var nest = require('depnest') var { h, when, send, computed } = require('mutant') = nest('contact.html.followToggle') exports.needs = nest({ 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.async.publish': 'first', 'contact.async.follow': 'first', 'contact.async.unfollow': 'first', 'contact.async.block': 'first', 'contact.async.unblock': 'first', 'contact.obs.following': 'first', 'contact.obs.followers': 'first', 'contact.obs.blockers': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { var i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n return nest('contact.html.followToggle', function (id, opts) { var yourId = var yourFollows = var rawFollowers = var rawFollowing = var friends = computed([rawFollowing, rawFollowers], (following, followers) => { return Array.from(following).filter(follow => followers.includes(follow)) }) var following = computed([rawFollowing, friends], (following, friends) => { return Array.from(following).filter(follow => !friends.includes(follow)) }) var isFriends = computed([friends], function (friends) { return friends.includes(yourId) }) var followsYou = computed([following], function (followsYou) { return followsYou.includes(yourId) }) var youFollow = computed([yourFollows], function (youFollow) { return youFollow.includes(id) }) var blockers = var youBlock = computed(blockers, function (blockers) { return blockers.includes(yourId) }) var showBlockButton = computed([opts && opts.block], (block) => block !== false) if (id !== yourId) { return when(youBlock, [ h('a.ToggleButton.-unblocking', { 'href': '#', 'title': i18n('Click to unblock'), 'ev-click': send(unblock, id) }, i18n('Blocked')) ], [ when(youFollow, h('a.ToggleButton.-unsubscribe', { 'href': '#', 'title': i18n('Click to unfollow'), 'ev-click': send(, id) }, when(isFriends, i18n('Friends'), i18n('Following'))), h('a.ToggleButton.-subscribe', { 'href': '#', 'ev-click': send(, id) }, when(followsYou, i18n('Follow Back'), i18n('Follow'))) ), when(showBlockButton, h('a.ToggleButton.-blocking', { 'href': '#', 'title': i18n('Click to block syncing with this person and hide their posts'), 'ev-click': send(block, id) }, i18n('Block'))) ]) } else { return [] } }) function block (id) { // displays message confirm api.message.async.publish({ type: 'contact', contact: id, blocking: true }) } function unblock (id) { // displays message confirm api.message.async.publish({ type: 'contact', contact: id, blocking: false }) } }