var h = require('hyperscript') var htime = require('human-time') var multicb = require('multicb') var u = require('./util') var mdInline = require('./markdown-inline') module.exports = RenderMsg function RenderMsg(render, app, msg, opts) { this.render = render = app this.msg = msg this.serve = opts.serve this.value = msg && msg.value || {} var content = this.value.content this.c = content || {} this.isMissing = !content if (typeof opts === 'boolean') opts = {raw: opts} this.opts = opts || {} this.shouldWrap = this.opts.wrap !== false } RenderMsg.prototype.getMsg = function (id, cb) { if (!id) return cb() return this.serve ? this.serve.getMsgDecryptedMaybeOoo(id, cb) :, cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.toUrl = function (href) { return this.render.toUrl(href) } RenderMsg.prototype.linkify = function (text) { return this.render.linkify(text) } RenderMsg.prototype.raw = function (cb) { // linkify various things in the JSON. TODO: abstract this better // clone the message for linkifying var m = {}, k for (k in this.msg) m[k] = this.msg[k] m.value = {} for (k in this.msg.value) m.value[k] = this.msg.value[k] var tokens = {} // link to feed starting from this message if (m.value.sequence) { var tok = u.token() tokens[tok] = h('a', {href: this.toUrl( + '?gt=' + (m.value.sequence-1))}, m.value.sequence) m.value.sequence = tok } if (typeof m.value.content === 'object' && m.value.content != null) { var c = m.value.content = {} for (k in this.c) c[k] = this.c[k] // link to messages of same type tok = u.token() tokens[tok] = h('a', {href: this.toUrl('/type/' + c.type)}, c.type) c.type = tok // link to channel if ( { tok = u.token() tokens[tok] = h('a', {href: this.toUrl('#' +}, = tok } // link to hashtags // TODO: recurse for (var k in c) { if (!c[k] || c[k][0] !== '#') continue tok = u.token() tokens[tok] = h('a', {href: this.toUrl(c[k])}, c[k]) c[k] = tok } } // link refs var els = this.linkify(JSON.stringify(m, 0, 2)) // stitch it all together for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { if (typeof els[i] === 'string') { for (var tok in tokens) { if (els[i].indexOf(tok) !== -1) { var parts = els[i].split(tok) els.splice(i, 1, parts[0], tokens[tok], parts[1]) continue } } } } this.wrap(h('pre', els), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.wrap = function (content, cb) { if (!this.shouldWrap) return cb(null, content) var date = new Date(this.msg.value.timestamp) var self = this var channel = ? '#' + : '' var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) done()(null, [h('tr.msg-row', h('td.msg-left', h('div', this.render.avatarImage(, done())), h('div', this.render.idLink(, done())), this.recpsLine(done()) ), h('td.msg-main', h('div.msg-header', h('a.ssb-timestamp', { title: date.toLocaleString(), href: this.msg.key ? this.toUrl(this.msg.key) : undefined }, htime(date)), ' ', h('code', h('a.ssb-id', {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key)}, this.msg.key)), channel ? [' ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(channel)}, channel)] : '')), h('td.msg-right', this.actions()) ), h('tr', h('td.msg-content', {colspan: 3}, this.issues(done()), content) )]) done(cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.wrapMini = function (content, cb) { if (!this.shouldWrap) return cb(null, content) var date = new Date(this.value.timestamp) var self = this var channel = ? '#' + : '' var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) done()(null, h('tr.msg-row', h('td.msg-left', this.render.idLink(, done()), ' ', this.recpsLine(done()), channel ? [h('a', {href: this.toUrl(channel)}, channel), ' '] : ''), h('td.msg-main', h('a.ssb-timestamp', { title: date.toLocaleString(), href: this.msg.key ? this.toUrl(this.msg.key) : undefined }, htime(date)), ' ', this.issues(done()), content), h('td.msg-right', this.actions()) )) done(cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.actions = function () { return this.msg.key ? h('form', {method: 'post', action: ''}, this.msg.rel ? [this.msg.rel, ' '] : '', this.opts.withGt && this.msg.timestamp ? [ h('a', {href: '?gt=' + this.msg.timestamp}, '↓'), ' '] : '', this.c.type === 'edit' ? [ h('a', {href: this.toUrl('/edit-diff/' + encodeURIComponent(this.msg.key)), title: 'view post edit diff'}, 'diff'), ' '] : '', this.c.type === 'gathering' ? [ h('a', {href: this.render.toUrl('/about/' + encodeURIComponent(this.msg.key))}, 'about'), ' '] : '', /^(ssb_)?chess_/.test(this.c.type) ? [ h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key) + '?full', title: 'view full game board'}, 'full'), ' '] : '', typeof this.c.text === 'string' ? [ h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key) + '?raw=md', title: 'view markdown source'}, 'md'), ' '] : '', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key) + '?raw', title: 'view raw message'}, 'raw'), ' ', this.buttonsCommon(), this.c.type === 'gathering' ? [this.attendButton(), ' '] : '', this.voteButton('dig') ) : [ this.msg.rel ? [this.msg.rel, ' '] : '' ] } RenderMsg.prototype.sync = function (cb) { cb(null, h('tr.msg-row', h('td', {colspan: 3}, h('hr') ))) } RenderMsg.prototype.recpsLine = function (cb) { if (!this.value.private) return cb(), '' var author = var recpsNotSelf = u.toArray(this.c.recps).filter(function (link) { return u.linkDest(link) !== author }) return this.render.privateLine(recpsNotSelf, cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.recpsIds = function () { return this.value.private ? u.toArray(this.c.recps).map(u.linkDest) : [] } RenderMsg.prototype.buttonsCommon = function () { var chan = var recps = this.recpsIds() return [ chan ? h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'channel', value: chan}) : '', h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'link', value: this.msg.key}), h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'recps', value: recps.join(',')}) ] } RenderMsg.prototype.voteButton = function (expression) { var chan = return [ h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'vote_value', value: 1}), h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'vote_expression', value: expression}), h('input', {type: 'submit', name: 'action_vote', value: expression})] } RenderMsg.prototype.attendButton = function () { var chan = return [ h('input', {type: 'submit', name: 'action_attend', value: 'attend'}) ] } RenderMsg.prototype.message = function (cb) { if (this.opts.raw) return