var {remote, shell, clipboard, ipcRenderer} = require('electron') var {SpellCheckHandler, ContextMenuListener, ContextMenuBuilder} = require('electron-spellchecker') var {MenuItem, Menu} = remote var ref = require('ssb-ref') module.exports = setupContextMenuAndSpellCheck function setupContextMenuAndSpellCheck (config) { window.spellCheckHandler = new SpellCheckHandler() window.spellCheckHandler.attachToInput() // Start off as US English, America #1 (lol) window.spellCheckHandler.switchLanguage('en-US') var contextMenuBuilder = new ContextMenuBuilder(window.spellCheckHandler, null, true) contextMenuBuilder.buildMenuForLink = function (menuInfo) { var menu = new Menu() var isEmailAddress = menuInfo.linkURL.startsWith('mailto:') var isFile = menuInfo.linkURL.startsWith('file:') var extractedRef = ref.extract(menuInfo.linkURL) if (!isFile) { var copyLink = new MenuItem({ label: isEmailAddress ? this.stringTable.copyMail() : this.stringTable.copyLinkUrl(), click: () => { // Omit the mailto: portion of the link; we just want the address clipboard.writeText(isEmailAddress ? menuInfo.linkText : menuInfo.linkURL) } }) var openLink = new MenuItem({ label: this.stringTable.openLinkUrl(), click: () => { shell.openExternal(menuInfo.linkURL) } }) menu.append(copyLink) menu.append(openLink) } if (extractedRef) { var copyRef = new MenuItem({ label: `Copy Link Ref (${extractedRef.slice(0, 10)}...)`, click: () => { // Omit the mailto: portion of the link; we just want the address clipboard.writeText(extractedRef) } }) menu.append(copyRef) } if (this.isSrcUrlValid(menuInfo)) { if (!isFile) this.addSeparator(menu) this.addImageItems(menu, menuInfo) } this.addInspectElement(menu, menuInfo) this.processMenu(menu, menuInfo) return menu } module.exports = new ContextMenuListener((info) => { contextMenuBuilder.buildMenuForElement(info).then((menu) => { var element = document.elementFromPoint(info.x, info.y) while (element && !element.msg) { element = element.parentNode } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Inspect Server Process', click: function () { ipcRenderer.send('open-background-devtools') } })) menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' })) menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Reload', click: function (item, focusedWindow) { if (focusedWindow) { focusedWindow.reload() } } })) if (element && element.msg) { menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' })) menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Copy Message ID', click: function () { clipboard.writeText(element.msg.key) } })) if (element.msg.value.content.text) { menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Copy Message Text', click: function () { clipboard.writeText(element.msg.value.content.text) } })) } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Copy External Link', click: function () { const key = element.msg.key const gateway = config.gateway || '' const url = `${gateway}/${encodeURIComponent(key)}` clipboard.writeText(url) } })) } menu.popup(remote.getCurrentWindow()) }).catch((err) => { throw err }) }) }