var SsbRef = require("ssb-ref"); var Publish = module.exports = {}; var help = = function () { console.log("Try: "); console.log("./publish.js name type data (class)"); }; var TYPES = Publish.TYPES = ['A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'HINFO', 'ISDN', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'TXT', 'SRV', 'SSHFP', 'DS', 'SPF']; var isValidType = Publish.isValidType = function (t) { return TYPES.indexOf(t) !== -1; }; var CLASSES = Publish.CLASSES = ['IN', 'CH', 'NONE']; var isValidClass = Publish.isValidClass = function (c) { return CLASSES.indexOf(c) !== -1; }; var validateRecord = Publish.validateRecord = function (record) { if (!isValidType(record.type)) { return "[Record TypeError] " + record.type + " is not a valid dns type"; } if (!isValidClass(record.class)) { return "[Record ClassError] class must be one of [" + CLASSES.join(', ') + "]"; } // TODO perform stricter validation on data if (! { return "[Record DataError] expected data to publish"; } if (record.type === 'SOA' && !== 0) { return "[Record DataError] set SOA serial to 0 so it can be auto-generated"; } }; Publish.record = function (branches, record, cb) { var complaint = validateRecord(record); if (complaint) { return void cb(new Error(complaint)); } if (!branches.every(SsbRef.isMsgId)) { return void cb(new Error("invalid branches")); } // our schema does not use the trailing dot in record names =\.$/, '') require("ssb-client")(function (err, sbot) { if (err) { return void cb(err); } var val = { type: "ssb-dns", record: record, path:\./g).reverse() .concat(record.class, record.type) } if (branches.length > 1) val.branch = branches; else if (branches.length == 1) val.branch = branches[0]; // publish a message sbot.publish(val, function (err, msg) { if (err) { return void cb(err); } sbot.close(); return void cb(err, msg); }) }); };