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Tree: c0c9508d732a53b79ef287fd75268ac0d50dda3a

Files: c0c9508d732a53b79ef287fd75268ac0d50dda3a / tmpl / docs / social /

2498 bytesRaw

Each user has a profile, comprised of data published by themself and others. The profile content is controlled by About messages.

Get your ID

Use this command to get your ID:

sbot whoami
sbot.whoami(function (err, info) {

Set your username

There is no global registry, so you can choose any name you want. (It's recommended you stay alphanumeric.)

  type: 'about',
  about: yourId,
  name: name
}, cb)
sbot publish --type about --about {yourId} --name {name}

Replace yourId and name with your data.

Here's an example (don't copy this directly):

  type: 'about',
  about: '@hxGxqPrplLjRG2vtjQL87abX4QKqeLgCwQpS730nNwE=.ed25519',
  name: 'bob'
}, cb)
sbot publish \
  --type about \
  --about "@hxGxqPrplLjRG2vtjQL87abX4QKqeLgCwQpS730nNwE=.ed25519" \
  --name "bob"

Set a profile pic

First, <a href="/docs/basics/publish-a-file.html">add the image file to the blobstore.</a>
Then, publish this message with the outputted file-ID:

  type: 'about',
  about: yourId,
  image: {
    link: fileID,       // required
    width: widthInPx,   // optional, but recommended
    height: heightInPx, // optional, but recommended
    name: fileName,     // optional, but recommended
    size: sizeInBytes,  // optional, but recommended
    type: mimeType      // optional, but recommended
}, cb)
sbot publish \
  --type about \
  --about {yourId} \ {fileId} \       # required
  --image.width {widthInPx} \   # optional, but recommended
  --image.height {heightInPx} \ # optional, but recommended {fileName} \     # optional, but recommended
  --image.size {sizeInBytes} \  # optional, but recommended
  --image.type {mimeType}       # optional, but recommended

Here's an example (don't copy this directly):

  'type': 'about',
  'about': '@hxGxqPrplLjRG2vtjQL87abX4QKqeLgCwQpS730nNwE=.ed25519',
  'image': {
    'link': '&NfP4H4NZCfiPQ6AZ6fEmilbFL8Hz3wTQVeaxbCnNEt4=.sha256',
    'size': 347856,
    'type': 'image/png',
    'width': 512,
    'height': 512
sbot publish \
  --type about \
  --about "@hxGxqPrplLjRG2vtjQL87abX4QKqeLgCwQpS730nNwE=.ed25519" \ "&NfP4H4NZCfiPQ6AZ6fEmilbFL8Hz3wTQVeaxbCnNEt4=.sha256" \
  --image.size 347856 \
  --image.type "image/png" \
  --image.width 512 \
  --image.height 512

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