var nest = require('depnest') var Value = require('mutant/value') var onceTrue = require('mutant/once-true') var computed = require('mutant/computed') var resolve = require('mutant/resolve') var pull = require('pull-stream') var onceIdle = require('mutant/once-idle') var sorted = require('sorted-array-functions') exports.needs = nest({ 'sbot.pull.backlinks': 'first', 'sbot.obs.connection': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.sync.timestamp': 'first' }) = nest('backlinks.obs.for', true) exports.create = function (api) { var cache = {} var collections = {} var loaded = false // cycle remove sets for fast cleanup var newRemove = new Set() var oldRemove = new Set() // run cache cleanup every 5 seconds // an item will be removed from cache between 5 - 10 seconds after release // this ensures that the data is still available for a page reload var timer = setInterval(() => { oldRemove.forEach(id => { if (cache[id]) { unsubscribe(id) delete collections[id] delete cache[id] } }) oldRemove.clear() // cycle var hold = oldRemove oldRemove = newRemove newRemove = hold }, 5e3) if (timer.unref) timer.unref() return nest({ 'backlinks.obs.for': (id) => backlinks(id) }) function backlinks (id) { load() if (!cache[id]) { var sync = Value(false) var collection = Value([]) subscribe(id) // try not to saturate the thread onceIdle(() => { pull( api.sbot.pull.backlinks({ query: [ {$filter: { dest: id }} ], index: 'DTA' // use asserted timestamps }), pull.drain((msg) => { var value = resolve(collection) sorted.add(value, msg, compareAsserted) collection.set(value) }, () => { sync.set(true) }) ) }) collections[id] = collection cache[id] = computed([collection], x => x, { onListen: () => use(id), onUnlisten: () => release(id) }) cache[id].sync = sync } return cache[id] } function load () { if (!loaded) { pull( =>, pull.drain(msg => { var collection = collections[msg.dest] if (collection) { var value = resolve(collection) sorted.add(value, msg, compareAsserted) collection.set(value) } }) ) loaded = true } } function use (id) { newRemove.delete(id) oldRemove.delete(id) } function release (id) { newRemove.add(id) } function subscribe (id) { onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection(), (sbot) => sbot.patchwork.liveBacklinks.subscribe(id)) } function unsubscribe (id) { onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection(), (sbot) => sbot.patchwork.liveBacklinks.unsubscribe(id)) } function compareAsserted (a, b) { if (isReplyTo(a, b)) { return -1 } else if (isReplyTo(b, a)) { return 1 } else { return api.message.sync.timestamp(a) - api.message.sync.timestamp(b) } } } function isReplyTo (maybeReply, msg) { return (includesOrEquals(maybeReply.branch, msg.key)) } function includesOrEquals (array, value) { if (Array.isArray(array)) { return array.includes(value) } else { return array === value } }