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17340 bytesRaw


Secure-scuttlebutt API server

get: async

Get a message by its hash-id.

get {msgid}
get(msgid, cb)

createFeedStream: source

(feed) Fetch messages ordered by their claimed timestamps.

feed [--live] [--gt index] [--gte index] [--lt index] [--lte index] [--reverse]  [--keys] [--values] [--limit n]
createFeedStream({ live:, gt:, gte:, lt:, lte:, reverse:, keys:, values:, limit:, fillCache:, keyEncoding:, valueEncoding: })

Create a stream of the data in the database, ordered by the timestamp claimed by the author. NOTE - the timestamp is not verified, and may be incorrect. The range queries (gt, gte, lt, lte) filter against this claimed timestap.

createLogStream: source

(log) Fetch messages ordered by the time received.

log [--live] [--gt index] [--gte index] [--lt index] [--lte index] [--reverse]  [--keys] [--values] [--limit n]
createLogStream({ live:, gt:, gte:, lt:, lte:, reverse:, keys:, values:, limit:, fillCache:, keyEncoding:, valueEncoding: })

Creates a stream of the messages that have been written to this instance, in the order they arrived. The objects in this stream will be of the form:

{ key: Hash, value: Message, timestamp: timestamp }

timestamp is the time which the message was received. It is generated by monotonic-timestamp. The range queries (gt, gte, lt, lte) filter against this receive timestap.

messagesByType: source

(logt) Retrieve messages with a given type, ordered by receive-time.

logt --type {type} [--live] [--gt index] [--gte index] [--lt index] [--lte index] [--reverse]  [--keys] [--values] [--limit n]
messagesByType({ type:, live:, gt:, gte:, lt:, lte:, reverse:, keys:, values:, limit:, fillCache:, keyEncoding:, valueEncoding: })

All messages must have a type, so this is a good way to select messages that an application might use. Like in createLogStream, the range queries (gt, gte, lt, lte) filter against the receive timestap.

createHistoryStream: source

(hist) Fetch messages from a specific user, ordered by sequence numbers.

hist {feedid} [seq] [live]
hist --id {feedid} [--seq n] [--live] [--limit n] [--keys] [--values]
createHistoryStream(id, seq, live)
createHistoryStream({ id:, seq:, live:, limit:, keys:, values: })

createHistoryStream and createUserStream serve the same purpose. createHistoryStream exists as a separate call because it provides fewer range parameters, which makes it safer for RPC between untrusted peers.

createUserStream: source

Fetch messages from a specific user, ordered by sequence numbers.

createUserStream --id {feedid} [--live] [--gt index] [--gte index] [--lt index] [--lte index] [--reverse]  [--keys] [--values] [--limit n]
createUserStream({ id:, live:, gt:, gte:, lt:, lte:, reverse:, keys:, values:, limit:, fillCache:, keyEncoding:, valueEncoding: })

createHistoryStream and createUserStream serve the same purpose. createHistoryStream exists as a separate call because it provides fewer range parameters, which makes it safer for RPC between untrusted peers.

The range queries (gt, gte, lt, lte) filter against the sequence number.

createWriteStream: sink

write a number of messages to the local store. will error if messages are not valid, but will accept messages that the sbot doesn't replicate.

Get a stream of messages, feeds, or blobs that are linked to/from an id.

links [--source id|filter] [--dest id|filter] [--rel value] [--keys] [--values] [--live] [--reverse]
links({ source:, dest:, rel:, keys:, values:, live:, reverse: })

The objects in this stream will be of the form:

{ source: ID, rel: String, dest: ID, key: MsgID }

relatedMessages: async

Retrieve the tree of messages related to the given id.

relatedMessages --id {msgid} [--rel value] [--count] [--parent]
relatedMessages ({ id:, rel:, count:, parent: }, cb)

This is ideal for collecting things like threaded replies. The output is a recursive structure like this:

  key: <id>,
  value: <msg>,
  related: [
  //number of messages below this point. (when opts.count = true)
  count: <int>,
  //the message this message links to. this will not appear on the bottom level.
  //(when opts.parent = true)
  parent: <parent_id>

add: async

Add a well-formed message to the database.

cat ./message.json | add
add --author {feedid} --sequence {number} --previous {msgid} --timestamp {number} --hash sha256 --signature {sig} --content.type {type} --content.{...}
add({ author:, sequence:, previous: timestamp:, hash: 'sha256', signature:, content: { type:, ... } }, cb)

publish: async

Construct a message using sbot's current user, and add it to the DB.

cat ./message-content.json | publish
publish --type {string} [--other-attributes...]
publish({ type:, ... }, cb)

This is the recommended method for publishing new messages, as it handles the tasks of correctly setting the message's timestamp, sequence number, previous-hash, and signature.

getAddress: sync

Get the address of the server.


getLatest: async

Get the latest message in the database by the given feedid.

getLatest {feedid}
getLatest(id, cb)

latest: source

Get the seq numbers of the latest messages of all users in the database.


latestSequence: async

Get the sequence and local timestamp of the last received message from a given feedId.

latestSequence {feedId}

whoami: sync

Get information about the current sbot user.


Outputs information in the following form:

{ id: FeedID }

progress: sync

returns an object reflecting the progress state of various plugins. the return value is a {} with subobjects showing {start,current,target}
to represent progress. Currently implemented are migration (legacy->flume) migration progress and indexes (index regeneration).

status: sync

returns an object reflecting the status of various ssb operations, such as db read activity, connection statuses, etc, etc. The purpose is to provide an overview of how ssb is working.

getVectorClock: async

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