This is a simple Binary [Radix Tree]( The default encodeing used is [cbor]( and the default hashing algorithim used is sha2-256. ## Node Each node is an variable length array containing at the most four elements "left branch", "right branch" "extension", "value" ``` node : = [LBRANCH, RBRANCH, EXTENSION, VALUE] ``` If no value exists at a given node the array is truncated to ``` node : = [LBRANCH, RBRANCH, EXTENSION] ``` If no value and no extension exists at a given node the array is truncated to ``` node : = [LBRANCH, RBRANCH] ``` All empty values in the array are encoded as "undefined". An emty tree is defined as `[undefined, undefined]` ## Branches Each link points to the next node in the tree. ``` branch : = ``` Where the link is a [CID]( is encoded as a byte string. Using CIDs allow for the flexablity to update the hashing algorithim and encoding at a later date while being backwards compatiable. ## Extensions Extensions encode shared paths. Extensions are defined as ``` extension := [length, extension] ``` Where the length is an interger and the extension is a byte string padded with 0's For example if the binary keys [0, 0, 1, 1] and [0, 0, 1, 0] have a shared path of [0, 0]. If they where the only two values in the tree the root node would have an extension of [0, 0] ``` root := [undefined, , [2, 0x00]] ```