this.raw(cb) if (this.msg.sync) return this.sync(cb) if (typeof this.c === 'string') return this.encrypted(cb) if (this.isMissing) return this.missing(cb) switch (this.c.type) { case 'post': return case 'ferment/like': case 'robeson/like': case 'vote': return case 'about': return this.about(cb) case 'contact': return case 'pub': return case 'channel': return case 'git-repo': return this.gitRepo(cb) case 'git-update': return this.gitUpdate(cb) case 'pull-request': return this.gitPullRequest(cb) case 'issue': return this.issue(cb) case 'issue-edit': return this.issueEdit(cb) case 'music-release-cc': return this.musicRelease(cb) case 'ssb-dns': return this.dns(cb) case 'gathering': return this.gathering(cb) case 'micro': return this.micro(cb) case 'ferment/audio': case 'robeson/audio': return case 'ferment/repost': case 'robeson/repost': return this.repost(cb) case 'ferment/update': case 'robeson/update': return this.update(cb) case 'chess_invite': case 'ssb_chess_invite': return this.chessInvite(cb) case 'chess_invite_accept': case 'ssb_chess_invite_accept': return this.chessInviteAccept(cb) case 'chess_move': case 'ssb_chess_move': return this.chessMove(cb) case 'chess_game_end': case 'ssb_chess_game_end': return this.chessGameEnd(cb) case 'chess_chat': return this.chessChat(cb) case 'wifi-network': return this.wifiNetwork(cb) case 'mutual/credit': return this.mutualCredit(cb) case 'mutual/account': return this.mutualAccount(cb) case 'npm-publish': return this.npmPublish(cb) case 'npm-packages': return this.npmPackages(cb) case 'npm-prebuilds': return this.npmPrebuilds(cb) case 'acme-challenges-http-01': return this.acmeChallengesHttp01(cb) case 'bookclub': return this.bookclub(cb) case 'macaco_maluco-sombrio-wall': return this.sombrioWall(cb) case 'macaco_maluco-sombrio-tombstone': return this.sombrioTombstone(cb) case 'macaco_maluco-sombrio-score': return this.sombrioScore(cb) case 'blog': return case 'image-map': return this.imageMap(cb) case 'talenet-identity-skill_assignment': return this.identitySkillAssign(cb) case 'talenet-idea-skill_assignment': return this.ideaSkillAssign(cb) case 'talenet-idea-create': return this.ideaCreate(cb) case 'talenet-idea-association': return this.ideaAssocate(cb) case 'talenet-skill-create': return this.skillCreate(cb) case 'talenet-skill-similarity': return this.skillSimilarity(cb) case 'talenet-idea-hat': return this.ideaHat(cb) case 'talenet-idea-update': return this.ideaUpdate(cb) case 'talenet-idea-comment': case 'talenet-idea-comment_reply': return this.ideaComment(cb) case 'about-resource': return this.aboutResource(cb) case 'line-comment': return this.lineComment(cb) case 'web-init': return this.webInit(cb) case 'web-root': return this.webRoot(cb) case 'poll': return this.poll(cb) case 'position': if (this.c.version === 'v1') return this.pollPosition(cb) case 'scat_message': return this.scat(cb) case 'share': return this.share(cb) case 'tag': return this.tag(cb) case 'edit': return this.edit(cb) default: return this.object(cb) } } RenderMsg.prototype.encrypted = function (cb) { this.wrapMini(this.render.lockIcon(), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.markdown = function (cb) { if (this.opts.markdownSource) return this.markdownSource(this.c.text, this.c.mentions) return this.render.markdown(this.c.text, this.c.mentions) } RenderMsg.prototype.markdownSource = function (text, mentions) { return h('div', h('pre', String(text)), mentions ? [ h('div', h('em', 'mentions:')), this.valueTable(mentions, 2, function () {}) ] : '' ).innerHTML } = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) if (self.c.root === self.c.branch) done()() else, done()) self.links(self.c.branch, done()) self.links(self.c.fork, done()) done(function (err, rootLink, branchLinks, forkLinks) { if (err) return self.wrap(u.renderError(err), cb) self.wrap(h('div.ssb-post', rootLink ? h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '→'), ' ', rootLink)) : '', (a, i) { return h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '  ↳'), ' ', a)) }), (a, i) { return h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '⑂'), ' ', a)) }), h('div.ssb-post-text', {innerHTML: self.markdown()}) ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.edit = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) if (self.c.root === self.c.branch) done()() else, done()) self.links(self.c.branch, done()) self.links(self.c.fork, done()), done()) if (self.c.updated === self.c.branch) done()() else, done()) done(function (err, rootLink, branchLinks, forkLinks, originalLink, updatedLink) { if (err) return self.wrap(u.renderError(err), cb) self.wrap(h('div.ssb-post', h('div', 'edit ', originalLink || ''), rootLink ? h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '→'), ' ', rootLink)) : '', updatedLink ? h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '  ↳'), ' ', updatedLink)) : '', (a, i) { return h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '  ↳'), ' ', a)) }), (a, i) { return h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '⑂'), ' ', a)) }), h('blockquote.ssb-post-text', {innerHTML: self.markdown()}) ), cb) }) } = function (cb) { var self = this var v = || || {}, function (err, a) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrapMini([ v.value > 0 ? 'dug' : v.value < 0 ? 'downvoted' : 'undug', ' ', a, v.reason ? [' as ', h('q', String(v.reason))] : '' ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.getName = function (id, cb) { switch (id && id[0]) { case '%': return this.getMsgName(id, cb) case '@': // fallthrough case '&': return this.getAboutName(id, cb) default: return cb(null, String(id)) } } RenderMsg.prototype.getMsgName = function (id, cb) { var self = this, function (err, msg) { if (err && == 'NotFoundError') cb(null, id.substring(0, 10)+'...(missing)') else if (err) cb(err) // preserve security: only decrypt the linked message if we decrypted // this message else if (self.msg.value.private), gotMsg) else gotMsg(null, msg) }) function gotMsg(err, msg) { if (err) return cb(err) new RenderMsg(self.render,, msg, {wrap: false}).title(cb) } } function truncate(str, len) { str = String(str) return str.length > len ? str.substr(0, len) + '...' : str } function title(str) { return truncate(mdInline(str), 72) } RenderMsg.prototype.title = function (cb) { var self = this, self.opts, function (err, show) { if (err) return cb(err) if (show) self.title1(cb) else cb(null, '[…]') }) } RenderMsg.prototype.title1 = function (cb) { var self = this if (!self.c || typeof self.c !