# SSB Rooms This is an informal registry of [SSB Rooms](https://github.com/staltz/ssb-room). Please add your own Room if you start one! ## What is a Room? A Room is just like any other peer in the scuttlebutt network, that replicates feeds to other peers, except it also (generally): A server to find and connect to other SSB peers – a meeting place. * A Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) server for your community * Friends currently online can connect to each other, bridged by the room server * No developer skills required to set up your own room * Comes with a friendly web page interface ## How does this compare to SSB pubs? SSB Pubs are servers that hold copies of several SSB accounts, allowing you to sync with multiple friends, even if those friends are not currently online. Rooms are alternatives to Pubs that have an important difference: rooms do not store any user data, but instead allow currently online friends to connect to each other and synchronize their feeds. The advantages are: * Discover accounts that share a common interest with you * Choose who you want to connect with (helps avoid a sudden influx of many strangers) * Openly available invites makes it easy to onboard people onto SSB * No concerns about hosting other people's data on the internet * The caveat is that you can only connect with accounts that are currently online in the same room. That said, you can still fetch the updates of an offline friend if another account online in the room also follows that offline friend. ### Learn how to set up your own room: [https://github.com/ssbc/go-ssb-room](go-ssb-room) or (deprecated) [https://github.com/staltz/ssb-room](ssb-room) # Public Rooms [**787atxdotme**](https://www.inadequate.net/787atxssb.html)
Austin-based Scuttlebutt Room
Visit [https://www.inadequate.net/787atxssb.html](https://www.inadequate.net/787atxssb.html)
net:ssb-room.64-225-52-67.nip.io:8008~shs:uJXk9Aq2zRnIWUXipnDJkKsnLRzVoLGAY5SGaX3x1UY=:SSB+Room+PSK3TLYC2T86EHQCUHBUHASCASE18JBV24= [**Lohn's Room**](https://ssb-room.lohn.in)
Lohn Public Scuttlebutt Room
**NEW ADDRESS** Visit [https://ssb-room.lohn.in](https://ssb-room.lohn.in)
net:ssb-room.lohn.in:8006~shs:4FiUoVBSr0Byo2njngIrqUDs2QJOEzALzysYIuqQ4zA=:SSB+Room+PSK3TLYC2T86EHQCUHBUHASCASE18JBV24= Room maintainer short-id: `@QlCTpvY7p9t` [**PicoRoom**](https://picoroom.hendrikpeter.net)
[@hendrikPeter](https://viewer.scuttlebot.io/@Bp5Z5TQKv6E/Y+QZn/3LiDWMPi63EP8MHsXZ4tiIb2w=.ed25519)'s Public Scuttlebutt Room for tech, development and/or design interested butts
Visit [https://picoroom.hendrikpeter.net](https://picoroom.hendrikpeter.net) Room maintainer short-id: `@Bp5Z5TQKv6E` [**ssb-room.j-serv.de**](http://ssb-room.j-serv.de)
Public room to support connectivity of the Scuttleverse
Visit [ssb-room.j-serv.de](http://ssb-room.j-serv.de)
Room maintainer: `@+pY9goiTAmglEUMx+eXx2MpRExAY73C3RVGPy7QxrqQ=.ed25519`