var Value = require('mutant/value') var Proxy = require('mutant/proxy') var when = require('mutant/when') var computed = require('mutant/computed') var h = require('mutant/h') var MutantArray = require('mutant/array') var Abortable = require('pull-abortable') var map = require('mutant/map') var pull = require('pull-stream') var nest = require('depnest') var onceTrue = require('mutant/once-true') var Scroller = require('pull-scroll') exports.needs = nest({ 'message.html': { render: 'first', link: 'first' }, 'app.sync.externalHandler': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first', '': 'first', '': 'first', feed: { 'html.rollup': 'first', 'pull.summary': 'first' }, profile: { 'html.person': 'first' } }) = nest({ 'feed.html': ['rollup'] }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'feed.html': { rollup } }) function rollup (getStream, opts) { var loading = Proxy(true) var updates = Value(0) var filter = opts && opts.filter var bumpFilter = opts && opts.bumpFilter var windowSize = opts && opts.windowSize var waitFor = opts && opts.waitFor || true var getSequence = opts && opts.getSequence var newSinceRefresh = new Set() var newInSession = new Set() var prioritized = {} var updateLoader = h('a Notifier -loader', { href: '#', 'ev-click': refresh }, [ 'Show ', h('strong', [updates]), ' ', when(computed(updates, a => a === 1), 'update', 'updates') ]) var content = Value() var container = h('Scroller', { style: { overflow: 'auto' } }, [ h('div.wrapper', [ h('section.prepend', opts.prepend), content, when(loading, h('Loading -large')) ]) ]) onceTrue(waitFor, () => { refresh() pull( getStream({old: false}), pull.drain((item) => { var type = item && item.value && item.value.content.type // prioritize new messages on next refresh newInSession.add(item.key) newSinceRefresh.add(item.key) // ignore message handled by another app if ( return if (type && type !== 'vote' && typeof item.value.content === 'object' && item.value.timestamp > twoDaysAgo()) { if (item.value && === && !updates()) { return refresh() } if (filter) { if (item.value.content.type === 'post') { var update = (item.value.content.root) ? { type: 'message', messageId: item.value.content.root, channel: } : { type: 'message', author:, channel:, messageId: item.key } ensureMessageAndAuthor(update, (err, update) => { if (!err) { if (filter(update)) { updates.set(updates() + 1) } } }) } } else { updates.set(updates() + 1) } } }) ) }) var abortLastFeed = null var result = MutantArray([ when(updates, updateLoader), container ]) result.reload = refresh result.pendingUpdates = updates return result // scoped function refresh () { if (abortLastFeed) { abortLastFeed() } updates.set(0) content.set( h('section.content') ) var abortable = Abortable() abortLastFeed = abortable.abort prioritized = {} newSinceRefresh.forEach(x => { prioritized[x] = 2 }) var stream = api.feed.pull.summary(getStream, {windowSize, bumpFilter, prioritized, getSequence}) loading.set(stream.loading) pull( stream, pull.asyncMap(ensureMessageAndAuthor), pull.filter((item) => { // ignore messages that are handled by other apps if (item.rootMessage && return if (filter) { return filter(item) } else { return true } }), abortable, Scroller(container, content(), renderItem, false, false) ) // clear high prioritized items newSinceRefresh.clear() } function renderItem (item) { var classList = [] if (item.priority >= 2) { classList.push('-new') } if (item.type === 'message') { var meta = null var previousId = item.messageId var replies = item.replies.slice(-4).map((msg) => { var result = api.message.html.render(msg, { inContext: true, inSummary: true, previousId, priority: prioritized[msg.key] }) previousId = msg.key return result }) var renderedMessage = item.message ? api.message.html.render(item.message, {inContext: true}) : null if (renderedMessage) { if (item.lastUpdateType === 'reply' && item.repliesFrom.size) { meta = h('div.meta', { title: names(item.repliesFrom) }, [ many(item.repliesFrom, api.profile.html.person), ' replied' ]) } else if (item.lastUpdateType === 'like' && item.likes.size) { meta = h('div.meta', { title: names(item.likes) }, [ many(item.likes, api.profile.html.person), ' liked this message' ]) } return h('FeedEvent', [ meta, renderedMessage, when(replies.length, [ when(item.replies.length > replies.length || opts.partial, h('a.full', {href: item.messageId}, ['View full thread']) ), h('div.replies', replies) ]) ]) } else { // when there is no root message in this window, // try and show reply message, only show like message if we have nothing else to give if (item.repliesFrom.size) { meta = h('div.meta', { title: names(item.repliesFrom) }, [ many(item.repliesFrom, api.profile.html.person), ' replied to ', ]) } else if (item.lastUpdateType === 'like' && item.likes.size) { meta = h('div.meta', { title: names(item.likes) }, [ many(item.likes, api.profile.html.person), ' liked ', ]) } // only show this event if it has a meta description if (meta) { return h('FeedEvent', [ meta, h('div.replies', replies) ]) } } } else if (item.type === 'follow') { return h('FeedEvent -follow', {classList}, [ h('div.meta', { title: names(item.contacts) }, [ api.profile.html.person(, ' followed ', many(item.contacts, api.profile.html.person) ]) ]) } else if (item.type === 'subscribe') { return h('FeedEvent -subscribe', {classList}, [ h('div.meta', { title: names(item.subscribers) }, [ many(item.subscribers, api.profile.html.person), ' subscribed to ', h('a', {href: `#${}`}, `#${}`) ]) ]) } return h('div') } } function ensureMessageAndAuthor (item, cb) { if (item.type === 'message' && !item.rootMessage) { if (item.message) { item.rootMessage = item.message cb(null, item) } else { api.sbot.async.get(item.messageId, (_, value) => { if (value) { = item.rootMessage = {key: item.messageId, value} } cb(null, item) }) } } else { cb(null, item) } } function names (ids) { var items = map(Array.from(ids), return computed([items], (names) => => `- ${n}`).join('\n')) } } function twoDaysAgo () { return - (2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) } function many (ids, fn) { ids = Array.from(ids) var featuredIds = ids.slice(-4).reverse() if (ids.length) { if (ids.length > 4) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[1]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[2]), ' and ', ids.length - 3, ' others' ] } else if (ids.length === 4) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[1]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[2]), ' and ', fn(featuredIds[3]) ] } else if (ids.length === 3) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[1]), ' and ', fn(featuredIds[2]) ] } else if (ids.length === 2) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), ' and ', fn(featuredIds[1]) ] } else { return fn(featuredIds[0]) } } }