var cont = require('cont') var tape = require('tape') var pull = require('pull-stream') var u = require('./util') var replicate = require('../plugins/replicate') var friends = require('ssb-friends') var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') var toAddress = require('../lib/util').toAddress // alice, bob, and carol all follow each other, // but then bob offends alice, and she blocks him. // this means that: // // 1. when bob tries to connect to alice, she refuses. // 2. alice never tries to connect to bob. (removed from peers) // 3. carol will not give bob any, she will not give him any data from alice. var createSbot = require('../') .use(require('../plugins/replicate')) .use(require('ssb-friends')) .use(require('ssb-ebt')) var alice = createSbot({ temp: 'test-block-alice', timeout: 1000, keys: ssbKeys.generate() }) var bob = createSbot({ temp: 'test-block-bob', timeout: 1000, keys: ssbKeys.generate() }) var carol = createSbot({ temp: 'test-block-carol', timeout: 1000, keys: ssbKeys.generate() }) tape('alice blocks bob while he is connected, she should disconnect him', function (t) { //in the beginning alice and bob follow each other cont.para([ alice.publish(u.follow(, bob .publish(u.follow(, carol.publish(u.follow( ]) (function (err) { if(err) throw err var n = 3, rpc bob.connect(carol.getAddress(), function (err, rpc) { if(err) throw err }) carol.connect(alice.getAddress(), function (err, rpc) { if(err) throw err }) bob.on('replicate:finish', function (vclock) { //I don't care which messages bob doesn't have of alice's t.ok(vclock[] < 2 || vclock[] == null, 'bob does not receive the message where alice blocked him') alice.close();bob.close();carol.close() t.end() }) var once = false var bobCancel = (op) { console.log('BOB RECV', op, if(once) throw new Error('should only be called once') once = true //should be the alice's follow(bob) message. t.equal(, t.equal(, alice.publish(u.block( (function (err) { if(err) throw err }) }, false) }) })