pull.once('<hr/></article></body></html>') |
821 | ]) |
822 | } |
823 | |
824 | G.serveError = function (req, err, status) { |
825 | if (err.message == 'stream is closed') |
826 | this.reconnect && this.reconnect() |
827 | return pull( |
828 | pull.once(renderError(err, 'h2')), |
829 | this.serveTemplate(req,, status || 500) |
830 | ) |
831 | } |
832 | |
833 | function renderObjectData(obj, filename, repo, rev, path) { |
834 | var ext = getExtension(filename) |
835 | return readOnce(function (cb) { |
836 | readObjectString(obj, function (err, buf) { |
837 | buf = buf.toString('utf8') |
838 | if (err) return cb(err) |
839 | cb(null, (ext == 'md' || ext == 'markdown') |
840 | ? markdown(buf, {repo: repo, rev: rev, path: path}) |
841 | : renderCodeTable(buf, ext)) |
842 | }) |
843 | }) |
844 | } |
845 | |
846 | function renderCodeTable(buf, ext) { |
847 | return '<pre><table class="code">' + |
848 | highlight(buf, ext).split('\n').map(function (line, i) { |
849 | i++ |
850 | return '<tr id="L' + i + '">' + |
851 | '<td class="code-linenum">' + '<a href="#L' + i + '">' + i + '</td>' + |
852 | '<td class="code-text">' + line + '</td></tr>' |
853 | }).join('') + |
854 | '</table></pre>' |
855 | } |
856 | |
857 | /* Feed */ |
858 | |
859 | G.renderFeed = function (req, feedId, filter) { |
860 | var query = req._u.query |
861 | var opts = { |
862 | reverse: !query.forwards, |
863 | lt: && ||, |
864 | gt: ? : -Infinity, |
865 | id: feedId |
866 | } |
867 | return pull( |
868 | feedId ? this.ssb.createUserStream(opts) : this.ssb.createFeedStream(opts), |
869 | pull.filter(function (msg) { |
870 | var c = msg.value.content |
871 | return c.type in msgTypes |
872 | || (c.type == 'post' && c.repo && c.issue) |
873 | }), |
874 | typeof filter == 'function' ? filter(opts) : filter, |
875 | pull.take(20), |
876 | this.addAuthorName(), |
877 | query.forwards && pullReverse(), |
878 | paginate( |
879 | function (first, cb) { |
880 | if (! && ! return cb(null, '') |
881 | var gt = feedId ? first.value.sequence : first.value.timestamp + 1 |
882 | = gt |
883 | query.forwards = 1 |
884 | delete |
885 | cb(null, '<a href="?' + qs.stringify(query) + '">' + |
886 | req._t('Newer') + '</a>') |
887 | }, |
888 | paramap(this.renderFeedItem.bind(this, req), 8), |
889 | function (last, cb) { |
890 | = feedId ? last.value.sequence : last.value.timestamp - 1 |
891 | delete |
892 | delete query.forwards |
893 | cb(null, '<a href="?' + qs.stringify(query) + '">' + |
894 | req._t('Older') + '</a>') |
895 | }, |
896 | function (cb) { |
897 | if (query.forwards) { |
898 | delete |
899 | delete query.forwards |
900 | = + 1 |
901 | } else { |
902 | delete |
903 | = - 1 |
904 | query.forwards = 1 |
905 | } |
906 | cb(null, '<a href="?' + qs.stringify(query) + '">' + |
907 | req._t(query.forwards ? 'Older' : 'Newer') + '</a>') |
908 | } |
909 | ) |
910 | ) |
911 | } |
912 | |
913 | G.renderFeedItem = function (req, msg, cb) { |
914 | var self = this |
915 | var c = msg.value.content |
916 | var msgLink = link([msg.key], |
917 | new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toLocaleString(req._locale)) |
918 | var author = |
919 | var authorLink = link([], msg.authorName) |
920 | switch (c.type) { |
921 | case 'git-repo': |
922 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
923 | self.getRepoName(author, msg.key, done()) |
924 | if (c.upstream) { |
925 | return self.getMsg(c.upstream, function (err, upstreamMsg) { |
926 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
927 | self.getRepoName(, c.upstream, done()) |
928 | done(function (err, repoName, upstreamName) { |
929 | cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + msgLink + '<br>' + |
930 | req._t('Forked', { |
931 | name: authorLink, |
932 | upstream: link([c.upstream], upstreamName), |
933 | repo: link([msg.key], repoName) |
934 | }) + '</section>') |
935 | }) |
936 | }) |
937 | } else { |
938 | return done(function (err, repoName) { |
939 | if (err) return cb(err) |
940 | var repoLink = link([msg.key], repoName) |
941 | cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + msgLink + '<br>' + |
942 | req._t('CreatedRepo', { |
943 | name: authorLink, |
944 | repo: repoLink |
945 | }) + '</section>') |
946 | }) |
947 | } |
948 | case 'git-update': |
949 | return self.getRepoName(author, c.repo, function (err, repoName) { |
950 | if (err) return cb(err) |
951 | var repoLink = link([c.repo], repoName) |
952 | cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + msgLink + '<br>' + |
953 | req._t('Pushed', { |
954 | name: authorLink, |
955 | repo: repoLink |
956 | }) + '</section>') |
957 | }) |
958 | case 'issue': |
959 | case 'pull-request': |
960 | var issueLink = link([msg.key], c.title) |
961 | return self.getMsg(c.project, function (err, projectMsg) { |
962 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveRepoNotFound(req, c.repo, err)) |
963 | self.getRepoName(, c.project, |
964 | function (err, repoName) { |
965 | if (err) return cb(err) |
966 | var repoLink = link([c.project], repoName) |
967 | cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + msgLink + '<br>' + |
968 | req._t('OpenedIssue', { |
969 | name: authorLink, |
970 | type: req._t(c.type == 'pull-request' ? |
971 | 'pull request' : 'issue.'), |
972 | title: issueLink, |
973 | project: repoLink |
974 | }) + '</section>') |
975 | }) |
976 | }) |
977 | case 'about': |
978 | return cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + msgLink + '<br>' + |
979 | req._t('Named', { |
980 | author: authorLink, |
981 | target: '<tt>' + escapeHTML(c.about) + '</tt>', |
982 | name: link([c.about], |
983 | }) + '</section>') |
984 | case 'post': |
985 | return this.pullReqs.get(c.issue, function (err, pr) { |
986 | if (err) return cb(err) |
987 | var type = pr.msg.value.content.type == 'pull-request' ? |
988 | 'pull request' : 'issue.' |
989 | return cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + msgLink + '<br>' + |
990 | req._t('CommentedOn', { |
991 | author: authorLink, |
992 | target: req._t(type) + ' ' + link([], pr.title, true) |
993 | }) + |
994 | '<blockquote>' + markdown(c.text) + '</blockquote>' + |
995 | '</section>') |
996 | }) |
997 | default: |
998 | return cb(null, json(msg)) |
999 | } |
1000 | } |
1001 | |
1002 | /* Index */ |
1003 | |
1004 | G.serveIndex = function (req) { |
1005 | return this.serveTemplate(req)(this.renderFeed(req)) |
1006 | } |
1007 | |
1008 | G.serveUserPage = function (req, feedId, dirs) { |
1009 | switch (dirs[0]) { |
1010 | case undefined: |
1011 | case '': |
1012 | case 'activity': |
1013 | return this.serveUserActivity(req, feedId) |
1014 | case 'repos': |
1015 | return this.serveUserRepos(req, feedId) |
1016 | } |
1017 | } |
1018 | |
1019 | G.renderUserPage = function (req, feedId, page, titleTemplate, body) { |
1020 | var self = this |
1021 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
1022 | self.about.getName(feedId, function (err, name) { |
1023 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1024 | var title = titleTemplate ? titleTemplate |
1025 | .replace(/\%{name\}/g, escapeHTML(name)) |
1026 | : escapeHTML(name) |
1027 | cb(null, self.serveTemplate(req, title)(cat([ |
1028 | pull.once('<h2>' + link([feedId], name) + |
1029 | '<code class="user-id">' + feedId + '</code></h2>' + |
1030 | nav([ |
1031 | [[feedId], req._t('Activity'), 'activity'], |
1032 | [[feedId, 'repos'], req._t('Repos'), 'repos'] |
1033 | ], page)), |
1034 | body |
1035 | ]))) |
1036 | }) |
1037 | }) |
1038 | } |
1039 | |
1040 | G.serveUserActivity = function (req, feedId) { |
1041 | return this.renderUserPage(req, feedId, 'activity', null, |
1042 | this.renderFeed(req, feedId)) |
1043 | } |
1044 | |
1045 | G.serveUserRepos = function (req, feedId) { |
1046 | var self = this |
1047 | var title = req._t('UsersRepos', {name: '%{name}'}) |
1048 | return this.renderUserPage(req, feedId, 'repos', title, pull( |
1049 | cat([ |
1050 | self.ssb.messagesByType({ |
1051 | type: 'git-update', |
1052 | reverse: true |
1053 | }), |
1054 | self.ssb.messagesByType({ |
1055 | type: 'git-repo', |
1056 | reverse: true |
1057 | }) |
1058 | ]), |
1059 | pull.filter(function (msg) { |
1060 | return == feedId |
1061 | }), |
1062 | pull.unique(function (msg) { |
1063 | return msg.value.content.repo || msg.key |
1064 | }), |
1065 | pull.take(20), |
1066 | paramap(function (msg, cb) { |
1067 | var repoId = msg.value.content.repo || msg.key |
1068 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
1069 | self.getRepoName(feedId, repoId, done()) |
1070 | self.getVotes(repoId, done()) |
1071 | done(function (err, repoName, votes) { |
1072 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1073 | cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + |
1074 | '<span class="right-bar">' + |
1075 | '<i>✌</i> ' + |
1076 | link([repoId, 'digs'], votes.upvotes, true, |
1077 | ' title="' + req._t('Digs') + '"') + |
1078 | '</span>' + |
1079 | '<strong>' + link([repoId], repoName) + '</strong>' + |
1080 | '<div class="date-info">' + |