== 'object') { cb(null, self.msg.key) } else if (typeof self.c.text === 'string') { if (self.c.type === 'post') cb(null, title(self.c.text)) else cb(null, '%' + self.c.type + ': ' + (self.c.title || title(self.c.text))) } else { if (self.c.type === 'ssb-dns') cb(null, self.c.record && JSON.stringify( || self.msg.key) else if (self.c.type === 'npm-publish') self.npmPublishTitle(cb) else if (self.c.type === 'chess_chat') cb(null, title(self.c.msg)) else if (self.c.type === 'chess_invite') self.chessInviteTitle(cb) else if (self.c.type === 'bookclub') self.bookclubTitle(cb) else if (self.c.type === 'talenet-skill-create' && cb(null, else if (self.c.type === 'talenet-idea-create'), cb) else if (self.c.type === 'tag') self.tagTitle(cb) else, function (err, about) { if (err) return cb(err) var name = || about.title || (about.description && mdInline(about.description)) if (name) return cb(null, truncate(name, 72)) self.message(function (err, el) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, '%' + title(h('div', el).textContent)) }) }) } } RenderMsg.prototype.getAboutName = function (id, cb) {, function (err, about) { cb(err, about && || (String(id).substr(0, 8) + '…')) }) } = function (link, cb) { var self = this var ref = u.linkDest(link) if (!ref) return cb(null, '') self.getName(ref, function (err, name) { if (err) name = truncate(ref, 10) cb(null, h('a', {href: self.toUrl(ref)}, name)) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.link1 = function (link, cb) { var self = this var ref = u.linkDest(link) if (!ref) return cb(), '' var a = h('a', {href: self.toUrl(ref)}, ref) self.getName(ref, function (err, name) { if (err) name = ref a.childNodes[0].textContent = name cb() }) return a } RenderMsg.prototype.links = function (links, cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1}) u.toArray(links).forEach(function (link) {, done()) }) done(cb) } function dateTime(d) { var date = new Date(d.epoch) return date.toString() // d.bias // d.epoch } // TODO: make more DRY var knownAboutProps = { type: true, root: true, about: true, attendee: true, about: true, image: true, description: true, name: true, title: true, attendee: true, startDateTime: true, endDateTime: true, location: true, /* rating: true, ratingType: true, */ 'talenet-version': true, } RenderMsg.prototype.about = function (cb) { var keys = Object.keys(this.c).sort().join() var isSelf = this.c.about === if (keys === 'about,name,type') { return this.wrapMini([ isSelf ? 'self-identifies as ' : ['identifies ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.c.about)}, truncate(this.c.about, 10)), ' as '], h('ins', String( ], cb) } if (keys === 'about,publicWebHosting,type') { var public = this.c.publicWebHosting && this.c.publicWebHosting !== 'false' return this.wrapMini([ isSelf ? public ? 'is okay with being hosted publicly' : 'wishes to not to be hosted publicly' : public ? ['thinks ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.c.about)}, truncate(this.c.about, 10)), ' should be hosted publicly '] : ['wishes ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.c.about)}, truncate(this.c.about, 10)), ' to not be hosted publicly'] ], cb) } var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var elCb = done() var isAttendingMsg = u.linkDest(this.c.attendee) === && keys === 'about,attendee,type' if (isAttendingMsg) { var attending = !this.c.attendee.remove this.wrapMini([ attending ? ' is attending' : ' is not attending', ' ', this.link1(this.c.about, done()) ], elCb) return done(cb) } var extras for (var k in this.c) { if (this.c[k] !== null && this.c[k] !== '' && !knownAboutProps[k]) { if (!extras) extras = {} extras[k] = this.c[k] } } var img = u.linkDest(this.c.image) // if there is a description, it is likely to be multi-line var hasDescription = this.c.description != null // if this about message gives the thing a name, show its id var showComputedName = !isSelf && ! this.wrap([ this.c.root ? h('div', h('small', '> ', this.link1(this.c.root, done())) ) : '', isSelf ? 'self-describes as ' : [ 'describes ', !this.c.about ? '' : showComputedName ? this.link1(this.c.about, done()) : h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.c.about)}, truncate(this.c.about, 10)), ' as ' ], ? [h('ins', String(, ' '] : '', this.c.description ? h('div', {innerHTML: this.render.markdown(this.c.description)}) : '', this.c.title ? h('h3', String(this.c.title)) : '', this.c.attendee ? h('div', this.link1(, done()), this.c.attendee.remove ? ' is not attending' : ' is attending' ) : '', this.c.startDateTime ? h('div', 'starting at ', dateTime(this.c.startDateTime)) : '', this.c.endDateTime ? h('div', 'ending at ', dateTime(this.c.endDateTime)) : '', this.c.location ? h('div', 'at ', String(this.c.location)) : '', img ? h('a', {href: this.toUrl(img)}, h('img.ssb-avatar-image', { src: this.render.imageUrl(img), alt: ' ', })) : '', /* this.c.rating != null ? this.aboutRating() : '', */ extras ? this.valueTable(extras, 1, done()) : '' ], elCb) done(cb) } /* * disabled until it's clearer how to do this -cel RenderMsg.prototype.aboutRating = function (cb) { var rating = Number(this.c.rating) var type = this.c.ratingType || '★' var text = rating + ' ' + type if (isNaN(rating)) return 'rating: ' + text if (rating > 5) rating = 5 var el = h('div', {title: text}) for (var i = 0; i < rating; i++) { el.appendChild(h('span', {innerHTML: u.unwrapP(this.render.markdown(type) + ' ')} )) } return el } */ = function (cb) { var self = this, function (err, a) { if (err) return cb(err) if (!a) a = "?" self.wrapMini([ self.c.following && self.c.autofollow ? 'follows pub' : self.c.following && ? 'autofollows' : self.c.following ? 'follows' : self.c.blocking ? 'blocks' : self.c.flagged ? 'flagged' : self.c.following === false ? 'unfollows' : self.c.blocking === false ? 'unblocks' : '', self.c.flagged === false ? 'unflagged' : ' ', a, self.c.note ? [ ' from ', h('code', String(self.c.note)) ] : '', self.c.reason ? [' because ', h('q', String(self.c.reason)) ] : '' ], cb) }) } = function (cb) { var self = this var addr = self.c.address || || {} ||, function (err, pubLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrapMini([ 'connects to ', pubLink, ' at ', h('code', + ':' + addr.port)], cb) }) } = function (cb) { var chan = '#' + this.wrapMini([ this.c.subscribed ? 