var chloride = require('chloride') var tape = require('tape') var group_box = require('group-box') var u = require('../util') var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') var Scuttlebot = require('ssb-server') .use(require('../')) function hash (s) { return chloride.crypto_hash_sha256(Buffer.from(s, 'utf8')) } var alice = Scuttlebot({ temp: true, keys: ssbKeys.generate(null, hash('alice_secret1')) }) var bob = alice.createFeed(ssbKeys.generate(null, hash('bob_secret1'))) function generate (seed) { var keys = chloride.crypto_box_seed_keypair(seed) return { public: keys.publicKey.toString('base64')+'.curve25519', private: keys.secretKey.toString('base64') } } function toBuffer(s) { return Buffer.isBuffer(s) ? s : Buffer.from(s, 'base64') } function scalarmult (pk,sk) { return chloride.crypto_scalarmult(toBuffer(pk), toBuffer(sk)) } var alice_keys = generate(hash('alice_secret2')) var bob_keys = generate(hash('bob_secret2.1')) var bob_keys2 = generate(hash('bob_secret2.2')) tape('create a private-msg-key', function (t) { //normally alice would publish a 'private-msg-key' message //to advertise this key, but in this test bob is constructing //messages manually, so it's not needed. //in the future, have a way to call publish and look at the recipients //and then choose the keys. alice.privateGroups.addCurvePair(alice_keys, function (err) { if(err) throw err //bob doesn't call addCurvePair because bob is remote. //(we are just adding his feed directly so we don't // need to bother with replication) bob.publish({ type: 'private-msg-key', key: bob_keys.public }, function (err, data) { if(err) throw err t.ok(data.key) var content = { type: 'private', text: 'hello, alice' } var ptxt = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(content)) var nonce = u.id2Buffer(data.key) var keys = [bob_keys, alice_keys].map(function (key) { return scalarmult(bob_keys.private, key.public) }) var ctxt =, nonce, keys) var _key = group_box.unboxKey(ctxt, nonce, keys, 8) t.ok(_key, 'message can be decrypted') bob.publish( ctxt.toString('base64')+'.box2', function (err, data) { if(err) throw err t.ok(data) alice.get({id: data.key, private: true}, function (err, msg) { if(err) throw err t.deepEqual(msg.content, content) t.end() }) } ) }) }) }) tape('bob switches keys', function (t) { //bob doesn't call addCurvePair because bob is remote. //(we are just adding his feed directly so we don't // need to bother with replication) bob.publish({ type: 'private-msg-key', key: bob_keys2.public }, function (err, data) { if(err) throw err t.ok(data.key) var content = { type: 'private', text: 'hello again, alice!' } var ptxt = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(content)) var nonce = u.id2Buffer(data.key) var keys = [bob_keys2, alice_keys].map(function (key) { return scalarmult(bob_keys2.private, key.public) }) var ctxt =, nonce, keys) var _key = group_box.unboxKey(ctxt, nonce, keys, 8) t.ok(_key, 'message can be decrypted') bob.publish( ctxt.toString('base64')+'.box2', function (err, data) { if(err) throw err t.ok(data) alice.get({id: data.key, private: true}, function (err, msg) { if(err) throw err console.log(msg) t.deepEqual(msg.content, content) t.end() }) } ) }) }) //test that alice can decrypt messages after bob has switched //keys again. tape('cleanup', function (t) { alice.close() t.end() })