git ssb


Dominic / ssb-private-groups

Tree: 4de96c011f2e32da25a86df102a8af549f39d44c

Files: 4de96c011f2e32da25a86df102a8af549f39d44c /

696 bytesRaw


receive key

to indicate you support box2, post a message

` { type: 'private-msg-key', key: curve25519.public }
when decrypting messages from another feed, you know it came from their most recent private message key, because they are in a strict order.

when decrypting messages for your feed these must be combined with each private-msg-key you retain. when rotating keys, it is advisable to keep both keys alive for an overlap period, to improve chances that sender has your new key when they write a message to you.

If they write a message to a key you have discarded, you won't know, because you'll be unable to decrypt that message.



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