git ssb


Zach! / onboarding-link-generator

~\~ *Generate an HTML Email Template along with the index.html file* ~\~

OpenZach! opened this issue on 11/20/2017, 6:45:28 PM

~*~ Generate an HTML Email Template along with the index.html file ~*~

The site is useful, but requires the scuttler to either have their own site and host this folder on it, or to start up a hashbase account and use beaker. In addition, giving a link for your friend to check out may not be as effective as just giving them all the instructions, even if the link includes the same instructions yr emailing them.

And so, generating an html email template that can be sent to your friend would be awesome. The simplest solution would be to generate another file that is added to the invitee's folder, called "email.html". This would use the same values as the other, but formatted entirely with tables and inline css (so it displays properly in email clients). This would also require figuring out the best way to do responsive design with this guy (namely, fix the fonts when on a browser and reduce the GIF size)

This is an issue created for the onboarding-link-generator, you can read more about this in #non-dev-resources

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