1081 | req._t(msg.value.content.type == 'git-update' ? |
1082 | 'UpdatedOnDate' : 'CreatedOnDate', |
1083 | { |
1084 | date: timestamp(msg.value.timestamp, req) |
1085 | }) + '</div>' + |
1086 | '</section>') |
1087 | }) |
1088 | }, 8) |
1089 | )) |
1090 | } |
1091 | |
1092 | /* Message */ |
1093 | |
1094 | G.serveMessage = function (req, id, path) { |
1095 | var self = this |
1096 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
1097 | self.ssb.get(id, function (err, msg) { |
1098 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1099 | var c = msg.content || {} |
1100 | switch (c.type) { |
1101 | case 'git-repo': |
1102 | return self.getRepo(id, function (err, repo) { |
1103 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1104 | cb(null, self.serveRepoPage(req, Repo(repo), path)) |
1105 | }) |
1106 | case 'git-update': |
1107 | return self.getRepo(c.repo, function (err, repo) { |
1108 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveRepoNotFound(req, c.repo, err)) |
1109 | cb(null, self.serveRepoUpdate(req, Repo(repo), id, msg, path)) |
1110 | }) |
1111 | case 'issue': |
1112 | return self.getRepo(c.project, function (err, repo) { |
1113 | if (err) return cb(null, |
1114 | self.serveRepoNotFound(req, c.project, err)) |
1115 | self.issues.get(id, function (err, issue) { |
1116 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1117 | cb(null, self.serveRepoIssue(req, Repo(repo), issue, path)) |
1118 | }) |
1119 | }) |
1120 | case 'pull-request': |
1121 | return self.getRepo(c.repo, function (err, repo) { |
1122 | if (err) return cb(null, |
1123 | self.serveRepoNotFound(req, c.project, err)) |
1124 | self.pullReqs.get(id, function (err, pr) { |
1125 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1126 | cb(null, self.serveRepoPullReq(req, Repo(repo), pr, path)) |
1127 | }) |
1128 | }) |
1129 | case 'issue-edit': |
1130 | if (ref.isMsgId(c.issue)) { |
1131 | return self.pullReqs.get(c.issue, function (err, issue) { |
1132 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1133 | var serve = issue.msg.value.content.type == 'pull-request' ? |
1134 | self.serveRepoPullReq : self.serveRepoIssue |
1135 | self.getRepo(issue.project, function (err, repo) { |
1136 | if (err) { |
1137 | if (!repo) return cb(null, |
1138 | self.serveRepoNotFound(req, c.repo, err)) |
1139 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1140 | } |
1141 | cb(null,, req, Repo(repo), issue, path, id)) |
1142 | }) |
1143 | }) |
1144 | } |
1145 | // fallthrough |
1146 | case 'post': |
1147 | if (ref.isMsgId(c.issue) && ref.isMsgId(c.repo)) { |
1148 | // comment on an issue |
1149 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
1150 | self.getRepo(c.repo, done()) |
1151 | self.pullReqs.get(c.issue, done()) |
1152 | return done(function (err, repo, issue) { |
1153 | if (err) { |
1154 | if (!repo) return cb(null, |
1155 | self.serveRepoNotFound(req, c.repo, err)) |
1156 | return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1157 | } |
1158 | var serve = issue.msg.value.content.type == 'pull-request' ? |
1159 | self.serveRepoPullReq : self.serveRepoIssue |
1160 | cb(null,, req, Repo(repo), issue, path, id)) |
1161 | }) |
1162 | } else if (ref.isMsgId(c.root)) { |
1163 | // comment on issue from patchwork? |
1164 | return self.getMsg(c.root, function (err, root) { |
1165 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1166 | var repoId = root.content.repo || root.content.project |
1167 | if (!ref.isMsgId(repoId)) |
1168 | return cb(null, self.serveGenericMessage(req, id, msg, path)) |
1169 | self.getRepo(repoId, function (err, repo) { |
1170 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1171 | switch (root.content && root.content.type) { |
1172 | case 'issue': |
1173 | return self.issues.get(c.root, function (err, issue) { |
1174 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1175 | return cb(null, |
1176 | self.serveRepoIssue(req, Repo(repo), issue, path, id)) |
1177 | }) |
1178 | case 'pull-request': |
1179 | return self.pullReqs.get(c.root, function (err, pr) { |
1180 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1181 | return cb(null, |
1182 | self.serveRepoPullReq(req, Repo(repo), pr, path, id)) |
1183 | }) |
1184 | } |
1185 | }) |
1186 | }) |
1187 | } |
1188 | // fallthrough |
1189 | default: |
1190 | if (ref.isMsgId(c.repo)) |
1191 | return self.getRepo(c.repo, function (err, repo) { |
1192 | if (err) return cb(null, |
1193 | self.serveRepoNotFound(req, c.repo, err)) |
1194 | cb(null, self.serveRepoSomething(req, Repo(repo), id, msg, path)) |
1195 | }) |
1196 | else |
1197 | return cb(null, self.serveGenericMessage(req, id, msg, path)) |
1198 | } |
1199 | }) |
1200 | }) |
1201 | } |
1202 | |
1203 | G.serveGenericMessage = function (req, id, msg, path) { |
1204 | return this.serveTemplate(req, id)(pull.once( |
1205 | '<section><h2>' + link([id]) + '</h2>' + |
1206 | json(msg) + |
1207 | '</section>')) |
1208 | } |
1209 | |
1210 | /* Repo */ |
1211 | |
1212 | G.serveRepoPage = function (req, repo, path) { |
1213 | var self = this |
1214 | var defaultBranch = 'master' |
1215 | var query = req._u.query |
1216 | |
1217 | if (query.rev != null) { |
1218 | // Allow navigating revs using GET query param. |
1219 | // Replace the branch in the path with the rev query value |
1220 | path[0] = path[0] || 'tree' |
1221 | path[1] = query.rev |
1222 | req._u.pathname = encodeLink([].concat(path)) |
1223 | delete req._u.query.rev |
1224 | delete |
1225 | return self.serveRedirect(req, url.format(req._u)) |
1226 | } |
1227 | |
1228 | // get branch |
1229 | return path[1] ? |
1230 |, req, repo, path) : |
1231 | readNext(function (cb) { |
1232 | // TODO: handle this in pull-git-repo or ssb-git-repo |
1233 | repo.getSymRef('HEAD', true, function (err, ref) { |
1234 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1235 | repo.resolveRef(ref, function (err, rev) { |
1236 | path[1] = rev ? ref : null |
1237 | cb(null,, req, repo, path)) |
1238 | }) |
1239 | }) |
1240 | }) |
1241 | } |
1242 | |
1243 | function G_serveRepoPage2(req, repo, path) { |
1244 | var branch = path[1] |
1245 | var filePath = path.slice(2) |
1246 | switch (path[0]) { |
1247 | case undefined: |
1248 | case '': |
1249 | return this.serveRepoTree(req, repo, branch, []) |
1250 | case 'activity': |
1251 | return this.serveRepoActivity(req, repo, branch) |
1252 | case 'commits': |
1253 | return this.serveRepoCommits(req, repo, branch) |
1254 | case 'commit': |
1255 | return this.serveRepoCommit(req, repo, path[1]) |
1256 | case 'tag': |
1257 | return this.serveRepoTag(req, repo, branch) |
1258 | case 'tree': |
1259 | return this.serveRepoTree(req, repo, branch, filePath) |
1260 | case 'blob': |
1261 | return this.serveRepoBlob(req, repo, branch, filePath) |
1262 | case 'raw': |
1263 | return this.serveRepoRaw(req, repo, branch, filePath) |
1264 | case 'digs': |
1265 | return this.serveRepoDigs(req, repo) |
1266 | case 'fork': |
1267 | return this.serveRepoForkPrompt(req, repo) |
1268 | case 'forks': |
1269 | return this.serveRepoForks(req, repo) |
1270 | case 'issues': |
1271 | switch (path[1]) { |
1272 | case 'new': |
1273 | if (filePath.length == 0) |
1274 | return this.serveRepoNewIssue(req, repo) |
1275 | break |
1276 | default: |
1277 | return this.serveRepoIssues(req, repo, false) |
1278 | } |
1279 | case 'pulls': |
1280 | return this.serveRepoIssues(req, repo, true) |
1281 | case 'compare': |
1282 | return this.serveRepoCompare(req, repo) |
1283 | case 'comparing': |
1284 | return this.serveRepoComparing(req, repo) |
1285 | default: |
1286 | return this.serve404(req) |
1287 | } |
1288 | } |
1289 | |
1290 | G.serveRepoNotFound = function (req, id, err) { |
1291 | return this.serveTemplate(req, req._t('error.RepoNotFound'), 404) |
1292 | (pull.values([ |
1293 | '<h2>' + req._t('error.RepoNotFound') + '</h2>', |
1294 | '<p>' + req._t('error.RepoNameNotFound') + '</p>', |
1295 | '<pre>' + escapeHTML(err.stack) + '</pre>' |
1296 | ])) |
1297 | } |
1298 | |
1299 | G.renderRepoPage = function (req, repo, page, branch, titleTemplate, body) { |
1300 | var self = this |
1301 | var gitUrl = 'ssb://' + |
1302 | var gitLink = '<input class="clone-url" readonly="readonly" ' + |
1303 | 'value="' + gitUrl + '" size="45" ' + |
1304 | 'onclick=""/>' |
1305 | var digsPath = [, 'digs'] |
1306 | |
1307 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
1308 | self.getRepoName(repo.feed,, done()) |
1309 | self.about.getName(repo.feed, done()) |
1310 | self.getVotes(, done()) |
1311 | |
1312 | if (repo.upstream) { |
1313 | self.getRepoName(repo.upstream.feed,, done()) |
1314 | self.about.getName(repo.upstream.feed, done()) |
1315 | } |
1316 | |
1317 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
1318 | done(function (err, repoName, authorName, votes, |
1319 | upstreamName, upstreamAuthorName) { |
1320 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
1321 | var upvoted = votes.upvoters[self.myId] > 0 |
1322 | var upstreamLink = !repo.upstream ? '' : |
1323 | link([repo.upstream]) |
1324 | var title = titleTemplate ? titleTemplate |
