# What public ports does Scuttlebot use? *I know that scuttlebott is the client that connects my computer to others within this grand scuttleverse, but what ports does it need to make these connections?* --- Scuttlebot uses the ports 8008 and 8989. - 8008 is the port scuttlebot uses for gossip (reading and replicating your feed and the feed of your friends) - 8989 is the port used for for websockets and hosting blobs (blobs are the files you can attach to your messages, like the images you add to your sweet posts.) --- *Sources* This FAQ is thanks to [this thread](https://viewer.scuttlebot.io/%252x%2FOMldq1XbwJtUWqQg2HF4z0fsdfIvuG4ezcS%2FQcww%3D.sha256) started by CustomDesigned and answered by CustomDesigned and ev.