var nest = require('depnest') var {Value, Proxy, Array: MutantArray, h, computed, when, onceTrue, throttle, resolve} = require('mutant') var pull = require('pull-stream') var Abortable = require('pull-abortable') var Scroller = require('../../../lib/scroller') var nextStepper = require('../../../lib/next-stepper') var extend = require('xtend') var paramap = require('pull-paramap') var bumpMessages = { 'vote': 'liked this message', 'post': 'replied to this message', 'about': 'added changes', 'mention': 'mentioned you', 'channel-mention': 'mentioned this channel' } // bump even for first message var rootBumpTypes = ['mention', 'channel-mention'] exports.needs = nest({ '': 'first', 'app.sync.externalHandler': 'first', 'message.html.canRender': 'first', 'message.html.render': 'first', 'message.sync.isBlocked': 'first', 'profile.html.person': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.sync.root': 'first', 'feed.pull.rollup': 'first', 'feed.pull.withReplies': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first', '': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first', 'message.html.missing': 'first' }) = nest({ 'feed.html.rollup': true }) exports.create = function (api) { const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n return nest('feed.html.rollup', function (getStream, { prepend, rootFilter = returnTrue, bumpFilter = returnTrue, compactFilter = returnFalse, prefiltered = false, displayFilter = returnTrue, updateStream, // override the stream used for realtime updates waitFor = true }) { var updates = Value(0) var yourId = var throttledUpdates = throttle(updates, 200) var updateLoader = h('a Notifier -loader', { href: '#', 'ev-click': refresh }, [ 'Show ', h('strong', [throttledUpdates]), ' ', plural(throttledUpdates, i18n('update'), i18n('updates')) ]) var abortLastFeed = null var content = Value() var loading = Proxy(true) var newSinceRefresh = new Set() var highlightItems = new Set() var container = h('Scroller', { style: { overflow: 'auto' }, hooks: [(element) => { // don't activate until added to DOM refresh() // deactivate when removed from DOM return () => { if (abortLastFeed) { abortLastFeed() abortLastFeed = null } } }] }, [ h('div.wrapper', [ h('section.prepend', prepend), content, when(loading, h('Loading -large')) ]) ]) onceTrue(waitFor, () => { // display pending updates pull( updateStream || pull( getStream({old: false}), LookupRoot() ), pull.filter((msg) => { // only render posts that have a root message var root = msg.root || msg return root && root.value && root.value.content && rootFilter(root) && bumpFilter(msg) && displayFilter(msg) }), pull.drain((msg) => { if (msg.value.content.type === 'vote') return if ( return // Only increment the 'new since' for items that we render on // the feed as otherwise the 'show updates message' will be // shown on new messages that patchwork cannot render if (canRenderMessage(msg) && (!msg.root || canRenderMessage(msg.root))) { newSinceRefresh.add(msg.key) } if (updates() === 0 && === yourId && container.scrollTop < 20) { refresh() } else { updates.set(newSinceRefresh.size) } }) ) }) var result = MutantArray([ when(updates, updateLoader), container ]) result.pendingUpdates = throttledUpdates result.reload = refresh return result function canRenderMessage (msg) { return api.message.html.canRender(msg) } function refresh () { onceTrue(waitFor, () => { if (abortLastFeed) abortLastFeed() updates.set(0) content.set(h('section.content')) var abortable = Abortable() abortLastFeed = abortable.abort highlightItems = newSinceRefresh newSinceRefresh = new Set() var done = Value(false) var stream = nextStepper(getStream, {reverse: true, limit: 50}) var scroller = Scroller(container, content(), renderItem, () => done.set(true)) // track loading state loading.set(computed([done, scroller.queue], (done, queue) => { return !done && queue < 5 })) pull( stream, abortable, pull.filter(msg => msg && msg.value && msg.value.content), prefiltered ? pull( pull.filter(msg => !api.message.sync.isBlocked(msg)), api.feed.pull.withReplies() ) : pull( pull.filter(bumpFilter), api.feed.pull.rollup(rootFilter) ), scroller ) }) } function