'subscribes to ' : this.c.subscribed === false ? 'unsubscribes from ' : '', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(chan)}, chan)], cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.gitRepo = function (cb) { var self = this var id = self.msg.key var name = var upstream = self.c.upstream, function (err, upstreamA) { if (err) upstreamA = ('a', {href: self.toUrl(upstream)}, String(name)) self.wrapMini([ upstream ? ['forked ', upstreamA, ': '] : '', 'git clone ', h('code', h('small', 'ssb://' + id)), name ? [' ', h('a', {href: self.toUrl(id)}, String(name))] : '' ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.gitUpdate = function (cb) { var self = this // h('a', {href: self.toUrl(self.c.repo)}, 'ssb://' + self.c.repo), var size = [].concat(self.c.packs, self.c.indexes) .map(function (o) { return o && o.size }) .reduce(function (total, s) { return total + s }) var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()) self.render.npmPackageMentions(self.c.mentions, done()) self.render.npmPrebuildMentions(self.c.mentions, done()) done(function (err, a, pkgMentionsEl, prebuildMentionsEl) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap(h('div.ssb-git-update', 'git push ', a, ' ', !isNaN(size) ? [self.render.formatSize(size), ' '] : '', self.c.refs ? h('ul', Object.keys(self.c.refs).map(function (ref) { var id = String(self.c.refs[ref]) var type = /^refs\/tags/.test(ref) ? 'tag' : 'commit' var path = id && ('/git/' + type + '/' + encodeURIComponent(id) + '?msg=' + encodeURIComponent(self.msg.key)) + '&search=1' return h('li', ref.replace(/^refs\/(heads|tags)\//, ''), ': ', id ? h('a', {href: self.render.toUrl(path)}, h('code', id)) : h('em', 'deleted')) })) : '', Array.isArray(self.c.commits) ? h('ul', (commit) { var path = '/git/commit/' + encodeURIComponent(commit.sha1) + '?msg=' + encodeURIComponent(self.msg.key) return h('li', h('a', {href: self.render.toUrl(path)}, h('code', String(commit.sha1).substr(0, 8))), ' ', self.linkify(String(commit.title)), self.render.gitCommitBody(commit.body) ) })) : '', Array.isArray(self.c.tags) ? h('ul', (tag) { var path = '/git/tag/' + encodeURIComponent(tag.sha1) + '?msg=' + encodeURIComponent(self.msg.key) return h('li', h('a', {href: self.render.toUrl(path)}, h('code', String(tag.sha1).substr(0, 8))), ' ', 'tagged ', String(tag.type), ' ', h('code', String(tag.object).substr(0, 8)), ' ', String(tag.tag), tag.title ? [': ', self.linkify(String(tag.title).trim()), ' '] : '', tag.body ? self.render.gitCommitBody(tag.body) : '' ) })) : '', self.c.commits_more ? h('div', '+ ' + self.c.commits_more + ' more commits') : '', self.c.tags_more ? h('div', '+ ' + self.c.tags_more + ' more tags') : '', pkgMentionsEl, prebuildMentionsEl ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.gitPullRequest = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()), done()) done(function (err, baseRepoLink, headRepoLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap(h('div.ssb-pull-request', 'pull request ', 'to ', baseRepoLink, ':', String(self.c.branch), ' ', 'from ', headRepoLink, ':', String(self.c.head_branch), self.c.title ? h('h4', String(self.c.title)) : '', h('div', {innerHTML: self.markdown()})), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.issue = function (cb) { var self = this, function (err, projectLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap(h('div.ssb-issue', 'issue on ', projectLink, self.c.title ? h('h4', String(self.c.title)) : '', h('div', {innerHTML: self.markdown()})), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.issueEdit = function (cb) { this.wrap('', cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.object = function (cb) { var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var elCb = done() this.wrap([ this.valueTable(this.c, 1, done()), ], elCb) done(cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.valueTable = function (val, depth, cb) { var isContent = depth === 1 var self = this switch (typeof val) { case 'object': if (val === null) return cb(), '' var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var el = Array.isArray(val) ? h('ul', (item) { return h('li', self.valueTable(item, depth + 1, done())) })) : h('table.ssb-object', Object.keys(val).map(function (key) { if (key === 'text') { return h('tr', h('td', h('strong', 'text')), h('td', h('div', { innerHTML: self.render.markdown(val.text, val.mentions) })) ) } else if (isContent && key === 'type') { // TODO: also link to images by type, using links2 var type = String(val.type) return h('tr', h('td', h('strong', 'type')), h('td', h('a', {href: self.toUrl('/type/' + type)}, type)) ) } return h('tr', h('td', h('strong', key)), h('td', self.valueTable(val[key], depth + 1, done())) ) })) done(cb) return el case 'string': if (val[0] === '#') return cb(null, h('a', {href: self.toUrl('/channel/' + val.substr(1))}, val)) if (u.isRef(val)) return self.link1(val, cb) if (/^ssb-blob:\/\//.test(val)) return cb(), h('a', {href: self.toUrl(val)}, val) return cb(), self.linkify(val) case 'boolean': return cb(), h('input', { type: 'checkbox', disabled: 'disabled', checked: val }) default: return cb(), String(val) } } RenderMsg.prototype.missing = function (cb) { this.wrapMini([ h('code', 'MISSING'), ' ', h('a', {href: '?ooo=1'}, 'fetch') ], cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.issues = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var issues = u.toArray(self.c.issues) if (self.c.type === 'issue-edit' && self.c.issue) { issues.push({ link: self.c.issue, title: self.c.title, open:, }) } var els = (issue) { var commit = issue.object || issue.label ? [ issue.object ? h('code', String(issue.object)) : '', ' ', issue.label ? h('q', String(issue.label)) : ''] : '' if (issue.merged === true) return h('div', 'merged ', self.link1(issue, done())) if ( === false) return h('div', 'closed ', self.link1(issue, done())) if ( === true) return h('div', 'reopened ', self.link1(issue, done())) if (typeof issue.title === 'string') return h('div', 'renamed ', self.link1(issue, done()), ' to ', h('ins', String(issue.title))) }) done(cb) return els.length > 0 ? [els, h('br')] : '' } RenderMsg.prototype.repost = function (cb) { var self = this var id = u.linkDest(self.c.repost), function (err, msg) { if (err && == 'NotFoundError') gotMsg(null, id.substring(0, 10)+'...