Files: 882ae87f715b87b4ff06ce9203ab0d2dfa780696 / bcrypt-ruby.gemspec
985 bytesRaw
1 | do |s| |
2 | = 'bcrypt-ruby' |
3 | s.version = '3.0.1' |
4 | |
5 | s.summary = "OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm." |
6 | s.description = <<-EOF |
7 | bcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project |
8 | for hashing passwords. bcrypt-ruby provides a simple, humane wrapper for safely handling |
9 | passwords. |
10 | EOF |
11 | |
12 | s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") |
13 | s.require_path = 'lib' |
14 | |
15 | s.add_development_dependency 'rake-compiler' |
16 | s.add_development_dependency 'rspec' |
17 | s.add_development_dependency 'rdoc' |
18 | |
19 | s.has_rdoc = true |
20 | s.rdoc_options += ['--title', 'bcrypt-ruby', '--line-numbers', '--inline-source', '--main', ''] |
21 | s.extra_rdoc_files += ['', 'COPYING', 'CHANGELOG', *Dir['lib/**/*.rb']] |
22 | |
23 | s.extensions = 'ext/mri/extconf.rb' |
24 | |
25 | s.authors = ["Coda Hale"] |
26 | = "" |
27 | s.homepage = "" |
28 | s.rubyforge_project = "bcrypt-ruby" |
29 | s.license = "MIT" |
30 | end |
31 |
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