var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var proc = require('child_process') var pull = require("pull-stream") var marked = require("ssb-marked") var htime = require("human-time") var emojis = require("emoji-named-characters") var cat = require("pull-cat") var h = require('hyperscript') var refs = require('ssb-ref') var pkg = require('./package') var emojiDir = path.join(require.resolve("emoji-named-characters"), "../pngs") exports.wrapPage = wrapPage exports.MdRenderer = MdRenderer exports.renderEmoji = renderEmoji exports.formatMsgs = formatMsgs exports.renderThread = renderThread exports.renderAbout = renderAbout exports.renderShowAll = renderShowAll exports.renderRssItem = renderRssItem exports.wrapRss = wrapRss function MdRenderer(opts) {, {}) this.opts = opts } MdRenderer.prototype = new marked.Renderer() MdRenderer.prototype.urltransform = function(href) { if (!href) return false switch (href[0]) { case '#': return this.opts.base + 'channel/' + href.slice(1) case '%': if (!refs.isMsgId(href)) return false return this.opts.msg_base + encodeURIComponent(href) case '@': if (!refs.isFeedId(href)) return false href = (this.opts.mentions && this.opts.mentions[href.substr(1)]) || href return this.opts.feed_base + href case '&': if (!refs.isBlobId(href)) return false return this.opts.blob_base + href } if (href.indexOf('javascript:') === 0) return false return href } MdRenderer.prototype.image = function(href, title, text) { if (text.endsWith('.svg')) return h('object', { type: 'image/svg+xml', data: href, alt: text }).outerHTML else return h('img', { src: this.opts.img_base + href, alt: text, title: title }).outerHTML } function renderEmoji(emoji) { var opts = this.renderer.opts var url = opts.mentions && opts.mentions[emoji] ? opts.blob_base + encodeURIComponent(opts.mentions[emoji]) : emoji in emojis && opts.emoji_base + escape(emoji) + '.png' return url ? h('img.ssb-emoji', { src: url, alt: ':' + escape(emoji) + ':', title: ':' + escape(emoji) + ':', height: 16, width: 16 }).outerHTML : ':' + emoji + ':' } function escape(str) { return String(str) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/'/g, '"') } function formatMsgs(id, ext, opts) { switch (ext || 'html') { case 'html': return pull(renderThread(opts, id, ''), wrapPage(id)) case 'js': return pull(renderThread(opts), wrapJSEmbed(opts)) case 'json': return wrapJSON() case 'rss': return pull(renderRssItem(opts), wrapRss(id, opts)) default: return null } } function wrap(before, after) { return function(read) { return cat([pull.once(before), read, pull.once(after)]) } } function callToAction() { return h('', { href: '' }, 'Join Scuttlebutt now').outerHTML } function toolTipTop() { return h('', 'You are reading content from ', h('a', { href: '' }, 'Scuttlebutt')).outerHTML } function renderAbout(opts, about, showAllHTML = "") { if (about.publicWebHosting === false || (about.publicWebHosting == null && opts.requireOptIn)) { return pull(, opts, '')), wrap(toolTipTop() + '
', '
' + callToAction()) ) } var figCaption = h('figcaption') figCaption.innerHTML = 'Feed of ' + escape( + '
' + marked(String(about.description || ''), opts.marked) return pull(, opts, '')), wrap(toolTipTop() + '
' + h('article', h('header', h('figure', h('img', { src: opts.img_base + about.image, style: 'max-height: 200px; max-width: 200px;' }), figCaption) )).outerHTML, showAllHTML + '
' + callToAction()) ) } function renderThread(opts, id, showAllHTML = "") { return pull(, opts, id)), wrap(toolTipTop() + '
', showAllHTML + '
