Files: 34d957aac81ecdd3f4531d9e49c2d663178b0b32 / tmpl / apis / pull-stream /
Minimal Pipeable Pull-stream
In classic-streams, streams push data to the next stream in the pipeline. In new-streams, data is pulled out of the source stream, into the destination.
is a minimal take on streams,
pull streams work great for "object" streams as well as streams of raw text or binary data.
Quick Example
Stat some files:
pull.values(['file1', 'file2', 'file3']),
pull.collect(function (err, array) {
note that pull(a, b, c)
is basically the same as a.pipe(b).pipe(c)
The best thing about pull-stream is that it can be completely lazy. This is perfect for async traversals where you might want to stop early.
Compatibily with node streams
pull-streams are not directly compatible with node streams,
but pull-streams can be converted into node streams with
and node streams can be converted into pull-stream using stream-to-pull-stream
Readable & Reader vs. Readable & Writable
Instead of a readable stream, and a writable stream, there is a readable
(aka "Source") and a reader
stream (aka "Sink"). Through streams
is a Sink that returns a Source.
See also:
Source (aka, Readable)
The readable stream is just a function read(end, cb)
that may be called many times,
and will (asynchronously) cb(null, data)
once for each call.
To signify an end state, the stream eventually returns cb(err)
or cb(true)
When indicating a terminal state, data
must be ignored.
The read
function must not be called until the previous call has called back.
Unless, it is a call to abort the stream (read(truthy, cb)
//a stream of 100 random numbers.
var i = 100
var random = function () {
return function (end, cb) {
if(end) return cb(end)
//only read 100 times
if(i-- < 0) return cb(true)
cb(null, Math.random())
Sink; (aka, Reader, "writable")
A sink is just a reader
function that calls a Source (read function),
until it decideds to stop, or the readable ends. cb(err || true)
All Throughs
and Sinks
are reader streams.
//read source and log it.
var logger = function () {
return function (read) {
read(null, function next(end, data) {
if(end === true) return
if(end) throw end
read(null, next)
Since these are just functions, you can pass them to each other!
var rand = random()
var log = logger()
log(rand) //"pipe" the streams.
but, it's easier to read if you use's pull-stream's pull
var pull = require('pull-stream')
pull(random(), logger())
A through stream is a reader on one end and a readable on the other.
It's Sink that returns a Source.
That is, it's just a function that takes a read
and returns another read
var map = function (read, map) {
//return a readable function!
return function (end, cb) {
read(end, function (end, data) {
cb(end, data != null ? map(data) : null)
Every pipeline must go from a source
to a sink
Data will not start moving until the whole thing is connected.
pull(source, through, sink)
some times, it's simplest to describe a stream in terms of other streams. pull can detect what sort of stream it starts with (by counting arguments) and if you pull together through streams, it gives you a new through stream.
var tripleThrough =
pull(through1(), through2(), through3())
pull(source(), tripleThrough, sink())
pull detects if it's missing a Source by checking function arity, if the function takes only one argument it's either a sink or a through. Otherwise it's a Source.
Duplex Streams
Duplex streams, which are used to communicate between two things,
(i.e. over a network) are a little different. In a duplex stream,
messages go both ways, so instead of a single function that represents the stream,
you need a pair of streams. {source: sourceStream, sink: sinkStream}
pipe duplex streams like this:
var a = duplex()
var b = duplex()
pull(a.source, b.sink)
pull(b.source, a.sink)
//which is the same as
b.sink(a.source); a.sink(b.source)
//but the easiest way is to allow pull to handle this
pull(a, b, a)
//"pull from a to b and then back to a"
Design Goals & Rationale
There is a deeper, platonic abstraction, where a streams is just an array in time, instead of in space. And all the various streaming "abstractions" are just crude implementations of this abstract idea.
classic-streams, new-streams, reducers
The objective here is to find a simple realization of the best features of the above.
Type Agnostic
A stream abstraction should be able to handle both streams of text and streams of objects.
A pipeline is also a stream.
Something like this should work: a.pipe(x.pipe(y).pipe(z)).pipe(b)
this makes it possible to write a custom stream simply by
combining a few available streams.
Propagate End/Error conditions.
If a stream ends in an unexpected way (error), then other streams in the pipeline should be notified. (this is a problem in node streams - when an error occurs, the stream is disconnected, and the user must handle that specially)
Also, the stream should be able to be ended from either end.
Transparent Backpressure & Laziness
Very simple transform streams must be able to transfer back pressure instantly.
This is a problem in node streams, pause is only transfered on write, so
on a long chain (a.pipe(b).pipe(c)
), if c
pauses, b
will have to write to it
to pause, and then a
will have to write to b
to pause.
If b
only transforms a
's output, then a
will have to write to b
twice to
find out that c
is paused.
reducers reducers has an interesting method, where synchronous tranformations propagate back pressure instantly!
This means you can have two "smart" streams doing io at the ends, and lots of dumb streams in the middle, and back pressure will work perfectly, as if the dumb streams are not there.
This makes laziness work right.
handling end, error, and abort.
in pull streams, any part of the stream (source, sink, or through) may terminate the stream. (this is the case with node streams too, but it's not handled well).
source: end, error
A source may end (cb(true)
after read) or error (cb(error)
after read)
After ending, the source must never cb(null, data)
sink: abort
Sinks do not normally end the stream, but if they decide they do
not need any more data they may "abort" the source by calling read(true, cb)
A abort (read(true, cb)
) may be called before a preceding read call
has called back.
handling end/abort/error in through streams
Rules for implementing read
in a through stream:
1) Sink wants to stop. sink aborts the through
just forward the exact read() call to your source,
any future read calls should cb(true).
2) We want to stop. (abort from the middle of the stream)
abort your source, and then cb(true) to tell the sink we have ended.
If the source errored during abort, end the sink by cb read with `cb(err)`.
(this will be an ordinary end/error for the sink)
3) Source wants to stop. (read(null, cb) -> cb(err||true)
forward that exact callback towards the sink chain,
we must respond to any future read calls with `cb(err||true)`.
In none of the above cases data is flowing!
4) If data is flowing (normal operation: read(null, cb) -> cb(null, data)
forward data downstream (towards the Sink)
do none of the above!
There either is data flowing (4) OR you have the error/abort cases (1-3), never both.
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