1325 | .replace(/%\{repo\}/g, repoName) |
1326 | .replace(/%\{author\}/g, authorName) |
1327 | : authorName + '/' + repoName |
1328 | var isPublic = self.isPublic |
1329 | cb(null, self.serveTemplate(req, title)(cat([ |
1330 | pull.once( |
1331 | '<div class="repo-title">' + |
1332 | '<form class="right-bar" action="" method="post">' + |
1333 | '<button class="btn" name="action" value="vote" ' + |
1334 | (isPublic ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ' type="submit"') + '>' + |
1335 | '<i>✌</i> ' + req._t(!isPublic && upvoted ? 'Undig' : 'Dig') + |
1336 | '</button>' + |
1337 | (isPublic ? '' : '<input type="hidden" name="value" value="' + |
1338 | (upvoted ? '0' : '1') + '">' + |
1339 | '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' + |
1340 | escapeHTML( + '">') + ' ' + |
1341 | '<strong>' + link(digsPath, votes.upvotes) + '</strong> ' + |
1342 | (isPublic ? '' : '<button class="btn" type="submit" ' + |
1343 | ' name="action" value="fork-prompt">' + |
1344 | '<i>⑂</i> ' + req._t('Fork') + |
1345 | '</button>') + ' ' + |
1346 | link([, 'forks'], '+', false, ' title="' + |
1347 | req._t('Forks') + '"') + |
1348 | '</form>' + |
1349 | renderNameForm(req, !isPublic,, repoName, 'repo-name', |
1350 | null, req._t('repo.Rename'), |
1351 | '<h2 class="bgslash">' + link([repo.feed], authorName) + ' / ' + |
1352 | link([], repoName) + '</h2>') + |
1353 | '</div>' + |
1354 | (repo.upstream ? '<small class="bgslash">' + req._t('ForkedFrom', { |
1355 | repo: link([repo.upstream.feed], upstreamAuthorName) + '/' + |
1356 | link([], upstreamName) |
1357 | }) + '</small>' : '') + |
1358 | nav([ |
1359 | [[], req._t('Code'), 'code'], |
1360 | [[, 'activity'], req._t('Activity'), 'activity'], |
1361 | [[, 'commits', branch||''], req._t('Commits'), 'commits'], |
1362 | [[, 'issues'], req._t('Issues'), 'issues'], |
1363 | [[, 'pulls'], req._t('PullRequests'), 'pulls'] |
1364 | ], page, gitLink)), |
1365 | body |
1366 | ]))) |
1367 | }) |
1368 | }) |
1369 | } |
1370 | |
1371 | G.serveEmptyRepo = function (req, repo) { |
1372 | if (repo.feed != this.myId) |
1373 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'code', null, null, pull.once( |
1374 | '<section>' + |
1375 | '<h3>' + req._t('EmptyRepo') + '</h3>' + |
1376 | '</section>')) |
1377 | |
1378 | var gitUrl = 'ssb://' + |
1379 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'code', null, null, pull.once( |
1380 | '<section>' + |
1381 | '<h3>' + req._t('initRepo.GettingStarted') + '</h3>' + |
1382 | '<h4>' + req._t('initRepo.CreateNew') + '</h4><pre>' + |
1383 | 'touch ' + req._t('initRepo.README') + '.md\n' + |
1384 | 'git init\n' + |
1385 | 'git add ' + req._t('initRepo.README') + '.md\n' + |
1386 | 'git commit -m "' + req._t('initRepo.InitialCommit') + '"\n' + |
1387 | 'git remote add origin ' + gitUrl + '\n' + |
1388 | 'git push -u origin master</pre>\n' + |
1389 | '<h4>' + req._t('initRepo.PushExisting') + '</h4>\n' + |
1390 | '<pre>git remote add origin ' + gitUrl + '\n' + |
1391 | 'git push -u origin master</pre>' + |
1392 | '</section>')) |
1393 | } |
1394 | |
1395 | G.serveRepoTree = function (req, repo, rev, path) { |
1396 | if (!rev) return this.serveEmptyRepo(req, repo) |
1397 | var type = repo.isCommitHash(rev) ? 'Tree' : 'Branch' |
1398 | var title = (path.length ? path.join('/') + ' · ' : '') + |
1399 | '%{author}/%{repo}' + |
1400 | (repo.head == 'refs/heads/' + rev ? '' : '@' + rev) |
1401 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'code', rev, title, cat([ |
1402 | pull.once('<section><form action="" method="get">' + |
1403 | '<h3>' + req._t(type) + ': ' + rev + ' '), |
1404 | revMenu(req, repo, rev), |
1405 | pull.once('</h3></form>'), |
1406 | type == 'Branch' && renderRepoLatest(req, repo, rev), |
1407 | pull.once('</section><section>'), |
1408 | renderRepoTree(req, repo, rev, path), |
1409 | pull.once('</section>'), |
1410 | renderRepoReadme(req, repo, rev, path) |
1411 | ])) |
1412 | } |
1413 | |
1414 | /* Search */ |
1415 | |
1416 | G.serveSearch = function (req) { |
1417 | var self = this |
1418 | var q = String(req._u.query.q || '') |
1419 | if (!q) return this.serveIndex(req) |
1420 | var qId = q.replace(/^ssb:\/*/, '') |
1421 | if (ref.type(qId)) |
1422 | return this.serveRedirect(req, encodeURIComponent(qId)) |
1423 | |
1424 | var search = new RegExp(q, 'i') |
1425 | return this.serveTemplate(req, req._t('Search') + ' · ' + q, 200)( |
1426 | this.renderFeed(req, null, function (opts) { |
1427 | opts.type == 'about' |
1428 | return function (read) { |
1429 | return pull( |
1430 | many([ |
1431 | self.getRepoNames(opts), |
1432 | read |
1433 | ]), |
1434 | pull.filter(function (msg) { |
1435 | var c = msg.value.content |
1436 | return ( |
1437 | search.test(msg.key) || |
1438 | c.text && search.test(c.text) || |
1439 | && search.test( || |
1440 | c.title && search.test(c.title)) |
1441 | }) |
1442 | ) |
1443 | } |
1444 | }) |
1445 | ) |
1446 | } |
1447 | |
1448 | G.getRepoNames = function (opts) { |
1449 | return pull( |
1450 | this.ssb.messagesByType({ |
1451 | type: 'about', |
1452 | reverse: opts.reverse, |
1453 | lt:, |
1454 | gt:, |
1455 | }), |
1456 | pull.filter(function (msg) { |
1457 | return '%' == String(msg.value.content.about)[0] |
1458 | && |
1459 | }) |
1460 | ) |
1461 | } |
1462 | |
1463 | /* Repo activity */ |
1464 | |
1465 | G.serveRepoActivity = function (req, repo, branch) { |
1466 | var self = this |
1467 | var title = req._t('Activity') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
1468 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'activity', branch, title, cat([ |
1469 | pull.once('<h3>' + req._t('Activity') + '</h3>'), |
1470 | pull( |
1471 | self.ssb.links({ |
1472 | dest:, |
1473 | source: repo.feed, |
1474 | rel: 'repo', |
1475 | values: true, |
1476 | reverse: true |
1477 | }), |
1478 |, req, repo)) |
1479 | ), |
1480 | readOnce(function (cb) { |
1481 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
1482 | self.about.getName(repo.feed, done()) |
1483 | self.getMsg(, done()) |
1484 | done(function (err, authorName, msg) { |
1485 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1486 | self.renderFeedItem(req, { |
1487 | key:, |
1488 | value: msg, |
1489 | authorName: authorName |
1490 | }, cb) |
1491 | }) |
1492 | }) |
1493 | ])) |
1494 | } |
1495 | |
1496 | function renderRepoUpdate(req, repo, msg, full) { |
1497 | var c = msg.value.content |
1498 | |
1499 | if (c.type != 'git-update') { |
1500 | return '' |
1501 | // return renderFeedItem(msg, cb) |
1502 | // TODO: render post, issue, pull-request |
1503 | } |
1504 | |
1505 | var branches = [] |
1506 | var tags = [] |
1507 | if (c.refs) for (var name in c.refs) { |
1508 | var m = name.match(/^refs\/(heads|tags)\/(.*)$/) || [,, name] |
1509 | ;(m[1] == 'tags' ? tags : branches) |
1510 | .push({name: m[2], value: c.refs[name]}) |
1511 | } |
1512 | var numObjects = c.objects ? Object.keys(c.objects).length : 0 |
1513 | |
1514 | var dateStr = new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toLocaleString(req._locale) |
1515 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
1516 | link([msg.key], dateStr) + '<br>' + |
1517 | (update) { |
1518 | if (!update.value) { |
1519 | return '<s>' + escapeHTML( + '</s><br/>' |
1520 | } else { |
1521 | var commitLink = link([, 'commit', update.value]) |
1522 | var branchLink = link([, 'tree',]) |
1523 | return branchLink + ' → <tt>' + commitLink + '</tt><br/>' |
1524 | } |
1525 | }).join('') + |
1526 | (update) { |
1527 | return update.value |
1528 | ? link([, 'tag', update.value], |
1529 | : '<s>' + escapeHTML( + '</s>' |
1530 | }).join(', ') + |
1531 | '</section>' |
1532 | } |
1533 | |
1534 | /* Repo commits */ |
1535 | |
1536 | G.serveRepoCommits = function (req, repo, branch) { |
1537 | var query = req._u.query |
1538 | var title = req._t('Commits') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
1539 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'commits', branch, title, cat([ |
1540 | pull.once('<h3>' + req._t('Commits') + '</h3>'), |
1541 | pull( |
1542 | repo.readLog(query.start || branch), |
1543 | pull.take(20), |
1544 | paramap(repo.getCommitParsed.bind(repo), 8), |
1545 | paginate( |
1546 | !query.start ? '' : function (first, cb) { |
1547 | cb(null, '…') |
1548 | }, |
1549 |, req, repo)), |
1550 | function (commit, cb) { |
1551 | cb(null, commit.parents && commit.parents[0] ? |
1552 | '<a href="?start=' + + '">' + |
1553 | req._t('Older') + '</a>' : '') |
1554 | } |
1555 | ) |
1556 | ) |
1557 | ])) |
1558 | } |
1559 | |
1560 | function renderCommit(req, repo, commit) { |
1561 | var commitPath = [, 'commit',] |
1562 | var treePath = [, 'tree',] |
1563 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
1564 | '<strong>' + link(commitPath, commit.title) + '</strong><br>' + |
1565 | '<tt>' + + '</tt> ' + |
1566 | link(treePath, req._t('Tree')) + '<br>' + |
1567 | escapeHTML( + ' · ' + |
1568 | + |
1569 | (commit.separateAuthor ? '<br>' + req._t('CommittedOn', { |
1570 | name: escapeHTML(, |
1571 | date: |
