# Scuttlebutt Talks ## The Decentralized Web ### Andre Staltz @ Hack\Talks in Helsinki, 2017 > André will cover of topics such as peer-to-peer browser, off-grid social network, and local development, and their underlying technologies Dat and SSB, both implemented in JavaScript / Node.js. [![Andre decentralizing the web](./assets/andre-decentralizing-web.jpg)](https://youtu.be/qZDJ1z0apVk?t=7787) https://youtu.be/qZDJ1z0apVk?t=7787 ## Embracing Subjectivity ### Mix Irving @ nz.js(con); New Zealand JS Conference 2017 > Cast central authorities aside and take a tour of a inter-net conceived subjectively. Learn about the challenges and benefits of not having singlular sources of truth, and take a tour of the Scuttleverse - an actively growing decent community (of code and humans). [![Mix embracing subjectivity](./assets/mix-embracing-subjectivity.png)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=P5K18XssVBg) https://youtube.com/watch?v=P5K18XssVBg ## Signed Merkel Logs ### Paul Frazee @ Decentralized Web Summit > Signed merkle logs: What are they, and Why they're so useful in decentralized systems. [![Paul on signed merkel logs](./assets/paul-signed-merkel-logs.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfWgin3JlAU&t=20417) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfWgin3JlAU&t=20417 ## SecureScuttlebutt: A Secure Gossip Protocol ### Dominic Tarr @ New Zealand Internet Research Forum %6Yjqj01y7Z5Nmc5HItGojEtz8rUGMcfRLiPQQgZpBF0=.sha256 https://github.com/dominictarr/ssb-talk/blob/master/slides.md ## Design Challenges of Decentralized Systems ### Dominic Tarr @ Data Terra Nemo 2015 [![Dominic on design issues for peer-to-peer systems](./assets/dominic-design-issues-for-p2p.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3eBT46vkaI) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3eBT46vkaI ## Decentralized Databases, and the End of the Web Host ### Paul Frazee @ JS.LA April 2015 > How do we synchronize user devices without using servers or central coordination? Join us for a discussion of content-addressing, secure data structures, the web of trust, and apps-development in a post-host Web. [![Paul on decent databases](./assets/paul-decent-db-and-end-of-web-hosts.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sXTEi8U2bw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sXTEi8U2bw ## Secure Database Games ### Dominic Tarr @ nodeconf.eu 2014 [![Dominic on database games](./assets/dominic-db-games.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8tfpRr1Hu8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8tfpRr1Hu8 ## Mad Science Architectures ### Dominic Tarr @ Realtime Conference 2013 The puzzle pieces of secure-scuttlebutt are being assembled. [![Dominic on Mad Science](./assets/dominic-mad-science.png)](https://vimeo.com/77352417) https://vimeo.com/77352417 ## Colouring with crayons and playing with Duplo blocks ### Dominic Tarr @ node Dublin 2012 On replication, eventual consistency, scuttlebutt and crayons. [![Dominic on crayons and duplo](./assets/dominic-crayons-duplo.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giS-aIq0Kaw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giS-aIq0Kaw