const levelup = require('levelup') const pl = require('pull-level') const pull = require('pull-stream') const crypto = require('crypto') module.exports = function (root) { console.log('drafts root', root) function overrideCriticalProperties(msg, value) { let content = (msg.content = msg.content || {}) content.revisionRoot = value.revisionRoot content.revisionBranch = value.revisionBranch content.branch = value.branch content.root = root } function tryToParse(value) { let msg = value msg.syntaxOkay = false try { msg = JSON.parse(value.msgString) msg.syntaxOkay = true } catch(e) { } overrideCriticalProperties(msg, value) msg.draft = true return msg } const db = levelup('drafts', { db: require('level-js'), valueEncoding: 'utf8', keyEncoding: 'utf8' }) function processEntry(e, cb) { if (e.sync) return cb(null, e) if (e.type && e.type !== 'put') { let key = e.key.substr(e.key.lastIndexOf('~')+1) return cb(null, {key, value: null, type: e.type}) } db.get(e.value, function (err, value) { if (err) return cb(err) // this looks funny, but it isn't value = JSON.parse(value) cb(null, {key: e.value, value: tryToParse(value)}) }) } function write(key, msgString, branch, revisionRoot, revisionBranch, cb) { let value = { revisionRoot, revisionBranch, branch, msgString } let json = JSON.stringify(value) db.batch() .put(key, json) .put(`~BRANCH~${branch || ''}~${key}`, key) .put(`~REVROOT~${revisionRoot || ''}~${key}`, key) .write( (err)=>{ value.draft = true cb(err, key, value) }) } return { get: (key, cb) => { db.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) return cb(err) // this looks funny, but it isn't value = JSON.parse(value) value = tryToParse(value) cb(null, value) }) }, update: (key, msgString, cb) => { db.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) return cb(err) value = JSON.parse(value) let { revisionRoot, revisionBranch, branch } = value console.log('draft update', key, value) write(key, msgString, branch, revisionRoot, revisionBranch, cb) }) }, remove: (key, cb) => { db.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) return cb(err) value = JSON.parse(value) let {branch, revisionRoot} = value db.batch() .del(key) .del(`~BRANCH~${branch || ''}~${key}`) .del(`~REVROOT~${revisionRoot || ''}~${key}`) .write(cb) }) }, create: function(msgString, branch, revisionRoot, revisionBranch, cb) { const key = 'draft-' + crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64') write(key, msgString, branch, revisionRoot, revisionBranch, cb) }, publish: (ssb, key, cb) => { db.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) return cb(err) value = JSON.parse(value) let msg try { msg = JSON.parse(value.msgString) } catch(e) { return cb(e) } if (!msg.content) return cb(new Error('message has no content')) // NOTE: we ignore everything but the msg.content and overwrite // branch, revisionRoot, and revisionBranch! msg.content.root = root if (value.branch) msg.content.branch = value.branch if (value.revisionRoot) msg.content.revisionRoot = value.revisionRoot if (value.revisionBranch) msg.content.revisionBranch = value.revisionBranch msg.content['from-draft'] = key ssb.publish(msg.content, cb) }) }, byBranch: function(branch, opts) { opts = opts || {} return pull(, Object.assign({}, opts, {min: `~BRANCH~${branch||""}`, max: `~BRANCH~${branch||""}~~`})), pull.asyncMap(processEntry) ) }, byRevisionRoot: function(root, opts) { opts = opts || {} return pull(, Object.assign({}, opts, {min: `~REVROOT~${root||""}`, max: `~REVROOT~${root||""}~~`})), pull.asyncMap(processEntry) ) }, destroy: function(cb) { require('level-js').destroy('drafts', cb) }, all: function(opts) { opts = opts || {} return pull(, Object.assign({keys: true, values: true}, opts)), pull.filter( kv => !(kv.key && kv.key[0] === '~')), kv => { if (kv.sync) return kv if (kv.type && kv.type !== 'put') { return {key: kv.key, value: null, type: kv.type} } let value = JSON.parse(kv.value) let ret = Object.assign({}, value, { key: kv.key, value: tryToParse(value) }) return ret }) ) } } }