' + callToAction()) ) } function renderRssItem(opts) { return pull(, opts)) ) } const gitHead = proc.spawnSync('git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], { encoding: 'utf8', cwd: __dirname }).stdout.trim() const gitHeadShort = gitHead && gitHead.substr(0, 7) const commitUrl = pkg.homepage && pkg.homepage.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/commit/' + gitHead const gitLink = !gitHead ? '' : !commitUrl ? `${gitHeadShort}` : `${gitHeadShort}` const footer = ` ` function wrapPage(id) { return wrap( "" + "" + "" + id + " | ssb-viewer" + "" + '' + styles + "", footer + "\n" ) } function wrapRss(id, opts) { return wrap( '' + '' + '' + '' + id + ' | ssb-viewer', ''+ '' ) } var styles = ` ` function wrapJSON() { var first = true return pull(, join(','), wrap('[', ']')) } function wrapJSEmbed(opts) { return pull( wrap('', ""),, opts.base_token && rewriteBase(new RegExp(opts.base_token, "g")) ) } function rewriteBase(token) { // detect the origin of the script and rewrite the js/html to use it return pull( replace(token, '" + SSB_VIEWER_ORIGIN + "/'), wrap( "var SSB_VIEWER_ORIGIN = (function () {" + 'var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script")\n' + "var script = scripts[scripts.length-1]\n" + "if (!script) return location.origin\n" + 'return script.src.replace(/\\/%.*$/, "")\n' + "}())\n", "" ) ) } function join(delim) { var first = true return { if (!first) return delim + String(val) first = false return val }) } function replace(re, rep) { return { return String(val).replace(re, rep) }) } function docWrite(str) { return 'document.write(' + JSON.stringify(str) + ')\n' } function renderMsg(opts, id, msg) { var c = msg.value.content || {} if (opts.renderPrivate == false && typeof(msg.value.content) == 'string') return '' if (opts.renderSubscribe == false && c.type == 'channel' && c.subscribed != undefined) return '' if (opts.renderVote == false && c.type == "vote") return '' if (opts.renderChess == false && c.type.startsWith("chess")) return '' if (opts.renderTalenet == false && c.type.startsWith("talenet")) return '' if (opts.renderFollow == false && c.type == "contact") return '' if (opts.renderAbout == false && c.type == "about") return '' if (opts.renderPub == false && c.type == "pub") return '' if ( === false) return h('article', 'User has chosen not to be hosted publicly').outerHTML if ( == null && opts.requireOptIn) return h('article', 'User has not chosen to be hosted publicly').outerHTML var name = encodeURIComponent(msg.key) return h('article#' + name, h('header', h('figure', h('img', { alt: '', src: opts.img_base +, height: 50, width: 50 }), h('figcaption', h('a.ssb-avatar-name', { href: opts.base + escape( },, msgTimestamp(msg, opts.base + name), ' ', h('small', h('code', msg.key)) ))), render(opts, id, c)).outerHTML } function renderRss(opts, msg) { var c = msg.value.content || {} var name = encodeURIComponent(msg.key) let content = h('div', render(opts, c)).innerHTML if (!content) return null return ( '' + '' + escape(c.type || 'private') + '' + '' + escape( + '' + '' + '' + opts.base + escape(name) + '' + '' + new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toUTCString() + '' + '' + msg.key + '' + '' ) } function msgTimestamp(msg, link) { var date = new Date(msg.value.timestamp) var isoStr = date.toISOString() return h('time.ssb-timestamp', { datetime: isoStr }, h('a', { href: link, title: isoStr }, formatDate(date))) } function formatDate(date) { return htime(date) } function render(opts, id, c) { var base = opts.base if (!c) return if (c.type === 'post') { var channel = ? h('', h('a', { href: base + 'channel/' + }, '#' + : '' return [channel, renderPost(opts, id, c)] } else if (c.type == 'vote' && == 'Dig') { var channel = ? [' in ', h('a', { href: base + 'channel/' + }, '#' +] : '' var linkedText = 'this' if (typeof != 'undefined') linkedText =, 75) return h('span.status', ['Liked ', h('a', { href: base + encodeURIComponent( }, linkedText), channel]) } else if (c.type == 'vote') { var linkedText = 'this' if ( && typeof === 'string') linkedText =, 75) return