1572 | }) : '') + |
1573 | '</section>' |
1574 | } |
1575 | |
1576 | /* Branch menu */ |
1577 | |
1578 | function formatRevOptions(currentName) { |
1579 | return function (name) { |
1580 | var htmlName = escapeHTML(name) |
1581 | return '<option value="' + htmlName + '"' + |
1582 | (name == currentName ? ' selected="selected"' : '') + |
1583 | '>' + htmlName + '</option>' |
1584 | } |
1585 | } |
1586 | |
1587 | function formatRevType(req, type) { |
1588 | return ( |
1589 | type == 'heads' ? req._t('Branches') : |
1590 | type == 'tags' ? req._t('Tags') : |
1591 | type) |
1592 | } |
1593 | |
1594 | function revMenu(req, repo, currentName) { |
1595 | return readOnce(function (cb) { |
1596 | repo.getRefNames(function (err, refs) { |
1597 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1598 | cb(null, '<select name="rev" onchange="this.form.submit()">' + |
1599 | Object.keys(refs).map(function (group) { |
1600 | return '<optgroup label="' + formatRevType(req, group) + '">' + |
1601 | refs[group].map(formatRevOptions(currentName)).join('') + |
1602 | '</optgroup>' |
1603 | }).join('') + |
1604 | '</select><noscript> ' + |
1605 | '<input type="submit" value="' + req._t('Go') + '"/></noscript>') |
1606 | }) |
1607 | }) |
1608 | } |
1609 | |
1610 | function branchMenu(repo, name, currentName) { |
1611 | return cat([ |
1612 | pull.once('<select name="' + name + '">'), |
1613 | pull( |
1614 | repo.refs(), |
1615 | (ref) { |
1616 | var m =^refs\/([^\/]*)\/(.*)$/) || [,,] |
1617 | return m[1] == 'heads' && m[2] |
1618 | }), |
1619 | pull.filter(Boolean), |
1620 | pullSort(), |
1621 | |
1622 | ), |
1623 | pull.once('</select>') |
1624 | ]) |
1625 | } |
1626 | |
1627 | /* Repo tree */ |
1628 | |
1629 | function renderRepoLatest(req, repo, rev) { |
1630 | return readOnce(function (cb) { |
1631 | repo.getCommitParsed(rev, function (err, commit) { |
1632 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1633 | var commitPath = [, 'commit',] |
1634 | cb(null, |
1635 | req._t('Latest') + ': ' + |
1636 | '<strong>' + link(commitPath, commit.title) + '</strong><br/>' + |
1637 | '<tt>' + + '</tt><br/> ' + |
1638 | req._t('CommittedOn', { |
1639 | name: escapeHTML(, |
1640 | date: |
1641 | }) + |
1642 | (commit.separateAuthor ? '<br/>' + req._t('AuthoredOn', { |
1643 | name: escapeHTML(, |
1644 | date: |
1645 | }) : '')) |
1646 | }) |
1647 | }) |
1648 | } |
1649 | |
1650 | // breadcrumbs |
1651 | function linkPath(basePath, path) { |
1652 | path = path.slice() |
1653 | var last = path.pop() |
1654 | return (dir, i) { |
1655 | return link(basePath.concat(path.slice(0, i+1)), dir) |
1656 | }).concat(last).join(' / ') |
1657 | } |
1658 | |
1659 | function renderRepoTree(req, repo, rev, path) { |
1660 | var pathLinks = path.length === 0 ? '' : |
1661 | ': ' + linkPath([, 'tree'], [rev].concat(path)) |
1662 | return cat([ |
1663 | pull.once('<h3>' + req._t('Files') + pathLinks + '</h3>'), |
1664 | pull( |
1665 | repo.readDir(rev, path), |
1666 | (file) { |
1667 | var type = (file.mode === 040000) ? 'tree' : |
1668 | (file.mode === 0160000) ? 'commit' : 'blob' |
1669 | if (type == 'commit') |
1670 | return [ |
1671 | '<span title="' + req._t('gitCommitLink') + '">🖈</span>', |
1672 | '<span title="' + escapeHTML( + '">' + |
1673 | escapeHTML( + '</span>'] |
1674 | var filePath = [, type, rev].concat(path, |
1675 | return ['<i>' + (type == 'tree' ? '📁' : '📄') + '</i>', |
1676 | link(filePath,] |
1677 | }), |
1678 | table('class="files"') |
1679 | ) |
1680 | ]) |
1681 | } |
1682 | |
1683 | /* Repo readme */ |
1684 | |
1685 | function renderRepoReadme(req, repo, branch, path) { |
1686 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
1687 | pull( |
1688 | repo.readDir(branch, path), |
1689 | pull.filter(function (file) { |
1690 | return /readme(\.|$)/i.test( |
1691 | }), |
1692 | pull.take(1), |
1693 | pull.collect(function (err, files) { |
1694 | if (err) return cb(null, pull.empty()) |
1695 | var file = files[0] |
1696 | if (!file) |
1697 | return cb(null, pull.once(path.length ? '' : |
1698 | '<p>' + req._t('NoReadme') + '</p>')) |
1699 | repo.getObjectFromAny(, function (err, obj) { |
1700 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1701 | cb(null, cat([ |
1702 | pull.once('<section><h4><a name="readme">' + |
1703 | escapeHTML( + '</a></h4><hr/>'), |
1704 | renderObjectData(obj,, repo, branch, path), |
1705 | pull.once('</section>') |
1706 | ])) |
1707 | }) |
1708 | }) |
1709 | ) |
1710 | }) |
1711 | } |
1712 | |
1713 | /* Repo commit */ |
1714 | |
1715 | G.serveRepoCommit = function (req, repo, rev) { |
1716 | var self = this |
1717 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
1718 | repo.getCommitParsed(rev, function (err, commit) { |
1719 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1720 | var commitPath = [, 'commit',] |
1721 | var treePath = [, 'tree',] |
1722 | var title = escapeHTML(commit.title) + ' · ' + |
1723 | '%{author}/%{repo}@' +, 8) |
1724 | cb(null, self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, null, rev, title, cat([ |
1725 | pull.once( |
1726 | '<h3>' + link(commitPath, |
1727 | req._t('CommitRev', {rev: rev})) + '</h3>' + |
1728 | '<section class="collapse">' + |
1729 | '<div class="right-bar">' + |
1730 | link(treePath, req._t('BrowseFiles')) + |
1731 | '</div>' + |
1732 | '<h4>' + linkify(escapeHTML(commit.title)) + '</h4>' + |
1733 | (commit.body ? linkify(pre(commit.body)) : '') + |
1734 | (commit.separateAuthor ? req._t('AuthoredOn', { |
1735 | name: escapeHTML(, |
1736 | date: |
1737 | }) + '<br/>' : '') + |
1738 | req._t('CommittedOn', { |
1739 | name: escapeHTML(, |
1740 | date: |
1741 | }) + '<br/>' + |
1742 | (id) { |
1743 | return req._t('Parent') + ': ' + |
1744 | link([, 'commit', id], id) |
1745 | }).join('<br>') + |
1746 | '</section>' + |
1747 | '<section><h3>' + req._t('FilesChanged') + '</h3>'), |
1748 | // TODO: show diff from all parents (merge commits) |
1749 | renderDiffStat(req, [repo, repo], [commit.parents[0],]), |
1750 | pull.once('</section>') |
1751 | ]))) |
1752 | }) |
1753 | }) |
1754 | } |
1755 | |
1756 | /* Repo tag */ |
1757 | |
1758 | G.serveRepoTag = function (req, repo, rev) { |
1759 | var self = this |
1760 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
1761 | repo.getTagParsed(rev, function (err, tag) { |
1762 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1763 | var title = req._t('TagName', { |
1764 | tag: escapeHTML(tag.tag) |
1765 | }) + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
1766 | var body = (tag.title + '\n\n' + |
1767 | tag.body.replace(/-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n[^.]*?\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\s*$/, '')).trim() |
1768 | cb(null, self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'tags', tag.object, title, |
1769 | pull.once( |
1770 | '<section class="collapse">' + |
1771 | '<h3>' + link([, 'tag', rev], tag.tag) + '</h3>' + |
1772 | req._t('TaggedOn', { |
1773 | name: escapeHTML(, |
1774 | date: |
1775 | }) + '<br/>' + |
1776 | link([, tag.type, tag.object]) + |
1777 | linkify(pre(body)) + |
1778 | '</section>'))) |
1779 | }) |
1780 | }) |
1781 | } |
1782 | |
1783 | |
1784 | /* Diff stat */ |
1785 | |
1786 | function renderDiffStat(req, repos, treeIds) { |
1787 | if (treeIds.length == 0) treeIds = [null] |
1788 | var id = treeIds[0] |
1789 | var lastI = treeIds.length - 1 |
1790 | var oldTree = treeIds[0] |
1791 | var changedFiles = [] |
1792 | return cat([ |
1793 | pull( |
1794 | Repo.diffTrees(repos, treeIds, true), |
1795 | (item) { |
1796 | var filename = escapeHTML(item.filename = item.path.join('/')) |
1797 | var oldId = &&[0] |
1798 | var newId = &&[lastI] |
1799 | var oldMode = item.mode && item.mode[0] |
1800 | var newMode = item.mode && item.mode[lastI] |
1801 | var action = |
1802 | !oldId && newId ? req._t('action.added') : |
1803 | oldId && !newId ? req._t('action.deleted') : |
1804 | oldMode != newMode ? req._t('action.changedMode', { |
1805 | old: oldMode.toString(8), |
1806 | new: newMode.toString(8) |
1807 | }) : req._t('changed') |
1808 | if ( |
1809 | changedFiles.push(item) |
1810 | var blobsPath =[1] |
1811 | ? [repos[1].id, 'blob', treeIds[1]] |
1812 | : [repos[0].id, 'blob', treeIds[0]] |
1813 | var rawsPath =[1] |
1814 | ? [repos[1].id, 'raw', treeIds[1]] |
1815 | : [repos[0].id, 'raw', treeIds[0]] |
1816 | item.blobPath = blobsPath.concat(item.path) |
1817 | item.rawPath = rawsPath.concat(item.path) |
1818 | var fileHref = ? |
1819 | '#' + encodeURIComponent(item.path.join('/')) : |
1820 | encodeLink(item.blobPath) |
1821 | return ['<a href="' + fileHref + '">' + filename + '</a>', action] |
1822 | }), |
1823 | table() |
1824 | ), |
1825 | pull( |
1826 | pull.values(changedFiles), |
1827 | paramap(function (item, cb) { |
1828 | var extension = getExtension(item.filename) |
1829 | if (extension in imgMimes) { |
1830 | var filename = escapeHTML(item.filename) |
1831 | return cb(null, |
1832 | '<pre><table class="code">' + |
1833 | '<tr><th id="' + escapeHTML(item.filename) + '">' + |