(missing)') else if (err) gotMsg(err) else if (self.msg.value.private), gotMsg) else gotMsg(null, msg) }) function gotMsg(err, msg) { if (err) return cb(err) var renderMsg = new RenderMsg(self.render,, msg, {wrap: false}) renderMsg.message(function (err, msgEl) { self.wrapMini(['reposted ', h('code.ssb-id', h('a', {href: self.render.toUrl(id)}, id)), h('div', err ? u.renderError(err) : msgEl || '') ], cb) }) } } RenderMsg.prototype.update = function (cb) { var id = String(this.c.update) this.wrapMini([ h('div', 'updated ', h('code.ssb-id', h('a', {href: this.render.toUrl(id)}, id))), this.c.title ? h('h4.msg-title', String(this.c.title)) : '', this.c.description ? h('div', {innerHTML: this.render.markdown(this.c.description)}) : '' ], cb) } function formatDuration(s) { return Math.floor(s / 60) + ':' + ('0' + s % 60).substr(-2) } = function (cb) { // fileName, fallbackFileName, overview this.wrap(h('table', h('tr', h('td', this.c.artworkSrc ? h('a', {href: this.render.toUrl(this.c.artworkSrc)}, h('img', { src: this.render.imageUrl(this.c.artworkSrc), alt: ' ', width: 72, height: 72, })) : ''), h('td', h('a', {href: this.render.toUrl(this.c.audioSrc)}, String(this.c.title)), isFinite(this.c.duration) ? ' (' + formatDuration(this.c.duration) + ')' : '', this.c.description ? h('p', {innerHTML: this.render.markdown(this.c.description)}) : '' ))), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.musicRelease = function (cb) { var self = this this.wrap([ h('table', h('tr', h('td', this.c.cover ? h('a', {href: this.render.imageUrl(this.c.cover)}, h('img', { src: this.render.imageUrl(this.c.cover), alt: ' ', width: 72, height: 72, })) : ''), h('td', h('h4.msg-title', String(this.c.title)), this.c.text ? h('div', {innerHTML: this.render.markdown(this.c.text)}) : '' ) )), h('ul', u.toArray(this.c.tracks).filter(Boolean).map(function (track) { return h('li', h('a', {href: self.render.toUrl(}, String(track.fname))) })) ], cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.dns = function (cb) { var self = this var record = self.c.record || {} var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var elCb = done() self.wrap([ h('div', h('p', h('ins', {title: 'name'}, String(, ' ', h('span', {title: 'ttl'}, String(record.ttl)), ' ', h('span', {title: 'class'}, String(record.class)), ' ', h('span', {title: 'type'}, String(record.type)) ), h('pre', {title: 'data'}, JSON.stringify( || record.value, null, 2)), !self.c.branch ? null : h('div', 'replaces: ', u.toArray(self.c.branch).map(function (id, i) { return [self.link1(id, done()), i === 0 ? ', ' : ''] }) ) ) ], elCb) done(cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.wifiNetwork = function (cb) { var net = || {} this.wrap([ h('div', 'wifi network'), h('table', Object.keys(net).map(function (key) { return h('tr', h('td', key), h('td', h('pre', JSON.stringify(net[key])))) }) ), ], cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.mutualCredit = function (cb) { var self = this var currency = String(self.c.currency), function (err, a) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrapMini([ 'credits ', a || '?', ' ', h('code', String(self.c.amount)), ' ', currency[0] === '#' ? h('a', {href: self.toUrl(currency)}, currency) : h('ins', currency), self.c.memo ? [' for ', h('q', {innerHTML: u.unwrapP(self.render.markdown(self.c.memo))}) ] : '' ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.mutualAccount = function (cb) { return this.object(cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.gathering = function (cb) { this.wrapMini('gathering', cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.micro = function (cb) { var el = h('span', {innerHTML: u.unwrapP(this.markdown())}) this.wrapMini(el, cb) } function hJoin(els, seperator, lastSeparator) { return (el, i) { return [i === 0 ? '' : i === els.length-1 ? lastSeparator : seperator, el] }) } function asNpmReadme(readme) { if (!readme || readme === 'ERROR: No README data found!') return return u.ifString(readme) } function singleValue(obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return obj var keys = Object.keys(obj) if (keys.length === 1) return obj[keys[0]] } function ifDifferent(obj, value) { if (singleValue(obj) !== value) return obj } RenderMsg.prototype.npmPublish = function (cb) { var self = this var render = self.render var pkg = self.c.meta || {} var pkgReadme = asNpmReadme(pkg.readme) var pkgDescription = u.ifString(pkg.description) var versions = Object.keys(pkg.versions || {}) var singleVersion = versions.length === 1 ? versions[0] : null var singleRelease = singleVersion && pkg.versions[singleVersion] var singleReadme = singleRelease && asNpmReadme(singleRelease.readme) var distTags = pkg['dist-tags'] || {} var distTagged = {} for (var distTag in distTags) if (distTag !== 'latest') distTagged[distTags[distTag]] = distTag self.links(self.c.previousPublish, function (err, prevLinks) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ h('div', 'published ', h('u', String(, ' ', hJoin( (version) { var distTag = distTagged[version] return [h('b', version), distTag ? [' (', h('i', distTag), ')'] : ''] }), ', ') ), pkgDescription ? h('div', // TODO: make mdInline use custom emojis h('q', {innerHTML: u.unwrapP(render.markdown(pkgDescription))})) : '', prevLinks.length ? h('div', 'previous: ', prevLinks) : '', pkgReadme && pkgReadme !== singleReadme ? h('blockquote', {innerHTML: render.markdown(pkgReadme)}) : '', (version, i) { var release = pkg.versions[version] || {} var license = u.ifString(release.license) var author = ifDifferent(, var description = u.ifString(release.description) var readme = asNpmReadme(release.readme) var keywords = u.toArray(release.keywords).map(u.ifString) var dist = release.dist || {} var size = u.ifNumber(dist.size) return [ h > 0 ? h('br') : '', version !== singleVersion ? h('div', 'version: ', version) : '', author ? h('div', 'author: ', render.npmAuthorLink(author)) : '', license ? h('div', 'license: ', h('code', license)) : '', keywords.length ? h('div', 'keywords: ', keywords.join(', ')) : '', size ? h('div', 'size: ', render.formatSize(size)) : '', description && description !== pkgDescription ? h('div', h('q', {innerHTML: render.markdown(description)})) : '', readme ? h('blockquote', {innerHTML: render.markdown(readme)}) : '' ] }) ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.npmPackages = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var elCb = done() function renderIdLink(id) { return [h('a', {href: self.toUrl(id)}, truncate(id, 8)), ' '] } var singlePkg = self.c.mentions && self.c.mentions.length === 1 && self.c.mentions[0] var m = singlePkg && /^npm:(.