const Graph = require('ipld-graph-builder') const Uint1Array = require('uint1array') const TextEncoder = require('text-encoding').TextEncoder const encoder = new TextEncoder('utf-8') const EXTENSION = 0 const BRANCH = 1 const VALUE = 2 const RadixTree = module.exports = class RadixTree { constructor (opts) { this.root = opts.root || {'/': undefined} this.graph = opts.graph || new Graph(opts.dag) } static get ArrayConstructor () { return Uint1Array } static toTypedArray (array) { return new RadixTree.ArrayConstructor(new Uint8Array(array).buffer) } async _get (key) { let index = 0 let root = this.root let parent while (1) { // load the root await this.graph.get(root, 0, true) if (hasExtension(root)) { let extensionIndex = 0 const extensionLen = getExLength(root) const extension = getExtension(root) let subKey subKey = key.slice(index, index + extensionLen) // checks the extension against the key while (extensionIndex < extensionLen && extension[extensionIndex] === subKey[extensionIndex]) { extensionIndex++ } index += extensionIndex // check if we compelete travered the extension if (extensionIndex !== extensionLen) { return { extensionIndex: extensionIndex, root: root, index: index } } } let keySegment = key[index] if (keySegment !== undefined) { const branch = getBranch(root) await this.graph.get(branch, keySegment, true) // preseves the '/' const nextRoot = branch[keySegment] if (!nextRoot) { return { root: root, index: index } } else { parent = root root = nextRoot } } else { break } index++ } let value = getValue(root) if (value && value['/']) { value = await this.graph.get(root, VALUE, true) } return { value: value, root: root, parent: parent, index: index } } async get (key) { key = RadixTree.formatKey(key) const result = await this._get(key) return result.value } async set (key, value) { key = RadixTree.formatKey(key) if (value.length > 32) { value = {'/': value} } // initial set if (this.root['/'] === undefined) { this.root['/'] = createNode(key, [], value)['/'] } else { const result = await this._get(key) let root = result.root if (result.value) { setValue(root, value) } else { if (result.extensionIndex !== undefined) { // split the extension node in two let extension = getExtension(root) const extensionKey = extension[result.extensionIndex] const remExtension = extension.subarray(result.extensionIndex + 1) extension = extension.subarray(0, result.extensionIndex) setExtension(root, remExtension) const branch = [] branch[extensionKey] = {'/': root['/']} root['/'] = createNode(extension, branch)['/'] } // if there are remaning key segments create an extension node if (result.index < key.length) { const keySegment = key[result.index] const extension = key.subarray(result.index + 1, key.length) const newNode = createNode(extension, [], value) const rootBranch = getBranch(root) rootBranch[keySegment] = newNode } else { setValue(root, value) } } } } async delete (key) { key = RadixTree.formatKey(key) const results = await this._get(key) if (results.value) { const root = results.root const parent = results.parent deleteValue(root) if (getBranch(root).length) { joinNodes(root) } else { if (!parent) { root['/'] = undefined } else { let branch = getBranch(parent) branch = => node === root ? undefined : node) setBranch(parent, branch) joinNodes(parent) } } } function joinNodes (root) { if (getValue(root) === undefined) { let index const branch = getBranch(root) const nodes = branch.filter((node, i) => { if (node) { index = i return true } }) if (nodes.length === 1) { const child = nodes[0] const pExtension = getExtension(root) const childExtension = getExtension(child) const newExtension = new RadixTree.ArrayConstructor(pExtension.length + childExtension.length + 1) newExtension.set(pExtension) newExtension[pExtension.length] = index newExtension.set(childExtension, pExtension.length + 1) setExtension(child, newExtension) root['/'] = child['/'] } } } } createMerkleRoot () { return this.graph.flush(this.root) } static formatKey (key) { if (typeof key === 'string') { key = encoder.encode(key) } return new RadixTree.ArrayConstructor(key.buffer) } } function setBranch (node, branch) { node['/'][BRANCH] = branch } function getBranch (node) { return node['/'][BRANCH] } function getValue (node) { return node['/'][VALUE] } function deleteValue (node) { node['/'].pop() } function hasExtension (node) { return node['/'][EXTENSION].length === 2 } function getExtension (node) { return RadixTree.toTypedArray(node['/'][EXTENSION][1]).subarray(0, getExLength(node)) } function getExLength (node) { return node['/'][EXTENSION][0] } function setExtension (node, ex) { if (ex && ex.length) { node['/'][EXTENSION] = [ex.length, new Buffer(ex.buffer)] } else { node['/'][EXTENSION] = [] } } function setValue (node, val) { node['/'][VALUE] = val } function createNode (ex, branch, value) { if (ex && ex.length) { ex = [ex.length, new Buffer(ex.buffer)] } else { ex = [] } const node = { '/': [ex, branch] } if (value !== undefined) { node['/'].push(value) } return node }