1834 | filename + '</th></tr>' + |
1835 | '<tr><td><img src="' + encodeLink(item.rawPath) + '"' + |
1836 | ' alt="' + filename + '"/></td></tr>' + |
1837 | '</table></pre>') |
1838 | } |
1839 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
1840 | getRepoObjectString(repos[0],[0], done()) |
1841 | getRepoObjectString(repos[1],[lastI], done()) |
1842 | done(function (err, strOld, strNew) { |
1843 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1844 | cb(null, htmlLineDiff(req, item.filename, item.filename, |
1845 | strOld, strNew, |
1846 | encodeLink(item.blobPath))) |
1847 | }) |
1848 | }, 4) |
1849 | ) |
1850 | ]) |
1851 | } |
1852 | |
1853 | function htmlLineDiff(req, filename, anchor, oldStr, newStr, blobHref) { |
1854 | var diff = JsDiff.structuredPatch('', '', oldStr, newStr) |
1855 | var groups = (hunk) { |
1856 | var oldLine = hunk.oldStart |
1857 | var newLine = hunk.newStart |
1858 | var header = '<tr class="diff-hunk-header"><td colspan=2></td><td>' + |
1859 | '@@ -' + oldLine + ',' + hunk.oldLines + ' ' + |
1860 | '+' + newLine + ',' + hunk.newLines + ' @@' + |
1861 | '</td></tr>' |
1862 | return [header].concat( (line) { |
1863 | var s = line[0] |
1864 | if (s == '\\') return |
1865 | var html = highlight(line, getExtension(filename)) |
1866 | var trClass = s == '+' ? 'diff-new' : s == '-' ? 'diff-old' : '' |
1867 | var lineNums = [s == '+' ? '' : oldLine++, s == '-' ? '' : newLine++] |
1868 | var id = [filename].concat(lineNums).join('-') |
1869 | return '<tr id="' + escapeHTML(id) + '" class="' + trClass + '">' + |
1870 | (num) { |
1871 | return '<td class="code-linenum">' + |
1872 | (num ? '<a href="#' + encodeURIComponent(id) + '">' + |
1873 | num + '</a>' : '') + '</td>' |
1874 | }).join('') + |
1875 | '<td class="code-text">' + html + '</td></tr>' |
1876 | })) |
1877 | }) |
1878 | return '<pre><table class="code">' + |
1879 | '<tr><th colspan=3 id="' + escapeHTML(anchor) + '">' + filename + |
1880 | '<span class="right-bar">' + |
1881 | '<a href="' + blobHref + '">' + req._t('View') + '</a> ' + |
1882 | '</span></th></tr>' + |
1883 | [].concat.apply([], groups).join('') + |
1884 | '</table></pre>' |
1885 | } |
1886 | |
1887 | /* An unknown message linking to a repo */ |
1888 | |
1889 | G.serveRepoSomething = function (req, repo, id, msg, path) { |
1890 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, null, null, null, |
1891 | pull.once('<section><h3>' + link([id]) + '</h3>' + |
1892 | json(msg) + '</section>')) |
1893 | } |
1894 | |
1895 | /* Repo update */ |
1896 | |
1897 | function objsArr(objs) { |
1898 | return Array.isArray(objs) ? objs : |
1899 | Object.keys(objs).map(function (sha1) { |
1900 | var obj = Object.create(objs[sha1]) |
1901 | obj.sha1 = sha1 |
1902 | return obj |
1903 | }) |
1904 | } |
1905 | |
1906 | G.serveRepoUpdate = function (req, repo, id, msg, path) { |
1907 | var self = this |
1908 | var raw = req._u.query.raw != null |
1909 | var title = req._t('Update') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
1910 | |
1911 | if (raw) |
1912 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'activity', null, title, pull.once( |
1913 | '<a href="?" class="raw-link header-align">' + |
1914 | req._t('Info') + '</a>' + |
1915 | '<h3>' + req._t('Update') + '</h3>' + |
1916 | '<section class="collapse">' + |
1917 | json({key: id, value: msg}) + '</section>')) |
1918 | |
1919 | // convert packs to old single-object style |
1920 | if (msg.content.indexes) { |
1921 | for (var i = 0; i < msg.content.indexes.length; i++) { |
1922 | msg.content.packs[i] = { |
1923 | pack: {link: msg.content.packs[i].link}, |
1924 | idx: msg.content.indexes[i] |
1925 | } |
1926 | } |
1927 | } |
1928 | |
1929 | var commits = cat([ |
1930 | msg.content.objects && pull( |
1931 | pull.values(msg.content.objects), |
1932 | pull.filter(function (obj) { return obj.type == 'commit' }), |
1933 | paramap(function (obj, cb) { |
1934 | self.getBlob(req, || obj.key, function (err, readObject) { |
1935 | if (err) return cb(err) |
1936 | Repo.getCommitParsed({read: readObject}, cb) |
1937 | }) |
1938 | }, 8) |
1939 | ), |
1940 | msg.content.packs && pull( |
1941 | pull.values(msg.content.packs), |
1942 | paramap(function (pack, cb) { |
1943 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
1944 | self.getBlob(req,, done()) |
1945 | self.getBlob(req,, done()) |
1946 | done(function (err, readPack, readIdx) { |
1947 | if (err) return cb(renderError(err)) |
1948 | cb(null, gitPack.decodeWithIndex(repo, readPack, readIdx)) |
1949 | }) |
1950 | }, 4), |
1951 | pull.flatten(), |
1952 | pull.asyncMap(function (obj, cb) { |
1953 | if (obj.type == 'commit') |
1954 | Repo.getCommitParsed(obj, cb) |
1955 | else |
1956 | pull(, pull.drain(null, cb)) |
1957 | }), |
1958 | pull.filter() |
1959 | ) |
1960 | ]) |
1961 | |
1962 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'activity', null, title, cat([ |
1963 | pull.once('<a href="?raw" class="raw-link header-align">' + |
1964 | req._t('Data') + '</a>' + |
1965 | '<h3>' + req._t('Update') + '</h3>' + |
1966 | renderRepoUpdate(req, repo, {key: id, value: msg}, true)), |
1967 | (msg.content.objects || msg.content.packs) && |
1968 | pull.once('<h3>' + req._t('Commits') + '</h3>'), |
1969 | pull(commits, (commit) { |
1970 | return renderCommit(req, repo, commit) |
1971 | })) |
1972 | ])) |
1973 | } |
1974 | |
1975 | /* Blob */ |
1976 | |
1977 | G.serveRepoBlob = function (req, repo, rev, path) { |
1978 | var self = this |
1979 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
1980 | repo.getFile(rev, path, function (err, object) { |
1981 | if (err) return cb(null, self.serveBlobNotFound(req,, err)) |
1982 | var type = repo.isCommitHash(rev) ? 'Tree' : 'Branch' |
1983 | var pathLinks = path.length === 0 ? '' : |
1984 | ': ' + linkPath([, 'tree'], [rev].concat(path)) |
1985 | var rawFilePath = [, 'raw', rev].concat(path) |
1986 | var dirPath = path.slice(0, path.length-1) |
1987 | var filename = path[path.length-1] |
1988 | var extension = getExtension(filename) |
1989 | var title = (path.length ? path.join('/') + ' · ' : '') + |
1990 | '%{author}/%{repo}' + |
1991 | (repo.head == 'refs/heads/' + rev ? '' : '@' + rev) |
1992 | cb(null, self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'code', rev, title, cat([ |
1993 | pull.once('<section><form action="" method="get">' + |
1994 | '<h3>' + req._t(type) + ': ' + rev + ' '), |
1995 | revMenu(req, repo, rev), |
1996 | pull.once('</h3></form>'), |
1997 | type == 'Branch' && renderRepoLatest(req, repo, rev), |
1998 | pull.once('</section><section class="collapse">' + |
1999 | '<h3>' + req._t('Files') + pathLinks + '</h3>' + |
2000 | '<div>' + object.length + ' bytes' + |
2001 | '<span class="raw-link">' + |
2002 | link(rawFilePath, req._t('Raw')) + '</span>' + |
2003 | '</div></section>' + |
2004 | '<section>'), |
2005 | extension in imgMimes |
2006 | ? pull.once('<img src="' + encodeLink(rawFilePath) + |
2007 | '" alt="' + escapeHTML(filename) + '" />') |
2008 | : renderObjectData(object, filename, repo, rev, dirPath), |
2009 | pull.once('</section>') |
2010 | ]))) |
2011 | }) |
2012 | }) |
2013 | } |
2014 | |
2015 | G.serveBlobNotFound = function (req, repoId, err) { |
2016 | return this.serveTemplate(req, req._t('error.BlobNotFound'), 404)(pull.once( |
2017 | '<h2>' + req._t('error.BlobNotFound') + '</h2>' + |
2018 | '<p>' + req._t('error.BlobNotFoundInRepo', { |
2019 | repo: link([repoId]) |
2020 | }) + '</p>' + |
2021 | '<pre>' + escapeHTML(err.stack) + '</pre>' |
2022 | )) |
2023 | } |
2024 | |
2025 | /* Raw blob */ |
2026 | |
2027 | G.serveRepoRaw = function (req, repo, branch, path) { |
2028 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
2029 | repo.getFile(branch, path, function (err, object) { |
2030 | if (err) return cb(null, |
2031 | this.serveBuffer(404, req._t('error.BlobNotFound'))) |
2032 | var extension = getExtension(path[path.length-1]) |
2033 | var contentType = imgMimes[extension] |
2034 | cb(null, pull(, this.serveRaw(object.length, contentType))) |
2035 | }) |
2036 | }) |
2037 | } |
2038 | |
2039 | G.serveRaw = function (length, contentType) { |
2040 | var headers = { |
2041 | 'Content-Type': contentType || 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', |
2042 | 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=31536000' |
2043 | } |
2044 | if (length != null) |
2045 | headers['Content-Length'] = length |
2046 | return function (read) { |
2047 | return cat([pull.once([200, headers]), read]) |
2048 | } |
2049 | } |
2050 | |
2051 | G.getBlob = function (req, key, cb) { |
2052 | var blobs = this.ssb.blobs |
2053 | blobs.want(key, function (err, got) { |
2054 | if (err) cb(err) |
2055 | else if (!got) cb(new Error(req._t('error.MissingBlob', {key: key}))) |
2056 | else cb(null, blobs.get(key)) |
2057 | }) |
2058 | } |
2059 | |
2060 | G.serveBlob = function (req, key) { |
2061 | var self = this |
2062 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
2063 | self.getBlob(req, key, function (err, read) { |