*?):(.*?):/.exec( var singlePkgSpec = m && (m[1] + (m[2] ? '@' + m[2] : '')) self.render.npmPackageMentions(self.c.mentions, function (err, el) { if (err) return cb(err) var dependencyLinks = u.toArray(self.c.dependencyBranch) var versionLinks = u.toArray(self.c.versionBranch) self.wrap(h('div', [ el, singlePkg ? h('p', h('code', 'npm install --registry=' + 'http://' + + ':' + + '/npm-registry/' + encodeURIComponent(self.msg.key) + ' ' + singlePkgSpec), ) : '', dependencyLinks.length ? h('div', 'dependencies via: ', ) : '', versionLinks.length ? h('div', 'previous versions: ', ) : '' ]), elCb) return done(cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.npmPrebuilds = function (cb) { var self = this self.render.npmPrebuildMentions(self.c.mentions, function (err, el) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap(el, cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.npmPublishTitle = function (cb) { var pkg = this.c.meta || {} var name = || pkg._id || '?' var taggedVersions = {} for (var version in pkg.versions || {}) taggedVersions[version] = [] var distTags = pkg['dist-tags'] || {} for (var distTag in distTags) { if (distTag === 'latest') continue var version = distTags[distTag] || '?' var tags = taggedVersions[version] || (taggedVersions[version] = []) tags.push(distTag) } cb(null, name + '@' + Object.keys(taggedVersions).map(function (version) { var tags = taggedVersions[version] return (tags.length ? tags.join(',') + ':' : '') + version }).join(',')) } function expandDigitToSpaces(n) { return ' '.substr(-n) } function parseFenRank (line) { return line.replace(/\d/g, expandDigitToSpaces).split('') } function parseChess(fen) { var fields = String(fen).split(/\s+/) var ranks = fields[0].split('/') var f2 = fields[2] || '' return { board:, /* nextMove: fields[1] === 'b' ? 'black' : fields[1] === 'w' ? 'white' : 'unknown', castling: f2 === '-' ? {} : { w: { k: 0 < f2.indexOf('K'), q: 0 < f2.indexOf('Q'), }, b: { k: 0 < f2.indexOf('k'), q: 0 < f2.indexOf('q'), } }, enpassantTarget: fields[3] === '-' ? null : fields[3], halfmoves: Number(fields[4]), fullmoves: Number(fields[5]), */ } } var chessSymbols = { ' ': [' ', ''], P: ['♙', 'white', 'pawn'], N: ['♘', 'white', 'knight'], B: ['♗', 'white', 'bishop'], R: ['♖', 'white', 'rook'], Q: ['♕', 'white', 'queen'], K: ['♔', 'white', 'king'], p: ['♟', 'black', 'pawn'], n: ['♞', 'black', 'knight'], b: ['♝', 'black', 'bishop'], r: ['♜', 'black', 'rook'], q: ['♛', 'black', 'queen'], k: ['♚', 'black', 'king'], } function chessPieceName(c) { return chessSymbols[c] && chessSymbols[c][2] || '?' } function renderChessSymbol(c, loc) { var info = chessSymbols[c] || ['?', '', 'unknown'] return h('span.symbol', { title: info[1] + ' ' + info[2] + (loc ? ' at ' + loc : '') }, info[0]) } function chessLocToIdxs(loc) { var m = /^([a-h])([1-8])$/.exec(loc) if (m) return [8 - m[2], m[1].charCodeAt(0) - 97] } function lookupPiece(board, loc) { var idxs = chessLocToIdxs(loc) return idxs && board[idxs[0]] && board[idxs[0]][idxs[1]] } function chessIdxsToLoc(i, j) { return 'abcdefgh'[j] + (8-i) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessBoard = function (board) { if (!board) return '' return h('table.chess-board', (rank, i) { return h('tr', (piece, j) { var dark = (i ^ j) & 1 return h('td', { class: 'chess-square chess-square-' + (dark ? 'dark' : 'light'), }, renderChessSymbol(piece, chessIdxsToLoc(i, j))) })) }) ) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessMove = function (cb) { var self = this var c = self.c var fen = c.fen && c.fen.length === 2 ? c.pgnMove : c.fen var game = parseChess(fen) var piece = game && lookupPiece(game.board, c.dest), function (err, rootLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ h('div', h('small', '> ', rootLink)), h('p', // 'player ', (c.ply || ''), ' ', 'moved ' + (piece ? renderChessSymbol(piece) + ' ' : ''), 'from ' + c.orig, ' ', 'to ' + c.dest ), self.chessBoard(game.board) ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessInvite = function (cb) { var self = this var myColor = self.c.myColor, function (err, link) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ 'invites ', link, ' to play chess', // myColor ? h('p', 'my color is ' + myColor) : '' ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessInviteTitle = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) self.getName(self.c.inviting, done()) self.getName(, done()) done(function (err, inviteeLink, inviterLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ 'chess: ', inviterLink, ' vs. ', inviteeLink ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessInviteAccept = function (cb) { var self = this, function (err, rootLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ h('div', h('small', '> ', rootLink)), h('p', 'accepts invitation to play chess') ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessGameEnd = function (cb) { var self = this var c = self.c if (c.status === 'resigned') return, function (err, rootLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ h('div', h('small', '> ', rootLink)), h('p', h('strong', 'resigned')) ], cb) }) var fen = c.fen && c.fen.length === 2 ? c.pgnMove : c.fen var game = parseChess(fen) var piece = game && lookupPiece(game.board, c.dest) var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()), done()) done(function (err, rootLink, winnerLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ h('div', h('small', '> ', rootLink)), h('p', 'moved ' + (piece ? renderChessSymbol(piece) + ' ' : ''), 'from ' + c.orig, ' ', 'to ' + c.dest ), h('p', h('strong', self.c.status), '. winner: ', h('strong', winnerLink)), self.chessBoard(game.board) ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessChat = function (cb) { var self = this, function (err, rootLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ h('div', h('small', '> ', rootLink)), h('p', String(self.c.msg)) ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessMove = function (cb) { if (this.opts.full) return this.chessMoveFull(cb) return this.chessMoveMini(cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessMoveFull = function (cb) { var self = this var c = self.c var fen = c.fen && c.fen.length === 2 ? c.pgnMove : c.fen