var { h, when, send } = require('mutant') var nest = require('depnest') exports.needs = nest({ 'channel.obs.subscribed': 'first', 'message.html.compose': 'first', 'feed.html.rollup': 'first', '': 'first', 'sbot.pull.log': 'first', 'message.async.publish': 'first', '': 'first' }) = nest('page.html.render') exports.create = function (api) { return nest('page.html.render', function channel (path) { if (path[0] !== '#') return var channel = path.substr(1) var subscribedChannels = var prepend = [ h('PageHeading', [ h('h1', `#${channel}`), h('div.meta', [ when(subscribedChannels.has(channel), h('a.ToggleButton.-unsubscribe', { 'href': '#', 'title': 'Click to unsubscribe', 'ev-click': send(unsubscribe, channel) }, 'Subscribed'), h('a.ToggleButton.-subscribe', { 'href': '#', 'ev-click': send(subscribe, channel) }, 'Subscribe') ) ]) ]), api.message.html.compose({ meta: {type: 'post', channel}, placeholder: 'Write a message in this channel\n\n\n\nPeople who follow you or subscribe to this channel will also see this message in their main feed.\n\nTo create a new channel, type the channel name (preceded by a #) into the search box above. e.g #cat-pics' }) ] return api.feed.html.rollup(, { prepend, windowSize: 100 }) }) function subscribe (id) { // confirm api.message.async.publish({ type: 'channel', channel: id, subscribed: true }) } function unsubscribe (id) { // confirm api.message.async.publish({ type: 'channel', channel: id, subscribed: false }) } }