2064 | if (err) cb(null, self.serveError(req, err)) |
2065 | else if (!read) cb(null, self.serve404(req)) |
2066 | else cb(null, self.serveRaw()(read)) |
2067 | }) |
2068 | }) |
2069 | } |
2070 | |
2071 | /* Digs */ |
2072 | |
2073 | G.serveRepoDigs = function (req, repo) { |
2074 | var self = this |
2075 | return readNext(function (cb) { |
2076 | var title = req._t('Digs') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2077 | self.getVotes(, function (err, votes) { |
2078 | cb(null, self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, null, null, title, cat([ |
2079 | pull.once('<section><h3>' + req._t('Digs') + '</h3>' + |
2080 | '<div>' + req._t('Total') + ': ' + votes.upvotes + '</div>'), |
2081 | pull( |
2082 | pull.values(Object.keys(votes.upvoters)), |
2083 | paramap(function (feedId, cb) { |
2084 | self.about.getName(feedId, function (err, name) { |
2085 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2086 | cb(null, link([feedId], name)) |
2087 | }) |
2088 | }, 8), |
2089 | ul() |
2090 | ), |
2091 | pull.once('</section>') |
2092 | ]))) |
2093 | }) |
2094 | }) |
2095 | } |
2096 | |
2097 | /* Forks */ |
2098 | |
2099 | G.getForks = function (repo, includeSelf) { |
2100 | var self = this |
2101 | return pull( |
2102 | cat([ |
2103 | includeSelf && readOnce(function (cb) { |
2104 | self.getMsg(, function (err, value) { |
2105 | cb(err, value && {key:, value: value}) |
2106 | }) |
2107 | }), |
2108 | this.ssb.links({ |
2109 | dest:, |
2110 | values: true, |
2111 | rel: 'upstream' |
2112 | }) |
2113 | ]), |
2114 | pull.filter(function (msg) { |
2115 | return msg.value.content && msg.value.content.type == 'git-repo' |
2116 | }), |
2117 | paramap(function (msg, cb) { |
2118 | self.getRepoFullName(, msg.key, |
2119 | function (err, repoName, authorName) { |
2120 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2121 | cb(null, { |
2122 | key: msg.key, |
2123 | value: msg.value, |
2124 | repoName: repoName, |
2125 | authorName: authorName |
2126 | }) |
2127 | }) |
2128 | }, 8) |
2129 | ) |
2130 | } |
2131 | |
2132 | G.serveRepoForks = function (req, repo) { |
2133 | var hasForks |
2134 | var title = req._t('Forks') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2135 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, null, null, title, cat([ |
2136 | pull.once('<h3>' + req._t('Forks') + '</h3>'), |
2137 | pull( |
2138 | this.getForks(repo), |
2139 | (msg) { |
2140 | hasForks = true |
2141 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2142 | link([], msg.authorName) + ' / ' + |
2143 | link([msg.key], msg.repoName) + |
2144 | '<span class="right-bar">' + |
2145 | timestamp(msg.value.timestamp, req) + |
2146 | '</span></section>' |
2147 | }) |
2148 | ), |
2149 | readOnce(function (cb) { |
2150 | cb(null, hasForks ? '' : req._t('NoForks')) |
2151 | }) |
2152 | ])) |
2153 | } |
2154 | |
2155 | G.serveRepoForkPrompt = function (req, repo) { |
2156 | var title = req._t('Fork') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2157 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, null, null, title, pull.once( |
2158 | '<form action="" method="post" onreset="history.back()">' + |
2159 | '<h3>' + req._t('ForkRepoPrompt') + '</h3>' + |
2160 | '<p>' + hiddenInputs({ id: }) + |
2161 | '<button class="btn open" type="submit" name="action" value="fork">' + |
2162 | req._t('Fork') + |
2163 | '</button>' + |
2164 | ' <button class="btn" type="reset">' + |
2165 | req._t('Cancel') + '</button>' + |
2166 | '</p></form>' |
2167 | )) |
2168 | } |
2169 | |
2170 | /* Issues */ |
2171 | |
2172 | G.serveRepoIssues = function (req, repo, isPRs) { |
2173 | var self = this |
2174 | var count = 0 |
2175 | var state = req._u.query.state || 'open' |
2176 | var newPath = isPRs ? [, 'compare'] : [, 'issues', 'new'] |
2177 | var title = req._t('Issues') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2178 | var page = isPRs ? 'pulls' : 'issues' |
2179 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, page, null, title, cat([ |
2180 | pull.once( |
2181 | (self.isPublic ? '' : |
2182 | '<form class="right-bar" method="get"' + |
2183 | ' action="' + encodeLink(newPath) + '">' + |
2184 | '<button class="btn">+ ' + |
2185 | req._t(isPRs ? 'pullRequest.New' : 'issue.New') + |
2186 | '</button>' + |
2187 | '</form>') + |
2188 | '<h3>' + req._t(isPRs ? 'PullRequests' : 'Issues') + '</h3>' + |
2189 | nav([ |
2190 | ['?', req._t('issues.Open'), 'open'], |
2191 | ['?state=closed', req._t('issues.Closed'), 'closed'], |
2192 | ['?state=all', req._t('issues.All'), 'all'] |
2193 | ], state)), |
2194 | pull( |
2195 | (isPRs ? self.pullReqs : self.issues).list({ |
2196 | repo:, |
2197 | project:, |
2198 | open: {open: true, closed: false}[state] |
2199 | }), |
2200 | (issue) { |
2201 | count++ |
2202 | var state = ( ? 'open' : 'closed') |
2203 | var stateStr = req._t( ? |
2204 | 'issue.state.Open' : 'issue.state.Closed') |
2205 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2206 | '<i class="issue-state issue-state-' + state + '"' + |
2207 | ' title="' + stateStr + '">◼</i> ' + |
2208 | '<a href="' + encodeLink( + '">' + |
2209 | escapeHTML(issue.title) + |
2210 | '<span class="right-bar">' + |
2211 | new Date(issue.created_at).toLocaleString(req._locale) + |
2212 | '</span>' + |
2213 | '</a>' + |
2214 | '</section>' |
2215 | }) |
2216 | ), |
2217 | readOnce(function (cb) { |
2218 | cb(null, count > 0 ? '' : |
2219 | '<p>' + req._t(isPRs ? 'NoPullRequests' : 'NoIssues') + '</p>') |
2220 | }) |
2221 | ])) |
2222 | } |
2223 | |
2224 | /* New Issue */ |
2225 | |
2226 | G.serveRepoNewIssue = function (req, repo, issueId, path) { |
2227 | var title = req._t('issue.New') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2228 | return this.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'issues', null, title, pull.once( |
2229 | '<h3>' + req._t('issue.New') + '</h3>' + |
2230 | '<section><form action="" method="post">' + |
2231 | '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new-issue">' + |
2232 | '<p><input class="wide-input" name="title" placeholder="' + |
2233 | req._t('issue.Title') + '" size="77" /></p>' + |
2234 | renderPostForm(req, repo, req._t('Description'), 8) + |
2235 | '<button type="submit" class="btn">' + req._t('Create') + '</button>' + |
2236 | '</form></section>')) |
2237 | } |
2238 | |
2239 | /* Issue */ |
2240 | |
2241 | G.serveRepoIssue = function (req, repo, issue, path, postId) { |
2242 | var self = this |
2243 | var isAuthor = (self.myId == || (self.myId == repo.feed) |
2244 | var newestMsg = {key:, value: {timestamp: issue.created_at}} |
2245 | var title = escapeHTML(issue.title) + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2246 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'issues', null, title, cat([ |
2247 | pull.once( |
2248 | renderNameForm(req, !self.isPublic,, issue.title, 'issue-title', |
2249 | null, req._t('issue.Rename'), |
2250 | '<h3>' + link([], issue.title) + '</h3>') + |
2251 | '<code>' + + '</code>' + |
2252 | '<section class="collapse">' + |
2253 | ( |
2254 | ? '<strong class="issue-status open">' + |
2255 | req._t('issue.state.Open') + '</strong>' |
2256 | : '<strong class="issue-status closed">' + |
2257 | req._t('issue.state.Closed') + '</strong>')), |
2258 | readOnce(function (cb) { |
2259 | self.about.getName(, function (err, authorName) { |
2260 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2261 | var authorLink = link([], authorName) |
2262 | cb(null, req._t('issue.Opened', |
2263 | {name: authorLink, datetime: timestamp(issue.created_at, req)})) |
2264 | }) |
2265 | }), |
2266 | pull.once('<hr/>' + markdown(issue.text, repo) + '</section>'), |
2267 | // render posts and edits |
2268 | pull( |
2269 | self.ssb.links({ |
2270 | dest:, |
2271 | values: true |
2272 | }), |
2273 | pull.unique('key'), |
2274 | self.addAuthorName(), |
2275 | sortMsgs(), |
2276 | pull.through(function (msg) { |
2277 | if (msg.value.timestamp > newestMsg.value.timestamp) |
2278 | newestMsg = msg |
2279 | }), |
2280 |, req, repo, issue, |
2281 | req._t('issue.'), postId)) |
2282 | ), |
2283 | self.isPublic ? pull.empty() : readOnce(function (cb) { |
2284 | cb(null, renderIssueCommentForm(req, issue, repo, newestMsg.key, |
2285 | isAuthor, req._t('issue.'))) |
2286 | }) |
2287 | ])) |
2288 | } |
2289 | |
2290 | G.renderIssueActivityMsg = function (req, repo, issue, type, postId, msg) { |
2291 | var authorLink = link([], msg.authorName) |
2292 | var msgHref = encodeLink(msg.key) + '#' + encodeURIComponent(msg.key) |
2293 | var msgTimeLink = '<a href="' + msgHref + '"' + |
2294 | ' name="' + escapeHTML(msg.key) + '">' + |
2295 | new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toLocaleString(req._locale) + '</a>' |
2296 | var c = msg.value.content |
2297 | switch (c.type) { |
2298 | case 'post': |
2299 | if (c.root == { |
2300 | var changed = this.issues.isStatusChanged(msg, issue) |
2301 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2302 | (msg.key == postId ? '<div class="highlight">' : '') + |
2303 | '<tt class="right-bar item-id">' + msg.key + '</tt> ' + |
