var nest = require('depnest') var extend = require('xtend') var pull = require('pull-stream') var { h, send, when, computed, map, onceTrue } = require('mutant') exports.needs = nest({ sbot: { obs: { connectedPeers: 'first', localPeers: 'first', connection: 'first' } }, '': 'first', 'feed.pull.public': 'first', 'about.html.image': 'first', '': 'first', 'invite.sheet': 'first', 'message.html.compose': 'first', 'message.async.publish': 'first', 'message.sync.root': 'first', 'progress.html.peer': 'first', 'feed.html.rollup': 'first', 'profile.obs.recentlyUpdated': 'first', 'contact.obs.following': 'first', 'contact.obs.blocking': 'first', 'channel.obs': { subscribed: 'first', recent: 'first' }, 'channel.sync.normalize': 'first', '': 'first', 'settings.obs.get': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first' }) = nest({ 'page.html.render': true }) exports.create = function (api) { const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n return nest('page.html.render', page) function page (path) { if (path !== '/public') return // "/" is a sigil for "page" var id = var following = var blocking = var subscribedChannels = var recentChannels = var loading = computed([subscribedChannels.sync, recentChannels.sync], (...args) => !args.every(Boolean)) var channels = computed(recentChannels, items => items.slice(0, 8), {comparer: arrayEq}) var connectedPeers = api.sbot.obs.connectedPeers() var localPeers = api.sbot.obs.localPeers() var connectedPubs = computed([connectedPeers, localPeers], (c, l) => c.filter(x => !l.includes(x))) var prepend = [ api.message.html.compose({ meta: { type: 'post' }, placeholder: i18n('Write a public message') }) ] var lastMessage = null var getStream = (opts) => { if (! { // HACK: reset the isReplacementMessage check lastMessage = null } if ( != null && ! { // if an lt has been specified that is not a marker, assume stream is finished return pull.empty() } else { return => sbot.patchwork.roots(extend(opts, { ids: [id], onlySubscribedChannels: filters() && filters().onlySubscribed }))) } } var filters = api.settings.obs.get('filters') var feedView = api.feed.html.rollup(getStream, { prepend, prefiltered: true, // we've already filtered out the roots we don't want to include updateStream: => sbot.patchwork.latest({ids: [id]})), bumpFilter: function (msg) { // this needs to match the logic in sbot/roots so that we display the // correct bump explainations if (msg.value && msg.value.content && typeof msg.value.content === 'object') { var type = msg.value.content.type if (type === 'vote') return false var author = return matchesSubscribedChannel(msg) || id === author || following().includes(author) } }, rootFilter: function (msg) { // skip messages that are directly replaced by the previous message // e.g. follow / unfollow in quick succession // THIS IS A TOTAL HACK!!! SHOULD BE REPLACED WITH A PROPER ROLLUP! var isOutdated = isReplacementMessage(msg, lastMessage) if (checkFeedFilter(msg) && !isOutdated) { lastMessage = msg return true } }, compactFilter: function (msg, root) { if (!root && api.message.sync.root(msg)) { // msg has a root, but is being displayed as root (fork) return true } }, waitFor: computed([ following.sync, subscribedChannels.sync ], (...x) => x.every(Boolean)) }) // call reload whenever filters changes (equivalent to the refresh from inside rollup) filters(feedView.reload) var result = h('div.SplitView', [ h('div.side', [ getSidebar() ]), h('div.main', feedView) ]) result.pendingUpdates = feedView.pendingUpdates result.reload = function () { feedView.reload() } return result function checkFeedFilter (root) { if (filters()) { if (filters().following && getType(root) === 'contact') return false } return true } function matchesSubscribedChannel (msg) { var channel = var tagged = checkTag(msg.value.content.mentions) var isSubscribed = channel ? subscribedChannels().has(channel) : false return isSubscribed || tagged } function checkTag (mentions) { if (Array.isArray(mentions)) { return mentions.some((mention) => { if (mention && typeof === 'string' &&'#')) { var channel = return channel ? subscribedChannels().has(channel) : false } }) } } function getSidebar () { var whoToFollow = computed([api.profile.obs.recentlyUpdated(), following, blocking, localPeers], (recent, ...ignoreFeeds) => { return recent.filter(x => x !== id && !ignoreFeeds.some(f => f.includes(x))).slice(0, 10) }) return [ h('button -pub -full', { 'ev-click': api.invite.sheet }, i18n('+ Join Pub')), when(loading, [ h('Loading') ], [ when(computed(channels, x => x.length), h('h2', i18n('Active Channels'))), h('div', { classList: 'ChannelList', hidden: loading }, [ map(channels, (channel) => { var subscribed = subscribedChannels.has(channel) return h('', { href: `#${channel}`, classList: [ when(subscribed, '-subscribed') ] }, [ h('', '#' + channel), when(subscribed, h('a.-unsubscribe', { 'ev-click': send(unsubscribe, channel) }, i18n('Unsubscribe')), h('a.-subscribe', { 'ev-click': send(subscribe, channel) }, i18n('Subscribe')) ) ]) }, {maxTime: 5}), h(' -more', {href: '/channels'}, i18n('More Channels...')) ]) ]), PeerList(localPeers, i18n('Local')), PeerList(connectedPubs, i18n('Connected Pubs')), when(computed(whoToFollow, x => x.length), h('h2', i18n('Who to follow'))), when(following.sync, h('div', { classList: 'ProfileList' }, [ map(whoToFollow, (id) => { return h('a.profile', { href: id }, [ h('div.avatar', [api.about.html.image(id)]), h('div.main', [ h('', [ ]) ]) ]) }) ]) ) ] } function PeerList (ids, title) { return [ when(computed(ids, x => x.length), h('h2', title)), h('div', { classList: 'ProfileList' }, [ map(ids, (id) => { var connected = computed([connectedPeers, id], (peers, id) => peers.includes(id)) return h('a.profile', { classList: [ when(connected, '-connected') ], href: id }, [ h('div.avatar', [api.about.html.image(id)]), h('div.main', [ h('', [ ]) ]), h('div.progress', [ api.progress.html.peer(id) ]), h('div.controls', [ h('a.disconnect', {href: '#disconnect', 'ev-click': send(disconnect, id), title: i18n('Force Disconnect')}, ['x']) ]) ]) }) ]) ] } function subscribe (id) { api.message.async.publish({ type: 'channel', channel: id, subscribed: true }) } function unsubscribe (id) { api.message.async.publish({ type: 'channel', channel: id, subscribed: false }) } function disconnect (id) { onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection, (sbot) => { sbot.patchwork.disconnect(id) }) } } } function getType (msg) { return msg && msg.value && msg.value.content && msg.value.content.type } function hasChannel (msg) { return getType(msg) !== 'channel' && msg && msg.value && msg.value.content && !! } function arrayEq (a, b) { if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b) && a.length === b.length && a !== b) { return a.every((value, i) => value === b[i]) } } function isReplacementMessage (msgA, msgB) { if (msgA && msgB && msgA.value.content && msgB.value.content && msgA.value.content.type === msgB.value.content.type) { if (msgA.key === msgB.key) return false var type = msgA.value.content.type if (type === 'contact') { return === && === } } }