const ref = require('ssb-ref') const pull = require('pull-stream') const many = require('pull-many') const {isDraft} = require('./util') module.exports = function(ssb, drafts) { function getMessageOrDraft(id, cb) { //console.log('getting', id) if (isDraft(id)) drafts.get(id, cb) else if (ref.isMsg(id)) ssb.get(id, cb) else cb(Error(`getMessageOrDraft: invalid id: ${id}`)) } function filterSync(sync) { return pull.filter( x => { // only pass through the last expected sync if (sync && x.sync) { //console.log('sync, expect more:', sync-1) return (!--sync) } return true }) } function uniqueKeys() { let seenKeys = [] // TODO: use a Set here? return pull.filter( x => { if (x.type !== 'del' && x.key) { if (seenKeys.includes(x.key)) { return false } seenKeys.push(x.key) } return true }) } function branches(root, opts) { if (!root) throw new Error('Missing argument: root') opts = opts || {} let syncCount = opts.sync ? (ref.isMsg(root) ? 2 : 1) : 0 return pull( many([ ref.isMsg(root) ? pull( ssb.links(Object.assign({}, opts, { rel: 'branch', dest: root, keys: true, values: true })) ) : pull.empty(), drafts.byBranch(root, opts) ]), uniqueKeys(), // TODO: do we actually need to de-duplicate the keys? // Why? filterSync(syncCount) ) } function revisions(root, opts) { if (!root) throw new Error('Missing argument: root') opts = opts || {} let syncCount = opts.sync ? (ref.isMsg(root) ? 3 : 2) : 1 return pull( many([ pull( pull.once(root), pull.asyncMap(getMessageOrDraft), value => opts.sync ? [ { key: root, value}, { sync: true } ] : [ { key: root, value} ]), pull.flatten() ), ref.isMsg(root) ? pull( ssb.links(Object.assign({}, opts, { rel: 'revisionRoot', dest: root, keys: true, values: true })) ) : pull.empty(), drafts.byRevisionRoot(root, opts) ]), uniqueKeys(), filterSync(syncCount) ) } return { getMessageOrDraft, branches, revisions } }