var path = require('path') var ssbRef = require('ssb-ref') var proc = require('child_process') var u = exports u.getAppName = function () { return 'ssb_appname' in process.env ? process.env.ssb_appname : u.gitSync('config', 'ssb.appname') } u.gitSync = function () { var args = [].concat.apply([], arguments) return proc.spawnSync('git', args, {encoding: 'utf8'}).stdout.trim() } u.getCurrentBranch = function () { return u.gitSync('symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD') } function getRemoteUrl(name) { if (!name) return null return u.gitSync('ls-remote', '--get-url', name) } function repoId(id) { if (!id) return null id = String(id).replace(/^ssb:\/*/, '') return ssbRef.isMsg(id) ? id : null } u.getRemote = function (name) { return name ? repoId(name) || repoId(getRemoteUrl(name)) : repoId(getRemoteUrl('origin')) || repoId(getRemoteUrl('ssb')) } u.getSbot = function (config, cb) { var keys = require('ssb-keys') .loadOrCreateSync(path.join(config.path, 'secret')) require('ssb-client')(keys, config, cb) } u.gitDir = function () { return u.gitSync('rev-parse', '-q', '--git-dir') } u.editor = function (name, defaultText, useText, cb) { var fs = require('fs') var filename = path.resolve(u.gitDir(), name + '_EDITMSG') // prepare the file for editing var separator = '=== This line and anything below will be removed ===' var text = fs.existsSync(filename) ? fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8').split(separator)[0].trim() : '' text += '\n\n' + separator + '\n' + defaultText fs.writeFileSync(filename, text) // edit the file var editor = u.gitSync('var', 'GIT_EDITOR') var args = [filename] // give vim special formats, like hub(1) does if (/[ng]?vim?$/.test(editor)) args.unshift('-c', '"set ft=markdown tw=0 wrap lbr"') var child = proc.spawn(editor, args, {shell: true, stdio: 'inherit'}) child.on('exit', function (code) { if (code) return cb('error using text editor') fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', function (err, text) { if (err) return cb(err) // use the data useText(text.split(separator)[0].trim(), function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) // delete the file after succesful read fs.unlink(filename, cb) }) }) }) } // Get a name for a thing from multiple fallback sources u.getName = function (sbot, sources, dest, cb) { var pull = require('pull-stream') var cat = require('pull-cat') var name pull( cat( (source) { return sbot.links({ source: source, dest: dest, rel: 'about', values: true, keys: false, meta: false, reverse: true }) })), pull.drain(function (value) { name = value && value.content && if (name) return false }, function (err) { cb(err === true ? null : err, name) }) ) } u.formatTitle = function (str, len) { str = String(str).replace(/[\n\r\t ]+/g, ' ') if (str.length > len) str = str.substr(0, len) + '…' return str } u.issueStateBool = function (argv) { return argv.all || ( && argv.closed) ? null : ? true : argv.closed ? false : true }