2304 | (changed == null ? authorLink : req._t( |
2305 | changed ? 'issue.Reopened' : 'issue.Closed', |
2306 | {name: authorLink, type: type})) + |
2307 | ' · ' + msgTimeLink + |
2308 | (msg.key == postId ? '</div>' : '') + |
2309 | markdown(c.text, repo) + |
2310 | '</section>' |
2311 | } else { |
2312 | var text = c.text || (c.type + ' ' + msg.key) |
2313 | return '<section class="collapse mention-preview">' + |
2314 | req._t('issue.MentionedIn', { |
2315 | name: authorLink, |
2316 | type: type, |
2317 | post: '<a href="/' + msg.key + '#' + msg.key + '">' + |
2318 | String(text).substr(0, 140) + '</a>' |
2319 | }) + '</section>' |
2320 | } |
2321 | case 'issue': |
2322 | case 'pull-request': |
2323 | return '<section class="collapse mention-preview">' + |
2324 | req._t('issue.MentionedIn', { |
2325 | name: authorLink, |
2326 | type: type, |
2327 | post: link([msg.key], String(c.title || msg.key).substr(0, 140)) |
2328 | }) + '</section>' |
2329 | case 'issue-edit': |
2330 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2331 | (msg.key == postId ? '<div class="highlight">' : '') + |
2332 | (c.title == null ? '' : req._t('issue.Renamed', { |
2333 | name: authorLink, |
2334 | type: type, |
2335 | name: '<q>' + escapeHTML(c.title) + '</q>' |
2336 | })) + ' · ' + msgTimeLink + |
2337 | (msg.key == postId ? '</div>' : '') + |
2338 | '</section>' |
2339 | case 'git-update': |
2340 | var mention = this.issues.getMention(msg, issue) |
2341 | if (mention) { |
2342 | var commitLink = link([, 'commit', mention.object], |
2343 | mention.label || mention.object) |
2344 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2345 | req._t( ? 'issue.Reopened' : 'issue.Closed', { |
2346 | name: authorLink, |
2347 | type: type |
2348 | }) + ' · ' + msgTimeLink + '<br/>' + |
2349 | commitLink + |
2350 | '</section>' |
2351 | } else if ((mention = getMention(msg, { |
2352 | var commitLink = link(mention.object ? |
2353 | [, 'commit', mention.object] : [msg.key], |
2354 | mention.label || mention.object || msg.key) |
2355 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2356 | req._t('issue.Mentioned', { |
2357 | name: authorLink, |
2358 | type: type |
2359 | }) + ' · ' + msgTimeLink + '<br/>' + |
2360 | commitLink + |
2361 | '</section>' |
2362 | } else { |
2363 | // fallthrough |
2364 | } |
2365 | |
2366 | default: |
2367 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2368 | authorLink + |
2369 | ' · ' + msgTimeLink + |
2370 | json(c) + |
2371 | '</section>' |
2372 | } |
2373 | } |
2374 | |
2375 | function renderIssueCommentForm(req, issue, repo, branch, isAuthor, type) { |
2376 | return '<section><form action="" method="post">' + |
2377 | '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="comment">' + |
2378 | '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' + + '">' + |
2379 | '<input type="hidden" name="issue" value="' + + '">' + |
2380 | '<input type="hidden" name="repo" value="' + + '">' + |
2381 | '<input type="hidden" name="branch" value="' + branch + '">' + |
2382 | renderPostForm(req, repo) + |
2383 | '<input type="submit" class="btn open" value="' + |
2384 | req._t('issue.Comment') + '" />' + |
2385 | (isAuthor ? |
2386 | '<input type="submit" class="btn"' + |
2387 | ' name="' + ( ? 'close' : 'open') + '"' + |
2388 | ' value="' + req._t( |
2389 | ? 'issue.Close' : 'issue.Reopen', {type: type} |
2390 | ) + '"/>' : '') + |
2391 | '</form></section>' |
2392 | } |
2393 | |
2394 | /* Pull Request */ |
2395 | |
2396 | G.serveRepoPullReq = function (req, repo, pr, path, postId) { |
2397 | var self = this |
2398 | var headRepo, authorLink |
2399 | var page = path[0] || 'activity' |
2400 | var title = escapeHTML(pr.title) + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2401 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'pulls', null, title, cat([ |
2402 | pull.once('<div class="pull-request">' + |
2403 | renderNameForm(req, !self.isPublic,, pr.title, 'issue-title', null, |
2404 | req._t('pullRequest.Rename'), |
2405 | '<h3>' + link([], pr.title) + '</h3>') + |
2406 | '<code>' + + '</code>'), |
2407 | readOnce(function (cb) { |
2408 | var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) |
2409 | var gotHeadRepo = done() |
2410 | self.about.getName(, done()) |
2411 | var sameRepo = (pr.headRepo == pr.baseRepo) |
2412 | self.getRepo(pr.headRepo, function (err, headRepo) { |
2413 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2414 | self.getRepoName(headRepo.feed,, done()) |
2415 | self.about.getName(headRepo.feed, done()) |
2416 | gotHeadRepo(null, Repo(headRepo)) |
2417 | }) |
2418 | |
2419 | done(function (err, _headRepo, issueAuthorName, |
2420 | headRepoName, headRepoAuthorName) { |
2421 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2422 | headRepo = _headRepo |
2423 | authorLink = link([], issueAuthorName) |
2424 | var repoLink = link([pr.headRepo], headRepoName) |
2425 | var headRepoAuthorLink = link([headRepo.feed], headRepoAuthorName) |
2426 | var headRepoLink = link([], headRepoName) |
2427 | var headBranchLink = link([, 'tree', pr.headBranch]) |
2428 | var baseBranchLink = link([, 'tree', pr.baseBranch]) |
2429 | cb(null, '<section class="collapse">' + |
2430 | '<strong class="issue-status ' + |
2431 | ( ? 'open' : 'closed') + '">' + |
2432 | req._t( ? 'issue.state.Open' : 'issue.state.Closed') + |
2433 | '</strong> ' + |
2434 | req._t('pullRequest.WantToMerge', { |
2435 | name: authorLink, |
2436 | base: '<code>' + baseBranchLink + '</code>', |
2437 | head: (sameRepo ? |
2438 | '<code>' + headBranchLink + '</code>' : |
2439 | '<code class="bgslash">' + |
2440 | headRepoAuthorLink + ' / ' + |
2441 | headRepoLink + ' / ' + |
2442 | headBranchLink + '</code>') |
2443 | }) + '</section>') |
2444 | }) |
2445 | }), |
2446 | pull.once( |
2447 | nav([ |
2448 | [[], req._t('Discussion'), 'activity'], |
2449 | [[, 'commits'], req._t('Commits'), 'commits'], |
2450 | [[, 'files'], req._t('Files'), 'files'] |
2451 | ], page)), |
2452 | readNext(function (cb) { |
2453 | if (page == 'commits') |
2454 | self.renderPullReqCommits(req, pr, repo, headRepo, cb) |
2455 | else if (page == 'files') |
2456 | self.renderPullReqFiles(req, pr, repo, headRepo, cb) |
2457 | else cb(null, |
2458 | self.renderPullReqActivity(req, pr, repo, headRepo, authorLink, postId)) |
2459 | }) |
2460 | ])) |
2461 | } |
2462 | |
2463 | G.renderPullReqCommits = function (req, pr, baseRepo, headRepo, cb) { |
2464 | var self = this |
2465 | self.pullReqs.getRevs(, function (err, revs) { |
2466 | if (err) return cb(null, renderError(err)) |
2467 | cb(null, cat([ |
2468 | pull.once('<section>'), |
2469 | self.renderCommitLog(req, baseRepo, revs.base, headRepo, revs.head), |
2470 | pull.once('</section>') |
2471 | ])) |
2472 | }) |
2473 | } |
2474 | |
2475 | G.renderPullReqFiles = function (req, pr, baseRepo, headRepo, cb) { |
2476 | this.pullReqs.getRevs(, function (err, revs) { |
2477 | if (err) return cb(null, renderError(err)) |
2478 | cb(null, cat([ |
2479 | pull.once('<section>'), |
2480 | renderDiffStat(req, |
2481 | [baseRepo, headRepo], [revs.base, revs.head]), |
2482 | pull.once('</section>') |
2483 | ])) |
2484 | }) |
2485 | } |
2486 | |
2487 | G.renderPullReqActivity = function (req, pr, repo, headRepo, authorLink, postId) { |
2488 | var self = this |
2489 | var msgTimeLink = link([], |
2490 | new Date(pr.created_at).toLocaleString(req._locale)) |
2491 | var newestMsg = {key:, value: {timestamp: pr.created_at}} |
2492 | var isAuthor = (self.myId == || (self.myId == repo.feed) |
2493 | return cat([ |
2494 | readOnce(function (cb) { |
2495 | cb(null, |
2496 | '<section class="collapse">' + |
2497 | authorLink + ' · ' + msgTimeLink + |
2498 | markdown(pr.text, repo) + '</section>') |
2499 | }), |
2500 | // render posts, edits, and updates |
2501 | pull( |
2502 | many([ |
2503 | self.ssb.links({ |
2504 | dest:, |
2505 | values: true |
2506 | }), |
2507 | readNext(function (cb) { |
2508 | cb(null, pull( |
2509 | self.ssb.links({ |
2510 | dest:, |
2511 | source: headRepo.feed, |
2512 | rel: 'repo', |
2513 | values: true, |
2514 | reverse: true |
2515 | }), |
2516 | pull.take(function (link) { |
2517 | return link.value.timestamp > pr.created_at |
2518 | }), |
2519 | pull.filter(function (link) { |
2520 | return link.value.content.type == 'git-update' |
2521 | && ('refs/heads/' + pr.headBranch) in link.value.content.refs |
2522 | }) |
2523 | )) |
2524 | }) |
2525 | ]), |
2526 | self.addAuthorName(), |
2527 | pull.unique('key'), |
2528 | pull.through(function (msg) { |
2529 | if (msg.value.timestamp > newestMsg.value.timestamp) |
2530 | newestMsg = msg |
2531 | }), |
2532 | sortMsgs(), |
2533 | (item) { |
2534 | if (item.value.content.type == 'git-update') |
2535 | return self.renderBranchUpdate(req, pr, item) |
2536 | return self.renderIssueActivityMsg(req, repo, pr, |
2537 | req._t('pull request'), postId, item) |
2538 | }) |
2539 | ), |
2540 | !self.isPublic && isAuthor && && pull.once( |
2541 | '<section class="merge-instructions">' + |
