var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') var tape = require('tape') var u = require('./util') var pull = require('pull-stream') var osenv = require('osenv') var path = require('path') var fs = require('fs') var createSbot = require('../') var initialPlugins = createSbot.plugins.slice() function resetSbot () { createSbot.plugins = initialPlugins.slice() createSbot.use(require('../plugins/plugins')) } tape('install and load plugins', function (t) { var aliceKeys = ssbKeys.generate() var datadirPath = path.join(osenv.tmpdir(), 'test-plugins1') t.test('install plugin', function (t) { resetSbot() var sbot = createSbot({ path: datadirPath, port: 45451, host: 'localhost', keys: aliceKeys }) console.log('installing plugin...') pull( sbot.plugins.install('test-plugin', { from: __dirname + '/test-plugin' }), pull.collect(function (err, out) { if (err) throw err console.log( (b) { return b.toString('utf-8') }).join('')) t.ok(fs.statSync(path.join(datadirPath, 'node_modules/test-plugin'))) sbot.close(function () { t.end() }) }) ) }) t.test('installed and enabled plugin is loaded', function (t) { var config = { path: datadirPath, port: 45451, host: 'localhost', keys: aliceKeys, plugins: { 'test-plugin': 'test' } } resetSbot() require('../plugins/plugins').loadUserPlugins(createSbot, config) var sbot = createSbot(config) t.ok(sbot.test) t.ok('ping', function (err, res) { if (err) throw err t.equal(res, 'ping pong') sbot.close(function () { t.end() }) }) }) t.test('installed and disabled plugin is not loaded', function (t) { var config = { path: datadirPath, port: 45451, host: 'localhost', keys: aliceKeys, plugins: { 'test-plugin': false } } resetSbot() require('../plugins/plugins').loadUserPlugins(createSbot, config) var sbot = createSbot(config) t.equal(sbot.test, undefined) sbot.close(function () { t.end() }) }) t.test('uninstall plugin', function (t) { resetSbot() var sbot = createSbot({ path: datadirPath, port: 45451, host: 'localhost', keys: aliceKeys }) console.log('uninstalling plugin...') pull( sbot.plugins.uninstall('test-plugin'), pull.collect(function (err, out) { if (err) throw err console.log( (b) { return b.toString('utf-8') }).join('')) t.throws(function () { fs.statSync(path.join(datadirPath, 'node_modules/test-plugin')) }) sbot.close(function () { t.end() }) }) ) }) t.test('install plugin under custom name', function (t) { resetSbot() var sbot = createSbot({ path: datadirPath, port: 45451, host: 'localhost', keys: aliceKeys }) console.log('installing plugin...') pull( sbot.plugins.install('my-test-plugin', { from: __dirname + '/test-plugin' }), pull.collect(function (err, out) { if (err) throw err console.log( (b) { return b.toString('utf-8') }).join('')) t.ok(fs.statSync(path.join(datadirPath, 'node_modules/my-test-plugin'))) sbot.close(function () { t.end() }) }) ) }) t.test('installed and enabled plugin is loaded, under custom name', function (t) { var config = { path: datadirPath, port: 45451, host: 'localhost', keys: aliceKeys, plugins: { 'my-test-plugin': 'test' } } resetSbot() require('../plugins/plugins').loadUserPlugins(createSbot, config) var sbot = createSbot(config) t.ok(sbot.test) t.ok('ping', function (err, res) { if (err) throw err t.equal(res, 'ping pong') sbot.close(function () { t.end() }) }) }) t.test('uninstall plugin under custom name', function (t) { resetSbot() var sbot = createSbot({ path: datadirPath, port: 45451, host: 'localhost', keys: aliceKeys }) console.log('uninstalling plugin...') pull( sbot.plugins.uninstall('my-test-plugin'), pull.collect(function (err, out) { if (err) throw err console.log( (b) { return b.toString('utf-8') }).join('')) t.throws(function () { fs.statSync(path.join(datadirPath, 'node_modules/my-test-plugin')) }) sbot.close(function () { t.end() }) }) ) }) })