var combine = require('depject') var entry = require('depject/entry') var electron = require('electron') var h = require('mutant/h') var when = require('mutant/when') var onceTrue = require('mutant/once-true') var computed = require('mutant/computed') var catchLinks = require('./lib/catch-links') var insertCss = require('insert-css') var nest = require('depnest') var LatestUpdate = require('./lib/latest-update') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var setupContextMenuAndSpellCheck = require('./lib/context-menu-and-spellcheck') var watch = require('mutant/watch') module.exports = function (config) { var sockets = combine( overrideConfig(config), addCommand('app.navigate', setView), require('patchwork-gatherings'), require('./modules'), require('./plugs'), require('patchcore'), require('./overrides') ) var api = entry(sockets, nest({ 'config.sync.load': 'first', '': 'first', 'sbot.obs.connection': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first', 'blob.sync.url': 'first', 'page.html.render': 'first', '': 'first', 'app.html.channels': 'first', 'app.views': 'first', 'app.sync.externalHandler': 'first', 'app.html.progressNotifier': 'first', 'profile.sheet.edit': 'first', 'app.navigate': 'first' })) setupContextMenuAndSpellCheck(api.config.sync.load()) var id = var latestUpdate = LatestUpdate() // prompt to setup profile on first use onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection, (sbot) => { sbot.latestSequence(, (_, key) => { if (key == null) { api.profile.sheet.edit() } }) }) var views =, [ '/public', '/private', id, '/mentions' ]) var pendingCount = computed([ views.get('/public').pendingUpdates, views.get('/private').pendingUpdates ], (...counts) => { return counts.reduce((a, b) => a + b) }) watch(pendingCount, count => { }) insertCss(require('./styles')) var container = h(`MainWindow -${process.platform}`, [ h('', [ h('span.history', [ h('a', { 'ev-click': views.goBack, classList: [ when(views.canGoBack, '-active') ] }), h('a', { 'ev-click': views.goForward, classList: [ when(views.canGoForward, '-active') ] }) ]), h('span.nav', [ tab('Public', '/public'), tab('Private', '/private') ]), h('span.appTitle', ['Patchwork']), h('span', [ ]), h('span.nav', [ tab('Profile', id), tab('Mentions', '/mentions') ]) ]), when(latestUpdate, h('', [ h('a.message -update', { href: '' }, [ h('strong', ['Patchwork ', latestUpdate, ' has been released.']), ' Click here to download and view more info!' ]) ]) ),, views.html ]) catchLinks(container, (href, external) => { if (external) { } else if (ref.isBlob(href)) { } else if (ref.isMsg(href)) { getExternalHandler(href, (err, handler) => { if (err) throw err if (handler) { handler(href) } else { } }) } else { } }) return container // scoped function setView (href) { views.setView(href) } function getExternalHandler (key, cb) { api.sbot.async.get(key, function (err, value) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null,{key, value})) }) } function tab (name, view) { var instance = views.get(view) return h('a', { 'ev-click': function (ev) { if (instance.pendingUpdates && instance.pendingUpdates() && instance.reload) { instance.reload() } }, href: view, classList: [ when(selected(view), '-selected') ] }, [ name, when(instance.pendingUpdates, [ ' (', instance.pendingUpdates, ')' ]) ]) } function selected (view) { return computed([views.currentView, view], (currentView, view) => { return currentView === view }) } } function overrideConfig (config) { return { 'patchwork/config': { gives: nest('config.sync.load'), create: function (api) { return nest('config.sync.load', () => config) } } } } function addCommand (id, cb) { return { [`patchwork/command/${id}`]: { gives: nest(id), create: function (api) { return nest(id, cb) } } } }