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mixmix / flume-intro

Tree: 1b92defc7a364a894997eabdeefb6b94f0c1230b

Files: 1b92defc7a364a894997eabdeefb6b94f0c1230b /

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Intro to Flume DB

An introduction to flumeDb - the database under secure scuttlebutt. Also, mix is a dragon onsie

Learn about the basics of Flume, and how to make a materialised view with it.

Check out a wide range of scuttlebutt learning resources here : scuttlebutt-guide (ssb | github)

Recording of the stream:


clone this repo down and run npm install

From there you can run each of these files in the terminal, e.g.:

node 1_write_to_flume.js

Note that at the end of this I hit some bumps trying to install the flumeview as a scuttlebot plugin. I managed to resolve that after the stream, you can check it out here : (ssb | github)



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