h('span.status', ['Voted ', h('a', { href: base + encodeURIComponent( }, linkedText)]) } else if (c.type == 'contact' && c.following) { var name = if (c.contactAbout) name = return h('span.status', ['Followed ', h('a', { href: base + }, name)]) } else if (c.type == 'contact' && !c.following) { var name = if (c.contactAbout) name = return h('span.status', ['Unfollowed ', h('a', { href: base + }, name)]) } else if (typeof c == 'string') { return h('span.status', 'Wrote something private') } else if (c.type == 'chess_move') { return h('span.status', 'Moved a chess piece') } else if (c.type == 'chess_invite') { return h('span.status', 'Started a chess game') } else if (c.type == 'about') { return [h('span.status', 'Changed something in about'), renderDefault(c)] } else if (c.type == 'issue') { return [h('span.status', 'Created a git issue' + (c.repoName ? ' in repo ' + c.repoName : ''), renderPost(opts, id, c))] } else if (c.type == 'git-repo') { return h('span.status', 'Created a git repo ' + } else if (c.type == 'git-update') { return h('div.status', 'Did a git update ' + (c.repoName ? ' in repo ' + c.repoName : ''), (Array.isArray(c.commits) ? h('ul', c.commits.filter(Boolean).map(com => { return h('li', String(com.title || com.sha1)) }) ) : '') ) } else if (c.type == 'ssb-dns') { return [h('span.status', 'Updated DNS'), renderDefault(c)] } else if (c.type == 'pub') { var host = c.address && return h('span.status', 'Connected to the pub ' + host) } else if (c.type == 'npm-packages') { return h('div.status', 'Pushed npm packages', Array.isArray(c.mentions) ? h('ul', (link) { var name = link && var m = name && /^npm:([^:]*):([^:]*)(?::([^:]*)(?:\.tgz)?)?$/.exec(name) if (!m) return var [, name, version, tag] = m return h('li', name + ' v' + version + (tag ? ' (' + tag + ')' : '')) })) : '' ) } else if (c.type == 'channel' && c.subscribed) return h('span.status', 'Subscribed to channel ', h('a', { href: base + 'channel/' + }, '#' + else if (c.type == 'channel' && !c.subscribed) return h('span.status', 'Unsubscribed from channel ', h('a', { href: base + 'channel/' + }, '#' + else if (c.type == 'blog') { //%RTXvyZ2fZWwTyWdlk0lYGk5sKw5Irj+Wk4QwxyOVG5g=.sha256 var channel = ? h('', h('a', { href: base + 'channel/' + }, '#' + : '' var s = h('section') s.innerHTML = marked(String(c.blogContent), opts.marked) return [channel, h('h2', String(c.title)), s] } else if (c.type === 'gathering') { return h('div', renderGathering(opts, id, c)) } else return renderDefault(c) } function renderGathering(opts, id, c) { const title = h('h2', String(c.about.title)) const startEpoch = c.about.startDateTime && c.about.startDateTime.epoch const time = startEpoch ? h('h3', new Date(startEpoch).toUTCString()) : '' const image = h('p', h('img', { src: opts.img_base + c.about.image })) const attending = h('h3.attending', c.numberAttending + ' attending') const desc = h('div') desc.innerHTML = marked(String(c.about.description), opts.marked) return h('section', [title, time, image, attending, desc] ) } function renderPost(opts, id, c) { opts.mentions = {} if (Array.isArray(c.mentions)) { c.mentions.forEach(function (link) { if (link && && opts.mentions[] = }) } var s = h('section') var content = '' if (c.root && c.root != id) content += 'Re: ' + h('a', { href: '/' + encodeURIComponent(c.root) }, c.root.substring(0, 10)).outerHTML + '
' var textHTML = marked(String(c.text), opts.marked) if (typeof c.contentWarning === 'string') { textHTML = h('details', h('summary', 'Content warning: ' + c.contentWarning), h('div', {innerHTML: textHTML}) ).outerHTML } s.innerHTML = content + textHTML return s } function renderDefault(c) { return h('pre', JSON.stringify(c, 0, 2)) } function renderShowAll(showAll, url) { if (!showAll) return '
' + h('a', { href : url + '?showAll' }, 'Show whole feed').outerHTML }