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mixmix / ssb-handbook

Tree: 4e43c53b4e5774c54767a04da70038c411cca312

Files: 4e43c53b4e5774c54767a04da70038c411cca312 / faq / basics /

1102 bytesRaw

What happens if I delete everything?

What happens if I unfollow all my friends and delete my .ssb folder? Will all my messages disappear from the scuttleverse?

Your feed would be deleted off of your computer, but would remain on your friends'(and friends of friends) computers. Your messages would remain as long as your friends remained connected, but they might be harder to find in the future as the network grows.

In this, again, it is similar to real-life social relationships. If you decide one day to ditch all your friends and move doesn't mean these friends will forget about you. And they may still talk about that one time you screamsang Carly Rae Jepsen at karaoke. But as life continues, and you all make new friends and connections and live new stories, that specific memory may become harder to recall.


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