var h = require('mutant/h') var nest = require('depnest') var when = require('mutant/when') exports.needs = nest({ 'sheet.display': 'first', 'message.html.render': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first', 'emoji.sync.url': 'first' }) = nest('message.sheet.preview') exports.create = function (api) { const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n return nest('message.sheet.preview', function (msg, cb) { api.sheet.display(function (close) { var isPrivate = msg.value.private var isRoot = !msg.value.content.root return { content: [ api.message.html.render(msg) ], footer: [ when(isPrivate, h('img', {src: api.emoji.sync.url('closed_lock_with_key')}), h('img', {src: api.emoji.sync.url('globe_with_meridians')}) ), when(isPrivate, h(' -private', [ when(isRoot, i18n('Only visible to you and people that have been mentioned'), i18n('Only visible to you and other thread participants') ) ]), h(' -public', [ when(msg.publicallyEditable, i18n('This message will be public and can be edited by anyone'), i18n('This message will be public and cannot be edited or deleted') ) ]) ), h('button -save', { 'ev-click': publish }, i18n('Confirm')), h('button -cancel', { 'ev-click': cancel }, i18n('Cancel')) ] } function publish () { close() cb(null, true) } function cancel () { close() cb(null, false) } }) return true }) }