var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') var explain = require('explain-error') var valid = require('scuttlebot/lib/validators') var Links = require('streamview-links') var pull = require('pull-stream') var Notify = require('pull-notify') var path = require('path') var Value = require('mutant/value') var watchThrottle = require('mutant/watch-throttle') var indexes = [ { key: 'TSP', value: ['timestamp'] }, { key: 'ATY', value: [['value', 'author'], ['value', 'content', 'type'], 'timestamp'] } ] module.exports = { name: 'private', version: '0.0.0', manifest: { publish: 'async', unbox: 'sync', read: 'source', progress: 'source' }, permissions: { anonymous: {} }, init: function (sbot, config) { var dir = path.join(config.path, 'private') var version = 0 var index = Links(dir, indexes, (x, emit) => { var value = unbox(x) if (value) { emit(value) } }, version) var notify = Notify() var pending = Value(0) watchThrottle(pending, 200, (value) => { notify({pending: Math.max(0, value)}) }) index.init(function (_, since) { countChanges(since, function (err, changes) { if (err) throw err pending.set(changes) onChange(() => { pending.set(pending() + 1) }) pull( sbot.createLogStream({gt: since || 0, live: true, sync: false}), pull.through(function () { pending.set(pending() - 1) }), index.write(function (err) { if (err) throw err }) ) }) }) return { publish: valid.async(function (data, recps, cb) { var ciphertext try { ciphertext =, recps) } catch (e) { return cb(explain(e, 'failed to encrypt')) } sbot.publish(ciphertext, cb) }, 'string|object', 'array'), unbox: valid.sync(function (ciphertext) { var data try { data = ssbKeys.unbox(ciphertext, sbot.keys.private) } catch (e) { throw explain(e, 'failed to decrypt') } return data }, 'string'), read: function (opts) { if (opts && typeof opts === 'string') { try { opts = {query: JSON.parse(opts)} } catch (err) { return pull.error(err) } } return, function (ts, cb) { sbot.sublevel('log').get(ts, function (err, key) { if (err) return cb(explain(err, 'missing timestamp:'+ts)) sbot.get(key, function (err, value) { if(err) return cb(explain(err, 'missing key:'+key)) cb(null, {key: key, value: unboxValue(value), timestamp: ts}) }) }) }) }, progress: notify.listen } function countChanges (since, cb) { var result = 0 pull( sbot.createLogStream({gt: since || 0, keys: false, values: false}), pull.drain(function () { result += 1 }, function (err) { cb(err, result) }) ) } function onChange (cb) { pull( sbot.createLogStream({keys: false, values: false, old: false}), pull.drain(function () { cb() }) ) } function unbox (msg) { if (typeof msg.value.content === 'string') { var value = unboxValue(msg.value) if (value) { return { key: msg.key, value: value, timestamp: msg.timestamp } } } } function unboxValue (value) { var plaintext = null try { plaintext = ssbKeys.unbox(value.content, sbot.keys.private) } catch (ex) {} if (!plaintext) return null return { previous: value.previous, author:, sequence: value.sequence, timestamp: value.timestamp, hash: value.hash, content: plaintext, private: true } } } }