require('setimmediate') const h = require('mutant/html-element') const Value = require('mutant/value') const MutantArray = require('mutant/array') const MutantMap = require('mutant/map') const computed = require('mutant/computed') const when = require('mutant/when') const send = require('mutant/send') const pull = require('pull-stream') const htime = require('human-time') const ssbAvatar = require('ssb-avatar') const memo = require('asyncmemo') const lru = require('hashlru') const DB = require('./db') const UpdateStream = require('./update-stream') const {isDraft, arr} = require('./util') function markHeads(entries) { const o = {} entries.forEach( e => { e.isHead = true o[e.key] = e }) entries.forEach( e => { let revBranch = e.value.content && e.value.content.revisionBranch if (revBranch && o[revBranch]) o[revBranch].isHead = false }) } module.exports = function(ssb, drafts, me, blobsRoot, trusted_keys) { const db = DB(ssb, drafts) const updateStream = UpdateStream([]) let getAvatar = memo({cache: lru(50)}, function (id, cb) { ssbAvatar(ssb, me, id, (err, about)=>{ if (err) return cb(err) let name = if (!/^@/.test(name)) name = '@' + name let imageUrl = about.image ? `${blobsRoot}/${about.image}` : null cb(null, {name, imageUrl}) }) }) let selection = Value() let root = Value() let currRoot = null let ready = Value(false) function discardDraft(node) { drafts.remove(node.key, err => { if (err) return console.error('Unable to delete draft', node.key, err) let hash = document.location.hash if (!isDraft(hash.substr(1))) { if (hash.indexOf(':') !== -1) { document.location.hash = hash.split(':')[0] } selection.set('latest') } else { document.location.hash = '' } }) } function html(entry) { function _click(handler, args) { return { 'ev-click': send( e => handler.apply(e, args) ) } } let feedId = isDraft(entry.key) ? me : let authorAvatarUrl = Value(null, {defaultValue: ""}) let authorName = Value(null, {defaultValue: feedId.substr(0,6)}) getAvatar(feedId, (err, avatar) =>{ if (err) return console.error(err) authorAvatarUrl.set(avatar.imageUrl || "") authorName.set( }) return h(`div.rev${isDraft(entry.key) ? '.draft' : ''}${entry.isHead ? '.head' : ''}`, { classList: computed([selection], sel => sel === entry.key ? ['selected'] : []), 'ev-click': e => { document.location.hash = `#${root()}:${entry.key}` } }, [ h('div.avatar', { style: { 'background-image': computed([authorAvatarUrl], u => `url("${u}")`) } }, [ ...(trusted_keys.includes(feedId) ? [h('span.trusted')] : []) ]), h('', authorName), h('span.timestamp', htime(new Date(entry.value.timestamp))), h('span.node', ((entry.value.content && entry.value.content.revisionBranch) ? entry.value.content.revisionBranch.substr(0,6) + ' โ†’ ' : 'โคœ') + entry.key.substr(0,6) ), ...(isDraft(entry.key) ? [h('span', {title: 'draft'}, 'โœŽ')] : []), h('span.buttons', [ ...(isDraft(entry.key) ? [h('button.discard', _click(discardDraft, [entry]), 'discard' )] : []) ]) ]) } let mutantArray = MutantArray() let selectedLatest = false function streamRevisions(id, syncCb) { //console.log('streaming revisions of', id) let drain let entries let synced = false pull( db.revisions(id, { live: true, sync: true }), updateStream({ live: true, sync: true, allowUntrusted: true, allRevisions: true, bufferUntilSync: true }), drain = pull.drain( kv =>{ if (kv.sync) { synced = true markHeads(entries) mutantArray.set(entries) return syncCb(null, entries) } entries = kv.revisions if (synced) { markHeads(entries) mutantArray.set(entries) if (selectedLatest) { selection.set('latest') } } }, err =>{ if (err) console.error('Revisions stream ends with error', err) }) ) return drain.abort } let containerEl = h('revs', MutantMap(mutantArray, html)) let abort selection( id => { selectedLatest = false if (id === 'latest') { if (mutantArray.getLength() > 0) { selection.set(mutantArray.get(0).key) } else selection.set(null) selectedLatest = true } console.log('rev selected', id) }) root( id => { if (currRoot === id) { return ready.set(true) } //console.log('NEW rev root', id) currRoot = id if (abort) abort() abort = null selection.set(null) ready.set(false) entries = [] mutantArray.clear() if (!id) return abort = streamRevisions(id, err => { if (err) console.error('streaming revisions failed with error', err) else console.log('revisions synced') ready.set(true) }) }) containerEl.selection = selection containerEl.root = root containerEl.ready = ready return containerEl } module.exports.css = ()=> ` .rev { cursor: alias; position: relative; font-size: 11px; color: #6b6969; background-color: #eee; margin: 1px 1px 0 1px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; flex-wrap: wrap; max-height: 32px; align-content: flex-start; } .rev.head { border-width: 2px; border-style: dotted; border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); background: #e0e0ff; margin-right: -1.2em; } .rev.head .node::after { content: "โšˆ"; margin-left: .5em; } .rev.selected { color: #111110; background: #b39254; } .rev .node { position: absolute; right: 1em; top: .5em; order: 3; font-family: monospace; font-size: 12px; } .rev .avatar { margin: 0 8px; height: 32px; width: 32px; border-radius: 3px; background-size: cover; } .rev .author, .rev .timestamp { width: 80px; white-space: nowrap; } .rev .author { padding-top: 3px; } `