# Can I post from different devices? *Or rather: can I use scuttlebutt on different devices, but maintain the same identity? For example: updating my Patchwork feed from my home and work computer?* --- Currently, you cannot. Identities are tied to a single user on a single device. You could use scuttlebutt on multiple devices, but you would be maintaining multiple identities and feeds. There is an ongoing conversation around this, though, that you can follow [here](https://viewer.scuttlebot.io/%25PwYjgBO4qwpz4ya%2BFLiXphHyuwdFHntrMGd%2FbXJc17o%3D.sha256) --- **Sources** * Answer taken from the continuing discussion posted above. Shoutos to @feliciousX for getting this particular discussions started, and too many scuttlebutts to name who are continuing to figure this out.