var game = parseChess(fen) var piece = game && lookupPiece(game.board, c.dest), function (err, rootLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrap([ h('div', h('small', '> ', rootLink)), h('p', // 'player ', (c.ply || ''), ' ', 'moved ' + (piece ? renderChessSymbol(piece) + ' ' : ''), 'from ' + c.orig, ' ', 'to ' + c.dest ), self.chessBoard(game.board) ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.chessMoveMini = function (cb) { var self = this var c = self.c var fen = c.fen && c.fen.length === 2 ? c.pgnMove : c.fen var game = parseChess(fen) var piece = game && lookupPiece(game.board, c.dest), function (err, rootLink) { if (err) return cb(err) self.wrapMini([ 'moved ', chessPieceName(piece), ' ', 'to ' + c.dest ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.acmeChallengesHttp01 = function (cb) { var self = this self.wrapMini(h('span', 'serves ', hJoin(u.toArray(self.c.challenges).filter(Boolean).map(function (challenge) { return h('a', { href: 'http://' + challenge.domain + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + challenge.token, title: challenge.keyAuthorization, }, String(challenge.domain)) }), ', ', ', and ') ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.bookclub = function (cb) { var self = this var props = self.c.common || self.c var images = u.toLinkArray(props.image || props.images) self.wrap(h('table', h('tr', h('td', (image) { return h('a', {href: self.render.toUrl(}, h('img', { src: self.render.imageUrl(, alt: || ' ', width: 180, })) })), h('td', h('h4', String(props.title)), props.authors ? h('p', h('em', String(props.authors))) : '', props.description ? h('div', {innerHTML: self.render.markdown(props.description)}) : '' ) )), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.bookclubTitle = function (cb) { var props = this.c.common || this.c cb(null, props.title || 'book') } RenderMsg.prototype.sombrioPosition = function () { return h('span', '[' + this.c.position + ']') } RenderMsg.prototype.sombrioWall = function (cb) { var self = this self.wrapMini(h('span', self.sombrioPosition(), ' wall' ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.sombrioTombstone = function (cb) { var self = this self.wrapMini(h('span', self.sombrioPosition(), ' tombstone' ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.sombrioScore = function (cb) { var self = this self.wrapMini(h('span', 'scored ', h('ins', String(self.c.score)) ), cb) } = function (cb) { var self = this var blogId = u.linkDest( var imgId = u.linkDest(self.c.thumbnail) var imgLink = imgId ? u.toLinkArray(self.c.mentions).filter(function (link) { return === imgId })[0] || u.toLink(self.c.thumbnail) : null self.wrapMini(h('table', h('tr', h('td', imgId ? h('img', { src: self.render.imageUrl(imgId), alt: ( || '') + (imgLink.size != null ? ' (' + self.render.formatSize(imgLink.size) + ')' : ''), width: 180, }) : 'blog'), h('td', blogId ? h('h3', h('a', {href: self.render.toUrl('/markdown/' + blogId)}, String(self.c.title || self.msg.key))) : '', String(self.c.summary || '')) )), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.imageMap = function (cb) { var self = this var imgLink = u.toLink(self.c.image) var imgRef = imgLink && var mapName = 'map' + u.token() self.wrap(h('div', [ h('map', {name: mapName}, u.toArray(self.c.areas).map(function (areaLink) { var href = areaLink && self.toUrl( return href ? h('area', { shape: String(areaLink.shape), coords: String(areaLink.coords), href: href, }) : '' }) ), imgRef && imgRef[0] === '&' ? h('img', { src: self.render.imageUrl(imgRef), width: Number(imgLink.width) || undefined, height: Number(imgLink.height) || undefined, alt: String( || ''), usemap: '#' + mapName, }) : '' ]), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.skillCreate = function (cb) { var self = this self.wrapMini(h('span', ' created skill ', h('ins', String( ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.ideaCreate = function (cb) { var self = this self.wrapMini(h('span', ' has an idea' ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.skillSimilarity = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()), done()) var similarity = !!self.c.similarity done(function (err, skill1, skill2) { self.wrapMini(h('span', 'considers ', skill1, ' to be ', similarity ? 'similar to ' : 'not similar to ', skill2 ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.identitySkillAssign = function (cb) { var self = this, function (err, a) { self.wrapMini(h('span', self.c.action === 'assign' ? 'assigns ' : self.c.action === 'unassign' ? 'unassigns ' : h('code', String(self.c.action)), ' ', 'skill ', a ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.ideaSkillAssign = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()), done()) done(function (err, skillA, ideaA) { self.wrapMini(h('span', self.c.action === 'assign' ? 'assigns ' : self.c.action === 'unassign' ? 'unassigns ' : h('code', String(self.c.action)), ' ', 'skill ', skillA, ' to idea ', ideaA ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.ideaAssocate = function (cb) { var self = this, function (err, a) { self.wrapMini(h('span', self.c.action === 'associate' ? 'associates with ' : self.c.action === 'disassociate' ? 'disassociates with ' : h('code', String(self.c.action)), ' ', 'idea ', a ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.ideaHat = function (cb) { var self = this, function (err, a) { self.wrapMini(h('span', self.c.action === 'take' ? 'takes ' : self.c.action === 'discard' ? 'discards ' : h('code', String(self.c.action)), ' ', 'idea ', a ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.ideaUpdate = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var props = {} for (var k in self.c) { if (k !== 'ideaKey' && k !== 'type' && k !