Files: 4c58f1c6c3ddb86a97f27f0c84681d201ef1f75f / lib / producer.js
7536 bytesRaw
1 | import { STORE_BLOB, STORE_CONTENT, snapshotify } from '../prelude/common.js'; |
2 | import { log, wasReported } from './log.js'; |
3 | import Multistream from 'multistream'; |
4 | import assert from 'assert'; |
5 | import { fabricateTwice } from './fabricator.js'; |
6 | import fs from 'fs'; |
7 | import path from 'path'; |
8 | import zlib from 'zlib'; |
9 | import intoStream from 'into-stream'; |
10 | import streamMeter from 'stream-meter'; |
11 | import addBlobs from './add-blobs.js'; |
12 | |
13 | function snapshotifyMap(files, slash) { |
14 | var o = {} |
15 | for (var name in files) { |
16 | var file = files[name] |
17 | o[name] = snapshotify(file, slash) |
18 | } |
19 | return o |
20 | } |
21 | |
22 | function substitute(template, vars) { |
23 | return Object.keys(vars).reduce(function (str, key) { |
24 | return str.replace(key, vars[key]) |
25 | }, template) |
26 | } |
27 | |
28 | function addGzBlobs(file, cb) { |
29 | var idFile = file + '.gzids' |
30 | fs.readFile(idFile, 'utf8', function (err, contents) { |
31 | if (!err) return cb(null, contents.trim().split('\n')) |
32 | if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') return cb(err) |
33 | fs.createReadStream(file) |
34 | .pipe(zlib.createGzip()) |
35 | .pipe(addBlobs(function (err, ids) { |
36 | if (err) return cb(err) |
37 | fs.writeFile(idFile, ids.join('\n')+'\n', function (err) { |
38 | if (err) console.trace(err) |
39 | cb(null, ids) |
40 | }) |
41 | })) |
42 | }) |
43 | } |
44 | |
45 | function caseNodeBlobs(ids, pattern) { |
46 | return ' ' + pattern + ') set -- \\\n ' + (id) { |
47 | return "'" + id + "'" |
48 | }).join(' \\\n ') + ';;\n' |
49 | } |
50 | |
51 | function switchNodeBlobs(nodeBlobIds, targets) { |
52 | return Object.keys(targets).map(function (t) { |
53 | var target = targets[t] |
54 | var ids = nodeBlobIds[target.platform + '-' + target.arch] |
55 | if (!ids) throw new Error('target without node blob ids: ' + t) |
56 | var system = |
57 | target.platform === 'linux' ? 'Linux' : |
58 | target.platform === 'macos' ? 'Darwin*' : |
59 | null |
60 | var machine = |
61 | target.arch === 'x64' ? 'x86_64' : |
62 | target.arch === 'x86' ? 'i686' : |
63 | target.arch === 'armv7' ? 'armv7l' : |
64 | target.arch === 'arm64' ? 'aarch64' : |
65 | null |
66 | if (!system) throw new Error('Unknown system: ' + target.platform) |
67 | if (!machine) throw new Error('Unknown machine: ' + target.arch) |
68 | var pattern = system + '\\ ' + machine |
69 | return caseNodeBlobs(ids, pattern) |
70 | }).filter(Boolean).join('\n') |
71 | } |
72 | |
73 | export default function ({ backpack, bakes, slash, targets, fabricator, output, binName }) { |
74 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
75 | if (!Buffer.alloc) { |
76 | throw wasReported('Your node.js does not have Buffer.alloc. Please upgrade!'); |
77 | } |
78 | |
79 | var nodeBlobIds = {} |
80 | var preludeBlobIds, payloadBlobIds, vfsBlobIds, installJsBlobId |
81 | var waiting = 3 |
82 | |
83 | let { prelude, entrypoint, otherEntrypoints, stripes } = backpack; |
84 | entrypoint = snapshotify(entrypoint, slash); |
85 | otherEntrypoints = snapshotifyMap(otherEntrypoints, slash) |
86 | stripes = stripes.slice(); |
87 | |
88 | var fileBlobs = {/* <blobGroup>: {<snap>: <id>} */} |
89 | |
90 | const vfs = {}; |
91 | for (const stripe of stripes) { |
92 | let { snap } = stripe; |
93 | snap = snapshotify(snap, slash); |
94 | if (!vfs[snap]) vfs[snap] = {}; |
95 | } |
96 | |
97 | let meter; |
98 | let count = 0; |
99 | |
100 | function pipeToNewMeter (s) { |
101 | meter = streamMeter(); |
102 | return s.pipe(meter); |
103 | } |
104 | |
105 | for (const target of targets) { |
106 | waiting++ |
107 | addGzBlobs(target.binaryPath, function (err, ids) { |
108 | if (err) return reject(err) |
109 | nodeBlobIds[target.platform + '-' + target.arch] = ids |
110 | if (!--waiting) next() |
111 | }) |
112 | } |
113 | |
114 | var installJs = path.join(__dirname, '../prelude/install.js') |
115 | fs.createReadStream(installJs) |
116 | .pipe(addBlobs(onAddInstallJsBlobs)); |
