var pull = require('pull-stream') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var hash = require('ssb-keys/util').hash var markdown = require('ssb-markdown') function isString (s) { return 'string' == typeof s } function update (state, msg) { if(msg.content.type === 'channel') { if(msg.content.subscribed) state.channels[] = msg.content.irc || else delete state.channels[] } else if(msg.content.type === 'about' && ref.isFeed(msg.content.about) && ( || msg.content.irc != null)) { state.users[msg.content.about] = msg.content.irc == null ? : msg.content.irc } return state } function init(sbot, id, cb) { var state = {users: {}, channels: {}}, int, called //hack since createUserStream doesn't supply sync: correctly. pull( sbot.createUserStream({id: id, limit: 1, reverse: true}), pull.collect(function (err, ary) { pull( sbot.createHistoryStream({id: id ||, live: true}), pull.drain(function (msg) { state = update(state, msg.value) if(msg.timestamp === ary[0].timestamp) cb && cb(null, state) }) ) }) ) return state } exports.init = init function toKey(fn) { return function (state, msg) { var key if(msg.key) { key = msg.key msg = msg.value } else key = '%'+hash(JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2)) return fn(state, msg, key) } } exports.isChannelPost = toKey(function isChannelPost (state, msg, key) { if(state.channels[] && !msg.content.root) { var text = msg.content.text if(isString(text) && text) { text = text.split('\n') if(text.length > 1) text = text[0] else text = text[0] return [{ author:, target:, text: text.length > 100 ? text.substring(0, 97)+'...' : text, id: key, type: 'channel' }] } } }) function uniq (a) { var b = [] for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if(!~b.indexOf(a[i])) b.push(a[i]) return b } function getChannel(state, name) { name = name.replace(/^#/,'') return state.channels[name] === true ? name : state.channels[name] } function surrounding(text, match, length) { var i = Math.max(text.indexOf(match)-100, 0) return (i > 0 ? '...' : '') + text.substring(i, i+100) + (i + 100 < text.length ? '...' : '') } exports.isChannelMention = toKey(function (state, msg, key) { var text = msg.content.text if(isString(text) && text) { text = markdown.inline(text) if(!/(#\w+)/.test(text)) return [] var m = uniq(text.match(/(#\w+)/g)) return m.filter(function (name) { return getChannel(state, name) }).map(function (name) { return { author:, target: getChannel(state, name), text: surrounding(text, name, 100), id: key, type: 'channel' } }) } return [] }) exports.isUserMention = toKey(function (state, msg, key) { var text = msg.content.text if(isString(text) && text && Array.isArray(msg.content.mentions)) { text = markdown.inline(text) return msg.content.mentions.filter(function (mention) { return state.users[] }).map(function (mention) { return { author:, target: state.users[], text: surrounding(markdown.inline(text), '@', 100), id: key, type: 'user' } }) } }) exports.isUserFollow = toKey(function (state, msg, key) { if(msg.content.type == 'contact' && msg.content.following && state.users[]) return { author:, target: state.users[], text: 'followed you', //this will make sense since the notification will be a direct message id: key, type: 'user' } }) exports.tests = [ exports.isChannelPost, exports.isChannelMention, exports.isUserMention, exports.isUserFollow ] exports.match = function (state, msg) { return exports.tests.reduce(function (found, test) { return found.concat(test(state, msg) || []) }, []) } exports.render = function (note, link) { //personal mentions are just cluttered with the target and action //since it's only shown to one person it's implied. if([0] !== '#') return + ':' + note.text + (link ? (' ' + link) : '') return ( [, note.action,].join(' ') + ': ' + note.text + ' ' + (link || '') ) } = function (id, config) { return ((config && config.irc && config.irc.domain) || "") + '/' + encodeURIComponent(id) } //if(!module.parent) { // //this is just for testing... // require('ssb-client')(function (err, sbot) { // if(err) throw err // var state = init(sbot, process.argv[2] ||, function (err, state) { // // console.log(state) // //XXX: properly persist state with a flumeview? // // pull( // sbot.createLogStream({}), // pull.drain(function (msg) { // if(msg.sync) return // var a = tests.reduce(function (found, test) { // return found.concat(exports.match(state, msg) || []) // }, []) // if(a.length) { // // } // }) // ) // }) // }) //} //