const { h, Value, Struct, Array: MutantArray, when, computed } = require('mutant') const Marama = require('marama') module.exports = function ScryNew (opts) { const { // i18n } = opts const state = Struct({ pristine: true, monthIndex: new Date().getMonth(), days: MutantArray([]), times: MutantArray([]) }) return h('ScryNew', [ h('', [ h('div.month-picker', [ h('button', { 'ev-click': () => setMonth(-1) }, '<'), MonthTitle(state.monthIndex), h('button', { 'ev-click': () => setMonth(+1) }, '>') ]), computed(state, ({ monthIndex, days }) => { return Marama({ monthIndex, events: days, onSelect, styles: { weekFormat: 'rows', showNumbers: true, tileRadius: 16, tileGap: 8 } }) }) ]), when(state.pristine, h('div.time-picker-pristine', [ h('label', 'Dates and Times'), h('div.instruction', 'Select one or multiple dates') ]), h('div.time-picker', [ h('label', computed(state.days, days => `Same times for all dates (${days.length})`)), h('div.picker', [ computed(state.times, times => { return times .map(time => // .sort((a, b) => a - b) .map(TimeEntry) }), NewTimeEntry() ]), h('div.timezone', [ h('label', 'Timezone of your scry is'), h('', [ getTimezone(), h('span', ['(UTC ', getTimezoneOffset(), ')']) ]) ]) ]) ) ]) // functions function setMonth (d) { state.monthIndex.set(state.monthIndex() + d) } function NewTimeEntry () { var active = Value(false) // TODO extract and only run once const options = Array(96).fill(0).map((_, i) => { var time = new Date () time.setHours(0) time.setMinutes(15 * i) return time }) return h('', [ when(active, h('div.dropdown', => { return h('div', { 'ev-click': () => { state.times.push(Event(time)) active.set(false) } }, printTime(time) ) })) ), h('div.add', { 'ev-click': () => active.set(true) }, '+ Add more times') ]) } function TimeEntry (date) { return h('div.time-entry', [ h('div.time', printTime(date)), h('div.close', { 'ev-click': () => removeTime(date) }, '×') // h('i.fa.fa-close') ]) } function removeTime (d) { var ev = state.times.find(time => === d) if (ev) state.times.delete(ev) } function MonthTitle (monthIndex) { const MONTHS = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] return computed(monthIndex, mi => { const view = new Date() view.setMonth(mi) return `${MONTHS[view.getMonth()]} ${view.getFullYear()}` // while (monthIndex < 0) { monthIndex += 12 } // return `${MONTHS[(monthIndex) % 12]} ${year}` }) } function onSelect ({ gte, lt, events: days }) { if (!days.length) addEmptyEvent() else clearDay() state.pristine.set(false) function addEmptyEvent () { state.days.push(Event(gte)) } function clearDay () { const filteredEvents = state.days().filter(e => !days.includes(e)) state.days.set(filteredEvents) } } } function Event (date) { return { date, data: {attending: true} } } function getTimezone () { try { return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone } catch (e) { return '??' } } function getTimezoneOffset () { return new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60 } function printTime (date) { var hours = date.getHours().toString() while (hours.length < 2) hours = `0${hours}` var minutes = date.getMinutes().toString() while (minutes.length < 2) minutes = `0${minutes}` return `${hours}:${minutes}` }