git ssb


cel / ssb-issues

Tree: 14d3ae7ec41db46483040757b3dcfbbb6ace0030

Files: 14d3ae7ec41db46483040757b3dcfbbb6ace0030 /

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Issue tracking built on secure-scuttlebutt


type: issue

An issue. Represents something that should be fixed.

  type: 'issue',
  project: Link?,
  title: string?,
  text: string?

issue edits

Edits to an issue may be done by any ssb message type. For example, you can make a post that updates an issue, or push a git commit that updates an issue. If the message does not have any content other than to update the issue, then the type may be issue-edit.

  type: 'issue-edit'|'post'|'git-update',
  issues: [{
    link: IssueRef,
    open: boolean,


var Issues = require('ssb-issues')
var issues = Issues.init(sbot)

get: async

Get an issue by its id

issues.get(issueId, cb)

The resulting issue object is as follows:

  id: MsgRef,
  author: FeedRef,
  project: Ref?,
  projectAuthor: FeedRef?,
  created_at: number, 
  updated_at: number,
  open: boolean,
  msg: Msg,

list: source

Get a stream of issues

issues.list({ project:, open:, author:, live:, gt:, gte:, lt:, lte:, reverse: })

new: async

Create a new issue{ project:, title:, text: }, cb)

close: async

issues.close(id, cb)

Mark an issue as closed.

id (MsgRef): id of the issue to reopen

reopen: async

issues.reopen(id, cb)`

Mark an issue as open.

id (MsgRef): id of the issue to reopen text (string): text to accompany the open action

edit: async

issues.edit(id, opts, cb)`

Edit an issue.

id (MsgRef): id of the issue to reopen (boolean): set open/closed status opts.title (string): set title (deprecated)

isStatusChanged: sync

var open = issueSchemas.isStatusChanged(issue, msg)

Check if a message changes an issue's status

getMention: sync

var mention = issueSchemas.getMention(issue, msg)

Get a mention of an issue in a message, if any

deinit: async

Deinit the issues object. Closes all live streams. Since issues uses live streams, you should call deinit when you are done with the issues and want your program to exit or free up resources.



var issueSchemas = Issues.schemas, title, text)

Create a new issue.

issueSchemas.edit(id, opts)

Edit an issue.


Close an issue.


Reopen an issue.

issueSchemas.closes(msg, id)

Mutate a message to make it close an issue

issueSchemas.reopens(msg, id)

Mutate a message to make it reopen an issue


Copyright (c) 2016 Charles Lehner

Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument.


Built with git-ssb-web