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wanderer🌟 / js-dfinity-radix-tree

Tree: 6fd6059129f2f7a3affd4fdc4f14a1a513f78811

Files: 6fd6059129f2f7a3affd4fdc4f14a1a513f78811 / index.js

8824 bytesRaw
1const Graph = require('ipld-graph-builder')
2const Uint1Array = require('uint1array')
3const TextEncoder = require('text-encoding').TextEncoder
4const DataStore = require('./datastore.js')
5const treeNode = require('./treeNode.js')
7const encoder = new TextEncoder('utf-8')
9module.exports = class RadixTree {
10 /**
11 * @param opts
12 * @param opts.root {object} a merkle root to a radix tree. If none, RadixTree will create an new root.
13 * @param opts.db {object} a level db instance alternitly `opts.graph` can be used
14 * @param opts.graph {object} an instance of [ipld-graph-builder]( alternitvly `opts.dag` can be used
15 * @param opts.dag {object} an instance if [ipfs.dag]( If there is no `opts.graph` this will be used to create a new graph instance.
16 */
17 constructor (opts) {
18 this.root = opts.root || {
19 '/': RadixTree.emptyTreeState
20 }
22 this.dag = opts.dag || new DataStore(opts.db)
23 this.graph = opts.graph || new Graph(this.dag)
24 this._setting = Promise.resolve()
25 this.appendKeyToRoot = opts.appendKeyToRoot
26 }
28 /**
29 * creates a new instance of RadixTree that is the subTree of the given key
30 * @param {*} key
31 * @return {Promise} resolve to the new instance of RadixTree
32 */
33 async getSubTree (key, decode) {
34 key = this.formatKey(key)
35 await this.done()
36 const {root} = await this._get(key, decode)
37 return new RadixTree({dag: this.dag, root: root, appendKeyToRoot: true})
38 }
40 /**
41 * gets a value given a key. The promise resolves with an object containing
42 * `node` the node in the merkle tree and `value` the value of the that the
43 * node contains
44 * @param {*} key
45 * @return {Promise}
46 */
47 async get (key, decode) {
48 key = this.formatKey(key)
49 await this.done()
50 const result = await this._get(key)
51 return result.value
52 }
54 async _get (key) {
55 let index = 0
56 let root = this.root
57 let parent
59 while (1) {
60 // load the root
61 const exNode = await this.graph.get(root, treeNode.EXTENSION, true)
62 if (exNode) {
63 let subKey = key.subarray(index)
65 const {extensionIndex, extensionLen, extension} = findMatchBits(subKey, root)
66 index += extensionIndex
67 // check if we compelete travered the extension
68 if (extensionIndex !== extensionLen) {
69 return {
70 index,
71 root,
72 extension,
73 extensionIndex
74 }
75 }
76 }
78 let keySegment = key[index]
79 if (keySegment !== undefined) {
80 const branch = treeNode.getBranch(root)
81 await this.graph.get(branch, keySegment, true)
82 // preseves the '/'
83 const nextRoot = branch[keySegment]
84 if (!nextRoot) {
85 return {
86 root: root,
87 index: index
88 }
89 } else {
90 parent = root
91 root = nextRoot
92 }
93 } else {
94 break
95 }
97 index++
98 }
100 const value = treeNode.getValue(root)
102 return {
103 value,
104 root,
105 parent,
106 index
107 }
108 }
110 /**
111 * stores a value at a given key
112 * @param {*} key
113 * @return {Promise}
114 */
115 set (key, value) {
116 key = this.formatKey(key)
117 return this._mutationLock(this._set.bind(this, key, value))
118 }
120 async _set (key, value) {
121 if (treeNode.isEmpty(this.root)) {
122 this.root['/'] = createNode(key, [null, null], value)['/']
123 } else {
124 let {root, extensionIndex, extension, index, value: rValue} = await this._get(key)
126 if (rValue) {
127 treeNode.setValue(root, value)
128 } else {
129 if (extensionIndex !== undefined) {
130 // split the extension node in two
131 const extensionKey = extension[extensionIndex]
132 const remExtension = extension.subarray(extensionIndex + 1)
133 extension = extension.subarray(0, extensionIndex)
135 treeNode.setExtension(root, remExtension)
136 const branch = [null, null]
137 branch[extensionKey] = {
138 '/': root['/']
139 }
140 root['/'] = createNode(extension, branch)['/']
141 }
143 // if there are remaning key segments create an extension node
144 if (index < key.length) {
145 const keySegment = key[index]
146 const extension = key.subarray(index + 1, key.length)
147 const newNode = createNode(extension, [null, null], value)
148 const rootBranch = treeNode.getBranch(root)
