const smarkt = require('smarkt') const _ = require('lodash') var archive = new DatArchive(window.location) function store (state, emitter) { emitter.on('zine submitted', function (form) { // take form, convert it to object, then smarkt string, then write it to file. var details = getDetails(form) if (details.collections) { // if submission includes a collections entry, convert it to an array details.collections = toArray(details.collections) } var zineJson = JSON.stringify(details, null, 2) writeZineTxt(zineJson, emitter) }) } function getDetails (form) { // take an html form an return it as an object var formData = new FormData(form) var data = {} for (var pair of formData.entries()) { data[pair[0]] = pair[1] } return data } function writeZineTxt (zine, emitter) { // take a smarkt text and write it as a .txt in zines folder, // then update the library zine = JSON.parse(zine) var fileName = zine.title.replace(/ /g, '-') + '.txt' var pleasantText = smarkt.stringify(zine) archive.writeFile(`zines/${fileName}`, pleasantText) .then(() => emitter.emit('update library', zine)) // handled by branchManager } function toArray (string) { // split a string by commas, remove all white space from each entry, and return the clean array var arr = string.split(',') arr =, _.trim) return arr } module.exports = store