var nest = require('depnest') var extend = require('xtend') var Pickr = require('flatpickr') var spacetime = require('spacetime') var {Value, h, computed, when} = require('mutant') = nest('gathering.sheet.edit') exports.needs = nest({ 'sheet.display': 'first', '': 'first', 'sbot.async.publish': 'first', 'about.obs.latestValue': 'first', 'blob.html.input': 'first', 'blob.sync.url': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n return nest('gathering.sheet.edit', function (id) { api.sheet.display(close => { var current = id ? { title: api.about.obs.latestValue(id, 'title'), startDateTime: api.about.obs.latestValue(id, 'startDateTime'), image: api.about.obs.latestValue(id, 'image'), description: api.about.obs.latestValue(id, 'description') } : { title: Value(), startDateTime: Value(), image: Value(), description: Value() } var publishing = Value(false) var chosen = { title: Value(current.title()), startDateTime: Value(current.startDateTime()), image: Value(current.image()), description: Value(current.description()) } var imageUrl = computed(chosen.image, (id) => id && api.blob.sync.url(id)) return { content: h('div', { style: { padding: '20px', 'text-align': 'center' } }, [ h('h2', { style: { 'font-weight': 'normal' } }, [id ? i18n('Edit') : i18n('Create'), i18n(' Gathering')]), h('GatheringEditor', [ h('input.title', { placeholder: i18n('Choose a title'), hooks: [ValueHook(chosen.title), FocusHook()] }), h('', { placeholder: i18n('Choose date and time'), hooks: [ PickrHook(chosen.startDateTime) ] }), h('ImageInput .banner', { style: { 'background-image': computed(imageUrl, x => `url(${x})`) } }, [ h('span', ['🖼 ', i18n('Choose Banner Image...')]), api.blob.html.input(file => { chosen.image.set(file) }, { accept: 'image/*' }) ]), h('textarea.description', { placeholder: i18n('Describe the gathering (if you want)'), hooks: [ValueHook(chosen.description)] }) ]) ]), footer: [ h('button -save', { 'ev-click': save, 'disabled': publishing }, when(publishing, i18n('Publishing...'), i18n('Publish'))), h('button -cancel', { 'ev-click': close }, i18n('Cancel')) ] } function ensureExists (cb) { if (!id) { api.sbot.async.publish({ type: 'gathering' }, (err, msg) => { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, msg.key) }) } else { cb(null, id) } } function save () { // no confirm var update = {} if (!compareImage(chosen.image(), current.image())) update.image = chosen.image() if (!compareTime(chosen.startDateTime(), current.startDateTime())) update.startDateTime = chosen.startDateTime() if (chosen.title() !== current.title()) update.title = chosen.title() || i18n('Untitled Gathering') if (chosen.description() !== current.description()) update.description = chosen.description() if (Object.keys(update).length) { publishing.set(true) ensureExists((err, id) => { if (err) throw err api.sbot.async.publish(extend({ type: 'about', about: id }, update), (err) => { if (err) { publishing.set(false) showDialog({ type: 'error', title: i18n('Error'), buttons: ['OK'], message: i18n('An error occurred while attempting to publish gathering.'), detail: err.message }) } else { close() } }) }) } else { close() } } }) }) } function compareTime (a, b) { if (!a && !b) { return true } else if (!a || !b) { return false } else { return a.epoch === b.epoch } } function compareImage (a, b) { a = isObject(a) ? : a b = isObject(b) ? : b return a === b } function isObject (value) { return value && typeof value === 'object' } function FocusHook () { return function (element) { setTimeout(() => { element.focus() }, 5) } } function ValueHook (obs) { return function (element) { element.value = obs() element.oninput = function () { obs.set(element.value.trim()) } } } function showDialog (opts) { var electron = require('electron') electron.remote.dialog.showMessageBox(electron.remote.getCurrentWindow(), opts) } function PickrHook (obs) { return function (element) { var picker = new Pickr(element, { enableTime: true, altInput: true, dateFormat: 'U', onChange: function (dates) { obs.set(spacetime(parseInt(element.value, 10) * 1000)) } }) var value = obs() if (value) { picker.setDate(value.epoch) } return () => picker.destroy() } }