149 rootBranch[keySegment] = newNode
150 treeNode.setBranch(root, rootBranch)
151 } else {
152 treeNode.setValue(root, value)
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 }
158 /**
159 * deletes a value at a given key
160 * @param {*} key
161 * @return {Promise}
162 */
163 delete (key) {
164 key = this.formatKey(key)
165 return this._mutationLock(this._delete.bind(this, key))
166 }
168 async _delete (key) {
169 const results = await this._get(key)
170 if (results.value !== undefined) {
171 const root = results.root
172 const parent = results.parent
174 treeNode.deleteValue(root)
176 const branch = treeNode.getBranch(root)
177 if (branch.some(el => el !== null)) {
178 joinNodes(root)
179 } else {
180 if (!parent) {
181 root['/'] = RadixTree.emptyTreeState
182 } else {
183 let branch = treeNode.getBranch(parent)
184 branch = => node === root ? null : node)
185 treeNode.setBranch(parent, branch)
186 await this.graph.tree(parent, 2)
188 joinNodes(parent)
189 }
190 }
191 }
193 function joinNodes (root) {
194 if (treeNode.getValue(root) === undefined) {
195 let index
196 const branch = treeNode.getBranch(root)
197 const nodes = branch.filter((node, i) => {
198 if (node) {
199 index = i
200 return true
201 }
202 })
204 if (nodes.length === 1) {
205 const child = nodes[0]
206 const pExtension = treeNode.getExtension(root)
207 const childExtension = treeNode.getExtension(child)
208 const newExtension = new RadixTree.ArrayConstructor(pExtension.length + childExtension.length + 1)
210 newExtension.set(pExtension)
211 newExtension[pExtension.length] = index
212 newExtension.set(childExtension, pExtension.length + 1)
214 treeNode.setExtension(child, newExtension)
215 root['/'] = child['/']
216 }
217 }
218 }
219 }
221 /**
222 * returns a promise that resolve when the tree is done with all of its writes
223 * @returns {Promise}
224 */
225 async done () {
226 let setting
227 while (this._setting !== setting) {
228 setting = this._setting
229 await setting
230 }
231 }
233 _mutationLock (func) {
234 const setting = this._setting
235 this._setting = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
236 return setting.then(() => {
237 return func().then(resolve).catch(reject)
238 })
239 })
240 return this._setting
241 }
243 /**
244 * creates a merkle root for the current tree and stores the data perstantly
245 * @returns {Promise}
246 */
247 async flush () {
248 await this.done()
249 return this.graph.flush(this.root)
250 }
252 formatKey (key) {
253 key = RadixTree.formatKey(key)
254 if (this.appendKeyToRoot) {
255 key = treeNode.getExtension(this.root).toJSON().concat(key.toJSON())
256 key = new RadixTree.ArrayConstructor(key)
257 }
258 return key
259 }
261 static formatKey (key) {
262 if (typeof key === 'string') {
263 key = encoder.encode(key)
264 }
266 if (key.constructor !== RadixTree.ArrayConstructor) {
267 if (Buffer.isBuffer(key)) {
268 return new RadixTree.ArrayConstructor(new Uint8Array(key).buffer)
269 } else {
270 return new RadixTree.ArrayConstructor(key.buffer)
271 }
272 } else {
273 return key
274 }
275 }
277 /**
278 * returns the state of an empty tree
279 */
280 static get emptyTreeState () {
281 return [null, null, null]
282 }
284 /**
285 * returns an Uint1Array constructir which is used to repersent keys
286 * @returns {object}
287 */
288 static get ArrayConstructor () {
289 return Uint1Array
290 }
292 /**
293 * returns a merkle link for some given data
294 * @param {Buffer} data - the data which you would like to hash
295 * @returns {Buffer}
296 */
297 static getMerkleLink (data) {
298 return DataStore.getMerkleLink(data)
299 }
302function createNode (ex, branch, value) {
303 const node = {
304 '/': []
305 }
307 treeNode.setValue(node, value)
308 treeNode.setExtension(node, ex)
309 treeNode.setBranch(node, branch)
311 return node
314function findMatchBits (key, node) {
315 let extensionIndex = 0
316 const extension = treeNode.getExtension(node)
317 const extensionLen = extension.length
319 // checks the extension against the key
320 while (extensionIndex < extensionLen && extension[extensionIndex] === key[extensionIndex]) {
321 extensionIndex++
322 }
324 return {
325 extensionIndex,
326 extensionLen,
327 extension
328 }

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