2542 | '<input type="checkbox" class="toggle" id="merge-instructions"/>' + |
2543 | '<h4><label for="merge-instructions" class="toggle-link"><a>' + |
2544 | req._t('mergeInstructions.MergeViaCmdLine') + |
2545 | '</a></label></h4>' + |
2546 | '<div class="contents">' + |
2547 | '<p>' + req._t('mergeInstructions.CheckOut') + '</p>' + |
2548 | '<pre>' + |
2549 | 'git fetch ssb://' + escapeHTML(pr.headRepo) + ' ' + |
2550 | escapeHTML(pr.headBranch) + '\n' + |
2551 | 'git checkout -b ' + escapeHTML(pr.headBranch) + ' FETCH_HEAD' + |
2552 | '</pre>' + |
2553 | '<p>' + req._t('mergeInstructions.MergeAndPush') + '</p>' + |
2554 | '<pre>' + |
2555 | 'git checkout ' + escapeHTML(pr.baseBranch) + '\n' + |
2556 | 'git merge ' + escapeHTML(pr.headBranch) + '\n' + |
2557 | 'git push ssb ' + escapeHTML(pr.baseBranch) + |
2558 | '</pre>' + |
2559 | '</div></section>'), |
2560 | !self.isPublic && readOnce(function (cb) { |
2561 | cb(null, renderIssueCommentForm(req, pr, repo, newestMsg.key, isAuthor, |
2562 | req._t('pull request'))) |
2563 | }) |
2564 | ]) |
2565 | } |
2566 | |
2567 | G.renderBranchUpdate = function (req, pr, msg) { |
2568 | var authorLink = link([], msg.authorName) |
2569 | var msgLink = link([msg.key], |
2570 | new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toLocaleString(req._locale)) |
2571 | var rev = msg.value.content.refs['refs/heads/' + pr.headBranch] |
2572 | if (!rev) |
2573 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2574 | req._t('NameDeletedBranch', { |
2575 | name: authorLink, |
2576 | branch: '<code>' + pr.headBranch + '</code>' |
2577 | }) + ' · ' + msgLink + |
2578 | '</section>' |
2579 | |
2580 | var revLink = link([pr.headRepo, 'commit', rev], rev.substr(0, 8)) |
2581 | return '<section class="collapse">' + |
2582 | req._t('NameUpdatedBranch', { |
2583 | name: authorLink, |
2584 | rev: '<code>' + revLink + '</code>' |
2585 | }) + ' · ' + msgLink + |
2586 | '</section>' |
2587 | } |
2588 | |
2589 | /* Compare changes */ |
2590 | |
2591 | G.serveRepoCompare = function (req, repo) { |
2592 | var self = this |
2593 | var query = req._u.query |
2594 | var base |
2595 | var count = 0 |
2596 | var title = req._t('CompareChanges') + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2597 | |
2598 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'pulls', null, title, cat([ |
2599 | pull.once('<h3>' + req._t('CompareChanges') + '</h3>' + |
2600 | '<form action="' + encodeLink( + '/comparing" method="get">' + |
2601 | '<section>'), |
2602 | pull.once(req._t('BaseBranch') + ': '), |
2603 | readNext(function (cb) { |
2604 | if (query.base) gotBase(null, query.base) |
2605 | else repo.getSymRef('HEAD', true, gotBase) |
2606 | function gotBase(err, ref) { |
2607 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2608 | cb(null, branchMenu(repo, 'base', base = ref || 'HEAD')) |
2609 | } |
2610 | }), |
2611 | pull.once('<br/>' + req._t('ComparisonRepoBranch') + ':'), |
2612 | pull( |
2613 | self.getForks(repo, true), |
2614 | pull.asyncMap(function (msg, cb) { |
2615 | self.getRepo(msg.key, function (err, repo) { |
2616 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2617 | cb(null, { |
2618 | msg: msg, |
2619 | repo: repo |
2620 | }) |
2621 | }) |
2622 | }), |
2623 |, |
2624 | pull.flatten() |
2625 | ), |
2626 | pull.once('</section>'), |
2627 | readOnce(function (cb) { |
2628 | cb(null, count == 0 ? req._t('NoBranches') : |
2629 | '<button type="submit" class="btn">' + |
2630 | req._t('Compare') + '</button>') |
2631 | }), |
2632 | pull.once('</form>') |
2633 | ])) |
2634 | |
2635 | function renderFork(fork) { |
2636 | return pull( |
2637 | fork.repo.refs(), |
2638 | (ref) { |
2639 | var m = /^refs\/([^\/]*)\/(.*)$/.exec( || [,] |
2640 | return { |
2641 | type: m[1], |
2642 | name: m[2], |
2643 | value: ref.value |
2644 | } |
2645 | }), |
2646 | pull.filter(function (ref) { |
2647 | return ref.type == 'heads' |
2648 | && !( == base && fork.msg.key == |
2649 | }), |
2650 | (ref) { |
2651 | var branchLink = link([fork.msg.key, 'tree',], |
2652 | var authorLink = link([], fork.msg.authorName) |
2653 | var repoLink = link([fork.msg.key], fork.msg.repoName) |
2654 | var value = fork.msg.key + ':' + |
2655 | count++ |
2656 | return '<div class="bgslash">' + |
2657 | '<input type="radio" name="head"' + |
2658 | ' value="' + escapeHTML(value) + '"' + |
2659 | (query.head == value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') + '> ' + |
2660 | authorLink + ' / ' + repoLink + ' / ' + branchLink + '</div>' |
2661 | }) |
2662 | ) |
2663 | } |
2664 | } |
2665 | |
2666 | G.serveRepoComparing = function (req, repo) { |
2667 | var self = this |
2668 | var query = req._u.query |
2669 | var baseBranch = query.base |
2670 | var s = (query.head || '').split(':') |
2671 | |
2672 | if (!s || !baseBranch) |
2673 | return self.serveRedirect(req, encodeLink([, 'compare'])) |
2674 | |
2675 | var headRepoId = s[0] |
2676 | var headBranch = s[1] |
2677 | var baseLink = link([, 'tree', baseBranch]) |
2678 | var headBranchLink = link([headRepoId, 'tree', headBranch]) |
2679 | var backHref = encodeLink([, 'compare']) + |
2680 | var title = req._t(query.expand ? 'OpenPullRequest': 'ComparingChanges') |
2681 | var pageTitle = title + ' · %{author}/%{repo}' |
2682 | |
2683 | return self.renderRepoPage(req, repo, 'pulls', null, pageTitle, cat([ |
2684 | pull.once('<h3>' + title + '</h3>'), |
2685 | readNext(function (cb) { |
2686 | self.getRepo(headRepoId, function (err, headRepo) { |
2687 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2688 | self.getRepoFullName(headRepo.feed,, |
2689 | function (err, repoName, authorName) { |
2690 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2691 | cb(null, renderRepoInfo(Repo(headRepo), repoName, authorName)) |
2692 | } |
2693 | ) |
2694 | }) |
2695 | }) |
2696 | ])) |
2697 | |
2698 | function renderRepoInfo(headRepo, headRepoName, headRepoAuthorName) { |
2699 | var authorLink = link([headRepo.feed], headRepoAuthorName) |
2700 | var repoLink = link([headRepoId], headRepoName) |
2701 | return cat([ |
2702 | pull.once('<section>' + |
2703 | req._t('Base') + ': ' + baseLink + '<br/>' + |
2704 | req._t('Head') + ': ' + |
2705 | '<span class="bgslash">' + authorLink + ' / ' + repoLink + |
2706 | ' / ' + headBranchLink + '</span>' + |
2707 | '</section>' + |
2708 | (query.expand ? '<section><form method="post" action="">' + |
2709 | hiddenInputs({ |
2710 | action: 'new-pull', |
2711 | branch: baseBranch, |
2712 | head_repo: headRepoId, |
2713 | head_branch: headBranch |
2714 | }) + |
2715 | '<input class="wide-input" name="title"' + |
2716 | ' placeholder="' + req._t('Title') + '" size="77"/>' + |
2717 | renderPostForm(req, repo, req._t('Description'), 8) + |
2718 | '<button type="submit" class="btn open">' + |
2719 | req._t('Create') + '</button>' + |
2720 | '</form></section>' |
2721 | : '<section><form method="get" action="">' + |
2722 | hiddenInputs({ |
2723 | base: baseBranch, |
2724 | head: query.head |
2725 | }) + |
2726 | '<button class="btn open" type="submit" name="expand" value="1">' + |
2727 | '<i>⎇</i> ' + req._t('CreatePullRequest') + '</button> ' + |
2728 | '<a href="' + backHref + '">' + req._t('Back') + '</a>' + |
2729 | '</form></section>') + |
2730 | '<div id="commits"></div>' + |
2731 | '<div class="tab-links">' + |
2732 | '<a href="#" id="files-link">' + req._t('FilesChanged') + '</a> ' + |
2733 | '<a href="#commits" id="commits-link">' + |
2734 | req._t('Commits') + '</a>' + |
2735 | '</div>' + |
2736 | '<section id="files-tab">'), |
2737 | renderDiffStat(req, [repo, headRepo], [baseBranch, headBranch]), |
2738 | pull.once('</section>' + |
2739 | '<section id="commits-tab">'), |
2740 | self.renderCommitLog(req, repo, baseBranch, headRepo, headBranch), |
2741 | pull.once('</section>') |
2742 | ]) |
2743 | } |
2744 | } |
2745 | |
2746 | G.renderCommitLog = function (req, baseRepo, baseBranch, headRepo, headBranch) { |
2747 | return cat([ |
2748 | pull.once('<table class="compare-commits">'), |
2749 | readNext(function (cb) { |
2750 | baseRepo.resolveRef(baseBranch, function (err, baseBranchRev) { |
2751 | if (err) return cb(err) |
2752 | var currentDay |
2753 | return cb(null, pull( |
2754 | headRepo.readLog(headBranch), |
2755 | pull.take(function (rev) { return rev != baseBranchRev }), |
2756 | pullReverse(), |
2757 | paramap(headRepo.getCommitParsed.bind(headRepo), 8), |
2758 | (commit) { |
2759 | var commitPath = [, 'commit',] |
2760 | var commitIdShort = '<tt>' +, 8) + '</tt>' |
2761 | var day = Math.floor( / 86400000) |
2762 | var dateRow = day == currentDay ? '' : |
2763 | '<tr><th colspan=3 class="date-info">' + |
2764 | + |
2765 | '</th><tr>' |
2766 | currentDay = day |
2767 | return dateRow + '<tr>' + |
2768 | '<td>' + escapeHTML( + '</td>' + |
2769 | '<td>' + link(commitPath, commit.title) + '</td>' + |
2770 | '<td>' + link(commitPath, commitIdShort, true) + '</td>' + |
2771 | '</tr>' |
2772 | }) |
2773 | )) |
2774 | }) |
2775 | }), |
2776 | pull.once('</table>') |
2777 | ]) |
2778 | } |
2779 |
Built with git-ssb-web