117 | |
118 | let track = 0; |
119 | let prevStripe; |
120 | |
121 | let payloadPosition; |
122 | let payloadSize; |
123 | let preludePosition; |
124 | let preludeSize; |
125 | |
126 | new Multistream((cb) => { |
127 | if (prevStripe && !prevStripe.skip) { |
128 | let { snap, store } = prevStripe; |
129 | snap = snapshotify(snap, slash); |
130 | vfs[snap][store] = [ track, meter.bytes ]; |
131 | track += meter.bytes; |
132 | } |
133 | |
134 | if (!stripes.length) { |
135 | return cb() |
136 | } |
137 | |
138 | // clone to prevent 'skip' propagate |
139 | // to other targets, since same stripe |
140 | // is used for several targets |
141 | const stripe = Object.assign({}, stripes.shift()); |
142 | prevStripe = stripe; |
143 | |
144 | if (stripe.buffer) { |
145 | if ( === STORE_BLOB) { |
146 | const snap = snapshotify(stripe.snap, slash); |
147 | return fabricateTwice(bakes, fabricator, snap, stripe.buffer, (error, buffer) => { |
148 | if (error) { |
149 | log.warn(error.message); |
150 | stripe.skip = true; |
151 | return cb(undefined, intoStream(Buffer.alloc(0))); |
152 | } |
153 | |
154 | cb(undefined, pipeToNewMeter(intoStream(buffer))); |
155 | }); |
156 | } else { |
157 | return cb(undefined, pipeToNewMeter(intoStream(stripe.buffer))); |
158 | } |
159 | } else |
160 | if (stripe.file) { |
161 | if (stripe.file === output) { |
162 | return cb(wasReported( |
163 | 'Trying to take executable into executable', stripe.file |
164 | )); |
165 | } |
166 | |
167 | var blobGroup = stripe.blobGroup |
168 | if (blobGroup) { |
169 | var readFile = fs.createReadStream(stripe.file) |
170 | return readFile.pipe(addBlobs(function (err, ids) { |
171 | if (err) return cb(err) |
172 | var snap = snapshotify(stripe.snap, slash); |
173 | var blobs = fileBlobs[blobGroup] || (fileBlobs[blobGroup] = {}) |
174 | blobs[snap] = ids |
175 | // vfs entry will be added during install |
176 | stripe.skip = true |
177 | cb(null, intoStream(Buffer.alloc(0))) |
178 | })) |
179 | } |
180 | |
181 | assert.equal(, STORE_CONTENT); // others must be buffers from walker |
182 | return cb(undefined, pipeToNewMeter(fs.createReadStream(stripe.file))); |
183 | } else { |
184 | assert(false, 'producer: bad stripe'); |
185 | } |
186 | }).on('error', (error) => { |
187 | reject(error); |
188 | }).pipe( |
189 | zlib.createGzip() |
190 | ).pipe( |
191 | addBlobs(onAddPayloadBlobs) |
192 | ).on('error', (error) => { |
193 | reject(error); |
194 | }); |
195 | |
196 | function onAddInstallJsBlobs(err, ids) { |
197 | if (err) return reject(err) |
198 | if (ids.length > 1) { |
199 | return reject(new Error('install.js must fit in one blob')) |
200 | } |
201 | installJsBlobId = ids |
202 | if (!--waiting) next() |
203 | } |
204 | |
205 | addBlobs(function (err, ids) { |
206 | if (err) return reject(err) |
207 | preludeBlobIds = ids |
208 | if (!--waiting) next() |
209 | }).end(prelude) |
210 | |
211 | function onAddPayloadBlobs(err, ids) { |
212 | if (err) return reject(err) |
213 | payloadBlobIds = ids |
214 | addBlobs(function (err, ids) { |
215 | vfsBlobIds = ids |
216 | if (err) return reject(err) |
217 | if (!--waiting) next() |
218 | }).end(JSON.stringify(vfs)) |
219 | } |
220 | |
221 | function next() { |
222 | var installSh = path.join(__dirname, '../prelude/') |
223 | var installScriptTemplate = fs.readFileSync(installSh, 'utf8') |
224 | var settings = { |
225 | '%INSTALL_JS_BLOB%': installJsBlobId, |
226 | '%SWITCH_NODE_BLOBS%': switchNodeBlobs(nodeBlobIds, targets), |
227 | '%SETTINGS%': JSON.stringify({ |
228 | preludeBlobs: preludeBlobIds, |
229 | payloadBlobs: payloadBlobIds, |
230 | vfsBlobs: vfsBlobIds, |
231 | binName: binName, |
232 | entrypoint: entrypoint, |
233 | otherEntrypoints: otherEntrypoints, |
234 | bakes: bakes, |
235 | fileBlobs: fileBlobs, |
236 | }, null, 2) |
237 | } |
238 | var installScript = substitute(installScriptTemplate, settings) |
239 | fs.writeFile(output, installScript, function (err) { |
240 | if (err) return reject(err) |
241 | resolve() |
242 | }) |
243 | } |
244 | |
245 | }); |
246 | } |
247 |
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