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Scuttlebutt Talks

Hermies gift

Reinvent the Social Web

André Staltz @ FullStackFest 2018

TODO once video is published

a tour of the Scuttlebutt Ecosystem

Mikey (dinosaur) @ DWebSummit 2018

Mikey touring the Scuttlebutt ecosystem

What is the meaning of "decentralization"?

Dominic Tarr @ DWebSummit 2018

Taken literally, "decentralization" just means "not centralized", but what are the different ways something can be not centralized? Are there different types or flavors of decentralization that can be meaningfully distinguished?

Dominic on decentralization

It's time to build our own Internet

André Staltz @ TEDxGeneva

The world is beginning to learn about problems of the smartphone era that affect everything from our minds to our politics. But the smartphones are not to be blamed. The infrastructure of the Internet, often hidden from our sight, provided the technological foundational for the problems we are seeing today. It is possible to build an alternative Internet made with modern wireless technologies and new software, that make a new foundation for freedom in the digital era. André is developing software for the new Internet, and blogs about the current macroscopic changes in Cyberspace. He wrote viral blog posts such as "The Web began dying in 2014", "A plan to rescue the Web from the Internet", and "Layers of the Internet Economy". He works as an open source programmer funded by donations, and is developing a free and decentralized social network for phones, together with other pioneers. André also teaches programming through workshops and conference talks, having had spoken at dozens of conferences around Europe.

André on building the next Internet

O fim da Internet

André Staltz @ BrazilJS Conf 2017

Nenhuma tecnologia desaparece da noite pro dia. Assim como o telefone fixo e o Flash, tecnologias sofrem uma gradual redução de uso que pode durar anos ou décadas até desaparecerem completamente. Os primeiros sinais do fim da internet original, aberta e decentralizada, já estão surgindo. Nesta palestra você vai descobrir quais são esses sinais, o que vai acontecer nos próximos anos, e como uma alternativa à internet está sendo criada, usando apenas JavaScript.

André on the end of the Internet

The Decentralized Web

André Staltz @ Hack\Talks in Helsinki, 2017

André will cover of topics such as peer-to-peer browser, off-grid social network, and local development, and their underlying technologies Dat and SSB, both implemented in JavaScript / Node.js.

André decentralizing the web

Embracing Subjectivity

Mix Irving @ nz.js(con); New Zealand JS Conference 2017

Cast central authorities aside and take a tour of a inter-net conceived subjectively. Learn about the challenges and benefits of not having singlular sources of truth, and take a tour of the Scuttleverse - an actively growing decent community (of code and humans).

Mix embracing subjectivity

Signed Merkel Logs

Paul Frazee @ Decentralized Web Summit

Signed merkle logs: What are they, and Why they're so useful in decentralized systems.

Paul on signed merkel logs

SecureScuttlebutt: A Secure Gossip Protocol

Dominic Tarr @ New Zealand Internet Research Forum


Design Challenges of Decentralized Systems

Dominic Tarr @ Data Terra Nemo 2015

Dominic on design issues for peer-to-peer systems

Decentralized Databases, and the End of the Web Host

Paul Frazee @ JS.LA April 2015

How do we synchronize user devices without using servers or central coordination? Join us for a discussion of content-addressing, secure data structures, the web of trust, and apps-development in a post-host Web.

Paul on decent databases

Secure Database Games

Dominic Tarr @ 2014

Dominic on database games

Mad Science Architectures

Dominic Tarr @ Realtime Conference 2013

The puzzle pieces of secure-scuttlebutt are being assembled.

Dominic on Mad Science

Colouring with crayons and playing with Duplo blocks

Dominic Tarr @ node Dublin 2012

On replication, eventual consistency, scuttlebutt and crayons.

Dominic on crayons and duplo

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