var Pull = require("pull-stream"); var KVSet = require("kvset"); var Pad = require("pad-ipv6"); var Query = module.exports = {}; function compareRecordsBySerial(a, b) { return -; } function compareRecords(a, b) { return > ? 1 : < ? -1 : a.type > b.type ? 1 : a.type < b.type ? -1 : a.class > b.class ? 1 : a.class < b.class ? -1 : 0 } function isRecordEqual(a, b) { return (a === b) || (a && b && === && a.type === b.type && a.class === b.class); } function mergeRecords(into, from) { if (from) from.filter(function (a) { return into.every(function (b) { return !isRecordEqual(a, b); }) }).forEach(function (rec) { into.push(rec); }); } function mergeResults(into, from) { mergeRecords(into.additionals, from.additionals); mergeRecords(into.answers, from.answers); mergeRecords(into.authorities, from.authorities); mergeRecords(into.questions, from.questions); if (from.expires < into.expires) into.expires = from.expires; into.domainExists |= from.domainExists into.authoritative |= from.authoritative into.cache &= from.cache } Query.branches = function (sbot, name, type, _class, cb) { if (!_class) _class = "IN"; var branches = []; Pull(Query.all(sbot), Pull.filter(function (record) { return == name && record.type == type && record.class == _class; }), Query.drainSet(function (record) { branches.push(; }, function (err) { cb(err, branches); })); }; function msgToRecord(msg) { var c = msg.value.content; var r = c && c.record; if (!r) return; = msg.key; =; r.timestamp = msg.value.timestamp; r.branch = c.branch; if (!r.ttl) r.ttl = 500; if (!r.class) r.class = "IN"; if (r.value) = r.value, delete r.value if (r.type === 'AAAA') = Pad(; return r; } Query.all = function (sbot) { return Pull(sbot.messagesByType({ type: 'ssb-dns', }),, Pull.filter()); }; function recordsInDomain(sbot, name) { var path = name.split(/\./g).reverse() /* enable this when records without path propery are to be deprecated: // use ssb-query if it is supported if (sbot.query) return{ query: [{$filter: {value: {content: { type: 'ssb-dns', path: {$prefix: path} }}}}] }); */ // fallback to logt return Pull(sbot.messagesByType({ type: 'ssb-dns', }), Pull.filter(function (msg) { var c = msg.value.content; var p = c.path; if (!p) { var name = c.record &&; if (typeof name !== 'string') return false; p = name.split(/\./).reverse() } for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (path[i] !== p[i]) return false; } return true; })); } Query.inDomain = function (sbot, name) { if (!name) return Query.all(sbot); return Pull(recordsInDomain(sbot, name),, Pull.filter()); }; function expandName(name, wildcard) { var names = {'': true}; names[name] = true; for (var labels = name.split(/\./); labels.length; labels.shift()) { if (wildcard) labels[0] = wildcard; names[labels.join('.')] = true; } return names; } function Records() { this.recs = []; } Records.prototype.addRecord = function (record) { this.recs.push(record); }; Records.prototype.getRecords = function () { return this.recs; }; function Wildcards() { this.lengths = []; this.recordsByLength = {}; } function RecordsMap() { this.recs = {}; } RecordsMap.prototype.addRecord = function (r) { if ( in this.recs) { this.recs[].push(r); } else { this.recs[] = [r]; } }; RecordsMap.prototype.popRecords = function (name) { name = name.replace(/\.$/, ''); var recs = this.recs[name]; delete this.recs[name]; return recs || []; }; Wildcards.prototype.addRecord = function (record) { var len =; if (len in this.recordsByLength) { this.recordsByLength[len].push(record); } else { this.recordsByLength[len] = [record]; this.lengths.push(len); } }; Wildcards.prototype.getRecords = function () { // get records for the longest name length if (this.lengths.length) { var len = Math.max.apply(Math, this.lengths); return this.recordsByLength[len] || []; } return []; }; Wildcards.prototype.getTopRecords = function () { // get records for the shortest name length if (this.lengths.length) { var len = Math.min.apply(Math, this.lengths); return this.recordsByLength[len] || []; } return []; }; function ZoneSerials() { this.serials = {}; } ZoneSerials.prototype.addRecord = function (zones) { for (var zone in zones) { this.serials[zone] = (+this.serials[zone] || 0) + 1; } }; ZoneSerials.prototype.getSerial = function (zone) { return this.serials[zone] % 0x100000000; }; Query.drainSet = function (each, onEnd) { var set = new KVSet(); return Pull.drain(function (record) { if (record.branch) set.remove(record.branch); if ( set.add(, record); }, function (err) { if (err) return onEnd(err); for (var key in set.heads) { var record = set.heads[key]; try { each(record); } catch(e) { return onEnd(e); } } onEnd(null); }); }; Query.collectSet = function (cb) { var records = []; return Query.drainSet(function (record) { records.push(record); }, function (err) { return cb(err, records); }); }; var nonRecurseTypes = { CNAME: true, AXFR: true, IXFR: true, }; Query.query = function (sbot, question, cb) { if (nonRecurseTypes[question.type]) { Query.querySingle(sbot, question, cb); } else { Query.queryRecursive(sbot, question, [], cb); } } // recursive query Query.queryRecursive = function (sbot, question, stack, cb) { var result = { cache: true, answers: [], authorities: [], additionals: [], questions: [], expires: + 60*60e3, }; // avoid infinite recursion if (stack.some(function (q) { return isRecordEqual(q, question); })) { return cb(null, result) } var waiting = 1; Query.querySingle(sbot, question, next); function next(err, res) { if (err) return waiting = 0, cb(err); mergeResults(result, res) // recurse on CNAMEs var stack2 = stack.concat(question) res.answers.filter(function (answer) { return answer.type === 'CNAME'; }).map(function (record) { return { class: question.class, type: question.type, name:\.$/, '') } }).forEach(function (q) { waiting++ Query.queryRecursive(sbot, q, stack2, next) }); if (!--waiting) cb(null, result); } } function removeTrailingDot(domain) { return String(domain).replace(/\.$/, '') } Query.querySingle = function (sbot, question, cb) { // look up records that match a question, including wildcard records // and zone authority records var qName =; var authorityDomains = expandName(qName); var wildcardDomains = expandName(qName, '*'); var isIncrementalTransfer = question.type === 'IXFR' var isTransfer = isIncrementalTransfer || question.type === 'AXFR' isIncrementalTransfer = false // TODO: fix IXFR var authorities = new Wildcards(); var maybeGlue = new RecordsMap(); var answers = isTransfer ? new Records() : new Wildcards(); var zoneSerials = new ZoneSerials(); var result = { cache: !isTransfer }; Pull(Query.all(sbot), Pull.filter(function (record) { var rName = removeTrailingDot( var recordDomains = expandName(rName); zoneSerials.addRecord(recordDomains); if (isIncrementalTransfer && zoneSerials.getSerial(qName) < question.serial) { return false } var nameMatches = isTransfer ? qName in recordDomains : rName in wildcardDomains; if (nameMatches) { result.domainExists = true; } if (!isTransfer) { if (record.type === 'A' || record.type === 'AAAA') { // include all because we might need them for glue return true; } if (record.type === 'NS' || record.type === 'SOA') { return in authorityDomains } } return nameMatches && (isTransfer || question.type === record.type || question.type === '*' || 'CNAME' === record.type) && (question.class === record.class || question.class === '*'); }), Query.drainSet(function (record) { if (record.type === 'NS' || record.type === 'SOA') { result.authoritative = true; if (question.class === record.class && question.type === record.type && removeTrailingDot( in wildcardDomains) { answers.addRecord(record); } else { authorities.addRecord(record); if (isTransfer) { answers.addRecord(record); } } } else if (!isTransfer && (record.type === 'A' || record.type === 'AAAA') && (!(removeTrailingDot( in wildcardDomains) || (question.type !== record.type && question.type !== '*') || (question.class !== record.class && question.class !== '*')) ) { maybeGlue.addRecord(record); } else { answers.addRecord(record); } }, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err); var ttl = 3600; // max internal ttl result.answers = answers.getRecords(); result.answers.forEach(function (record) { if (record.ttl < ttl) ttl = record.ttl; }); result.additionals = []; result.authorities = isTransfer ? authorities.getTopRecords() : authorities.getRecords(); result.authorities.forEach(updateAuthority); result.answers.forEach(updateAuthority); function updateAuthority(r) { if (r.type === 'SOA') { if (! { // special case: calculate a serial for the SOA = zoneSerials.getSerial(; } if (r.ttl < ttl) ttl = r.ttl; if (!result.answers.length) { if ( < ttl) ttl =; } if (!isTransfer) { result.additionals = result.additionals.concat( maybeGlue.popRecords( } } else if (r.type === 'NS') { if (!isTransfer) { result.additionals = result.additionals.concat( maybeGlue.popRecords( } } } result.expires = + ttl * 60e3; result.questions = []; if (isTransfer) { // RFC 5936, Section 2.2 result.questions.push(question); // pick a SOA record to use as the bookend var soa = result.authorities.filter(function (r) { return r.type === 'SOA'; }).sort(compareRecordsBySerial)[0]; result.authorities.length = 0; if (soa) { result.answers = [soa].concat( result.answers.filter(function (r) { return r !== soa }).sort(compareRecords), [soa] ); } } else { // only include SOA if there are no answers if (result.answers.length > 0) { result.authorities = result.authorities.filter(function (r) { return r.type !== 'SOA'; }); } // include SOA if there are no answers, NS if there are result.authorities = result.authorities.filter(function (r) { return r.type !== (result.answers.length ? 'SOA' : 'NS'); }); // resolve wildcards in answers result.answers.forEach(function (r) { if ( !== qName && in wildcardDomains) { = qName; } }) } cb(null, result); })); };