var nest = require('depnest') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var {h, when, computed, map, send, dictToCollection, resolve} = require('mutant') var extend = require('xtend') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.obs': { name: 'first', description: 'first', names: 'first', images: 'first', color: 'first' }, 'blob.sync.url': 'first', 'blob.html.input': 'first', 'message.async.publish': 'first', 'message.html.markdown': 'first', 'about.html.image': 'first', 'feed.html.rollup': 'first', 'feed.pull.profile': 'first', 'sbot.async.publish': 'first', '': 'first', 'sheet.display': 'first', 'profile.obs.rank': 'first', 'profile.sheet.edit': 'first', 'contact.obs': { followers: 'first', following: 'first' } }) = nest('page.html.render') exports.create = function (api) { return nest('page.html.render', function profile (id) { if (!ref.isFeed(id)) return var name = var description = api.about.obs.description(id) var yourId = var yourFollows = var rawFollowers = var rawFollowing = var friendsLoaded = computed([rawFollowers.sync, rawFollowing.sync], (...x) => x.every(Boolean)) var friends = computed([rawFollowing, rawFollowers], (following, followers) => { return Array.from(following).filter(follow => followers.has(follow)) }) var following = computed([rawFollowing, friends], (following, friends) => { return Array.from(following).filter(follow => !friends.includes(follow)) }) var followers = computed([rawFollowers, friends], (followers, friends) => { return Array.from(followers).filter(follower => !friends.includes(follower)) }) var isFriends = computed([friends], function (friends) { return friends.includes(yourId) }) var followsYou = computed([following], function (followsYou) { return followsYou.includes(yourId) }) var youFollow = computed([yourFollows], function (youFollow) { return youFollow.has(id) }) var names = api.about.obs.names(id) var images = api.about.obs.images(id) var namePicker = h('div', {className: 'Picker'}, [ map(dictToCollection(names), (item) => { var isSelf = computed(item.value, (ids) => ids.includes(id)) var isAssigned = computed(item.value, (ids) => ids.includes(yourId)) return h('', { 'ev-click': () => { if (!isAssigned()) { assignName(id, resolve(item.key)) } }, href: '#', classList: [ when(isSelf, '-self'), when(isAssigned, '-assigned') ], title: nameList(when(isSelf, 'Self Assigned', 'Assigned By'), item.value) }, [ item.key ]) }), h('a -add', { 'ev-click': () => { rename(id) }, href: '#', }, ['+']) ]) var imagePicker = h('div', {className: 'Picker'}, [ map(dictToCollection(images), (item) => { var isSelf = computed(item.value, (ids) => ids.includes(id)) var isAssigned = computed(item.value, (ids) => ids.includes(yourId)) return h('', { 'ev-click': () => { if (!isAssigned()) { assignImage(id, resolve(item.key)) } }, href: '#', classList: [ when(isSelf, '-self'), when(isAssigned, '-assigned') ], title: nameList(when(isSelf, 'Self Assigned', 'Assigned By'), item.value) }, [ h('img', { className: 'Avatar', style: { 'background-color': api.about.obs.color(id) }, src: computed(item.key, api.blob.sync.url) }) ]) }), h('span.add', [ api.blob.html.input(file => { assignImage(id, }, { accept: 'image/*', resize: { width: 500, height: 500 } }) ]) ]) var prepend = h('header', {className: 'ProfileHeader'}, [ h('div.image', api.about.html.image(id)), h('div.main', [ h('div.title', [ h('h1', [name]), h('div.meta', [ when(id === yourId, [ h('button', {'ev-click': api.profile.sheet.edit}, 'Edit Your Profile') ], [ when(youFollow, h('a.ToggleButton.-unsubscribe', { 'href': '#', 'title': 'Click to unfollow', 'ev-click': send(unfollow, id) }, when(isFriends, 'Friends', 'Following')), h('a.ToggleButton.-subscribe', { 'href': '#', 'ev-click': send(follow, id) }, when(followsYou, 'Follow Back', 'Follow')) ) ]) ]) ]), h('section -description', [ computed(description, (text) => { if (typeof text === 'string') { return api.message.html.markdown(text) } }) ]), h('section', [ namePicker, imagePicker ]) ]) ]) var feedView = api.feed.html.rollup(api.feed.pull.profile(id), { prepend, displayFilter: (msg) => === id, bumpFilter: (msg) => === id, }) var container = h('div', {className: 'SplitView'}, [ h('div.main', [ feedView ]), h('div.side.-right', [ when(friendsLoaded, h('div', [ renderContactBlock('Friends', friends, yourFollows), renderContactBlock('Followers', followers, yourFollows), renderContactBlock('Following', following, yourFollows) ]), h('div', {className: 'Loading'}) ) ]) ]) container.pendingUpdates = feedView.pendingUpdates container.reload = feedView.reload return container }) function renderContactBlock (title, profiles, yourFollows) { profiles = api.profile.obs.rank(profiles) return [ when(computed(profiles, x => x.length), h('h2', title)), h('div', { classList: 'ProfileList' }, [ map(profiles, (id) => { var following = computed(yourFollows, f => f.has(id)) return h('a.profile', { href: id, classList: [ when(following, '-following') ] }, [ h('div.avatar', [api.about.html.image(id)]), h('div.main', [ h('', [ ]) ]) ]) }, { maxTime: 5, idle: true }) ]) ] } function follow (id) { api.sbot.async.publish({ type: 'contact', contact: id, following: true }) } function unfollow (id) { api.sbot.async.publish({ type: 'contact', contact: id, following: false }) } function assignImage (id, image) { api.message.async.publish({ type: 'about', about: id, image }) } function assignName (id, name) { api.message.async.publish({ type: 'about', about: id, name }) } function rename (id) { api.sheet.display(close => { var currentName = var input = h('input', { style: {'font-size': '150%'}, value: currentName() }) setTimeout(() => { input.focus() }, 5) return { content: h('div', { style: { padding: '20px', 'text-align': 'center' } }, [ h('h2', { style: { 'font-weight': 'normal' } }, ['What whould you like to call ', h('strong', [currentName]), '?']), input ]), footer: [ h('button -save', { 'ev-click': () => { if (input.value.trim() && input.value !== currentName()) { // no confirm api.sbot.async.publish({ type: 'about', about: id, name: input.value.trim() }) } close() } }, 'Confirm'), h('button -cancel', { 'ev-click': close }, 'Cancel') ] } }) } function nameList (prefix, ids) { var items = map(ids, return computed([prefix, items], (prefix, names) => { return (prefix ? (prefix + '\n') : '') + => `- ${n}`).join('\n') }) } }