renderItem (item, opts) { var partial = opts && opts.partial var meta = null var previousId = item.key var groupedBumps = {} var lastBumpType = null var rootBumpType = bumpFilter(item) if (rootBumpTypes.includes(rootBumpType)) { lastBumpType = rootBumpType groupedBumps[lastBumpType] = [item] } item.replies.forEach(msg => { var value = bumpFilter(msg) if (value) { var type = typeof value === 'string' ? value : getType(msg) ;(groupedBumps[type] = groupedBumps[type] || []).unshift(msg) lastBumpType = type } }) var replies = item.replies.filter(isReply).sort(byAssertedTime) var highlightedReplies = replies.filter(isHighlighted) var replyElements = replies.filter(displayFilter).slice(-3).map((msg) => { var result = api.message.html.render(msg, { previousId, compact: compactFilter(msg, item), priority: highlightItems.has(msg.key) ? 2 : 0 }) previousId = msg.key return [ // insert missing message marker (if can't be found) api.message.html.missing(last(msg.value.content.branch), msg), result ] }) var renderedMessage = api.message.html.render(item, { compact: compactFilter(item), includeForks: false, // this is a root message, so forks are already displayed as replies priority: highlightItems.has(item.key) ? 2 : 0 }) if (!renderedMessage) return h('div') if (lastBumpType) { var bumps = lastBumpType === 'vote' ? getLikeAuthors(groupedBumps[lastBumpType]) : getAuthors(groupedBumps[lastBumpType]) var description = i18n(bumpMessages[lastBumpType] || 'added changes') meta = h('div.meta', [ many(bumps, api.profile.html.person, i18n), ' ', description ]) } // if there are new messages, view full thread goes to the top of those, otherwise to very first reply var anchorReply = highlightedReplies.length >= 3 ? highlightedReplies[0] : replies[0] return h('FeedEvent -post', { attributes: { 'data-root-id': item.key } }, [ meta, renderedMessage, when(replies.length > replyElements.length || partial, h('a.full', {href: item.key, anchor: anchorReply && anchorReply.key}, [i18n('View full thread') + ' (', replies.length, ')']) ), h('div.replies', replyElements) ]) } function isHighlighted (msg) { return highlightItems.has(msg.key) } }) function LookupRoot () { return paramap((msg, cb) => { var rootId = api.message.sync.root(msg) if (rootId) { api.sbot.async.get(rootId, (_, value) => { cb(null, extend(msg, { root: {key: rootId, value} })) }) } else { cb(null, msg) } }) } } function plural (value, single, many) { return computed(value, (value) => { if (value === 1) { return single } else { return many } }) } function many (ids, fn, intl) { ids = Array.from(ids) var featuredIds = ids.slice(0, 4) if (ids.length) { if (ids.length > 4) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[1]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[2]), intl(' and '), ids.length - 3, intl(' others') ] } else if (ids.length === 4) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[1]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[2]), intl(' and '), fn(featuredIds[3]) ] } else if (ids.length === 3) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), ', ', fn(featuredIds[1]), intl(' and '), fn(featuredIds[2]) ] } else if (ids.length === 2) { return [ fn(featuredIds[0]), intl(' and '), fn(featuredIds[1]) ] } else { return fn(featuredIds[0]) } } } function getAuthors (items) { return items.reduce((result, msg) => { result.add( return result }, new Set()) } function getLikeAuthors (items) { return items.reduce((result, msg) => { if (msg.value.content.type === 'vote') { if (msg.value.content && && === 1) { result.add( } else { result.delete( } } return result }, new Set()) } function isReply (msg) { if (msg.value && msg.value.content) { var type = msg.value.content.type return type === 'post' || (type === 'about' && msg.value.content.attendee) } } function getType (msg) { return msg && msg.value && msg.value.content && msg.value.content.type } function returnTrue () { return true } function returnFalse () { return false } function byAssertedTime (a, b) { return a.value.timestamp - b.value.timestamp } function last (array) { if (Array.isArray(array)) { return array[array.length - 1] } else { return array } }