== 'talenet-version') { props[k] = self.c[k] } } var keys = Object.keys(props).sort().join() if (keys === 'title') { return self.wrapMini(h('span', 'titles idea ', h('a', {href: self.toUrl(self.c.ideaKey)}, String(props.title)) ), cb) } if (keys === 'description') { return, function (err, a) { self.wrap(h('div', 'describes idea ', a, ':', h('blockquote', {innerHTML: self.render.markdown(props.description)}) ), cb) }) } if (keys === 'description,title') { return self.wrap(h('div', 'describes idea ', h('a', {href: self.toUrl(self.c.ideaKey)}, String(props.title)), ':', h('blockquote', {innerHTML: self.render.markdown(props.description)}) ), cb) }, done()) var table = self.valueTable(props, 1, done()) done(function (err, ideaA) { self.wrap(h('div', [ 'updates idea ', ideaA, table ]), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.ideaComment = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()), done()) done(function (err, ideaLink, commentLink) { if (err) return self.wrap(u.renderError(err), cb) self.wrap(h('div', [ ideaLink ? h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '→'), ' idea ', ideaLink)) : '', commentLink ? h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '↳'), ' comment ', commentLink)) : '', self.c.text ? h('div', {innerHTML: self.render.markdown(self.c.text)}) : '' ]), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.aboutResource = function (cb) { var self = this return self.wrap(h('div', 'describes resource ', h('a', {href: self.toUrl(self.c.about)}, String(, ':', h('blockquote', {innerHTML: self.render.markdown(self.c.description)}) ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.lineComment = function (cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()) self.getMsg(self.c.updateId, done()) done(function (err, repoLink, updateMsg) { if (err) return cb(err) return self.wrap(h('div', h('div', h('small', '> ', repoLink, ' ', h('a', { href: self.toUrl(self.c.updateId) }, updateMsg ? htime(new Date(updateMsg.value.timestamp)) : String(self.c.updateId) ), ' ', h('a', { href: self.toUrl('/git/commit/' + self.c.commitId + '?msg=' + encodeURIComponent(self.c.updateId)) }, String(self.c.commitId).substr(0, 8)), ' ', h('a', { href: self.toUrl('/git/line-comment/' + encodeURIComponent(self.msg.key || JSON.stringify(self.msg))) }, h('code', self.c.filePath + ':' + self.c.line)) )), self.c.text ? h('div', {innerHTML: self.markdown()}) : ''), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.webInit = function (cb) { var self = this var url = '/web/' + encodeURIComponent(this.msg.key) self.wrapMini(h('a', {href: this.toUrl(url)}, 'website' ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.webRoot = function (cb) { var self = this var site = u.isRef( && var root = u.isRef(this.c.root) && this.c.root self.wrapMini(h('span', 'updated website ', site ? [ h('a', {href: this.toUrl('/web/' + encodeURIComponent(site))}, site.substr(0, 8) + '…'), ' ' ] : '', root ? [ 'to ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(root)}, root.substr(0, 8) + '…') ] : '' ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.poll = function (cb) { var self = this var closeDate = new Date(self.c.closesAt) var details = self.c.pollDetails || self.c.details || {} var choices = u.toArray(details.choices) return self.wrap(h('div', h('h3', {innerHTML: u.unwrapP(self.render.markdown(self.c.title))}), h('div', {innerHTML: u.unwrapP(self.render.markdown(self.c.body, self.c.mentions))}), h('p', 'closes at: ', h('span', { title: closeDate.toLocaleString() }, closeDate.toString())), details.type === 'chooseOne' ? h('form', {method: 'post', action: ''}, h('p', 'Choose one'), h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'action', value: 'poll-position'}), h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'poll_root', value: self.msg.key}), h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'poll_type', value: 'chooseOne'}), (choice, i) { return h('div', h('input', {type: 'radio', name: 'poll_choice', value: i}), ' ', String(choice)) }), h('p', 'reason: ', h('div', h('textarea', {name: 'poll_reason'})) ), h('p', h('input', {type: 'submit', value: 'preview publish position'})) ) : h('div', 'unknown poll type') ), cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.pollPosition = function (cb) { var self = this var details = self.c.pollDetails || self.c.details || self.c var reason = self.c.reason || '' var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}), done()) self.links(self.c.branch, done()) var msgCb = done(), function (err, msg) { // ignore error getting root message... it's not that important msgCb(null, msg) }) done(function (err, rootLink, branchLinks, rootMsg) { if (err) return cb(err) var rootContent = rootMsg && rootMsg.value.content || {} var rootDetails = rootContent.pollDetails || rootContent.details || rootContent var choices = u.toArray(rootDetails.choices) var choice = details.choice != null && choices && choices[details.choice] return self.wrap(h('div', rootLink ? h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '→'), ' ', rootLink)) : '', (a, i) { return h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '  ↳'), ' ', a)) }), h('p', 'picked ', choice ? h('q', choice) : ['choice ', String(details.choice || '?')] ), reason ? h('div', {innerHTML: self.render.markdown(reason, self.c.mentions)}) : '' ), cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.scat = function (cb) { this.wrapMini([ this.c.action ? '' : 'chats ', h('q', String(this.c.text)) ], cb) } RenderMsg.prototype.share = function (cb) { var self = this var share = self.c.share || {}, function (err, link) { self.wrapMini([ 'shares ', share.content === 'blog' ? 'blog ' : share.content ? [h('code', String(share.content)), ' '] : '', link || String(, share.url ? [ ' at ', h('small', h('a', {href: self.toUrl(share.url)}, share.url)) ] : '', share.text ? [ ': ', h('q', String(share.text)) ] : '' ], cb) }) } RenderMsg.prototype.tag = function (cb) { var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var self = this if (self.c.message || self.c.root) {, done()), done()) self.links(self.c.branch, done()) done(function (err, rootLink, msgLink, branchLinks) { if (err) return self.wrap(u.renderError(err), cb) return self.wrap(h('div', (a, i) { return h('div', h('small', h('span.symbol', '  ↳'), ' ', a)) }), h('p', self.c.tagged ? 'tagged ' : 'untagged ', msgLink, rootLink ? [' as ', rootLink] : '' ), ), cb) }) } else { self.wrapMini('tag', cb) } } RenderMsg.prototype.tagTitle = function (cb) { var self = this if (!self.c.message && !self.c.root) { return, function (err, about) { if (err) return cb(err) var name = || about.title || (about.description && mdInline(about.description)) cb(null, truncate(name ? name.replace(/^%/, '') : self.msg.key, 72)) }) } var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) self.getName(self.c.root, done()) self.getName(self.c.message, done()) done(function (err, rootName, msgName) { if (err) return cb(null, err.stack) cb(null, (self.c.tagged ? 'tagged ' : 'untagged ') + msgName + ' as ' + rootName) }) }