var tape = require('tape') var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') var v = require('ssb-validate') var i = require('../valid') var u = require('../util') var invite_key = require('../cap') var hash = u.hash var alice = ssbKeys.generate(null, hash('ALICE')) var bob = ssbKeys.generate(null, hash('BOB')) function throws(t, test, code) { if(!code) throw new Error('error code must be provided') try { test()'expected:'+test+' to throw code:'+code) } catch(err) { console.error(err.stack) t.ok(err.code, 'errors must have an error code') t.equal(err.code, code) } } //any bit in invite{invite,host,reveal} is flipped tape('invalid - wrong invitee', function (t) { //construct a message where host does not match var seed = hash('seed2') var keys = ssbKeys.generate(null, seed) var invalid = ssbKeys.signObj(keys, invite_key, { type: 'invite', invite: ssbKeys.generate(null, hash('seed3')), host: }) var msg = v.create(null, alice, null, invalid, new Date('2018-03-26T06:14:18.377Z')) throws(t, function () { i.verifyInvitePublic(msg) }, 'user-invites:invite-signature-failed') throws(t, function () { i.verifyInvitePrivate(msg) }, 'user-invites:invite-signature-failed') t.end() }) //any bit in invite{invite,host,reveal} is flipped tape('invalid - wrong invitee', function (t) { //construct a message where host does not match var seed = hash('seed2') var keys = ssbKeys.generate(null, seed) var wrong_seed = hash('wrong_seed') var invalid = ssbKeys.signObj(keys, invite_key, { type: 'invite', invite:, //correct key reveal:{hidden: true}, u.hash(u.hash(wrong_seed))), host: }) var invite_msg = v.create(null, alice, null, invalid, new Date('2018-03-26T06:14:18.377Z')) t.ok(i.verifyInvitePublic(invite_msg)) throws(t, function () { i.verifyInvitePrivate(invite_msg, seed) }, 'user-invites:decrypt-reveal-failed') //say if the invitee creates a accept message anyway. throws(t, function () { i.createAccept(invite_msg, wrong_seed, }, 'user-invites:seed-must-match-invite') throws(t, function () { i.createAccept(invite_msg, seed, }, 'user-invites:decrypt-reveal-failed') var accept = ssbKeys.signObj(ssbKeys.generate(null, seed), invite_key, { type: 'invite/accept', receipt: '%'+ssbKeys.hash(JSON.stringify(invite_msg, null, 2)), id:, key: u.hash(u.hash(seed)) //what the reveal key should be. }) var accept_msg = v.create(null, bob, null, accept, new Date('2018-03-26T06:14:18.377Z')) throws(t, function () { i.verifyAccept(accept_msg, invite_msg) }, 'user-invites:decrypt-accept-reveal-failed') var accept2 = ssbKeys.signObj(ssbKeys.generate(null, seed), invite_key, { type: 'invite/accept', receipt: '%'+ssbKeys.hash(JSON.stringify(invite_msg, null, 2)), id:, key: u.hash('not the key') //what the reveal key should be. }) throws(t, function () { i.verifyAccept(accept_msg, invite_msg) }, 'user-invites:decrypt-accept-reveal-failed') t.end() }) tape('wrong invite', function (t) { var seed = hash('seed1') var invite1 = v.create(null, alice, null, i.createInvite(seed,, {name: 'bob'}, {text: 'welcome to ssb!'}), new Date('2018-03-14T06:14:18.377Z')) t.deepEqual({ reveal: {name: 'bob'}, private: {text: 'welcome to ssb!'} }, i.verifyInvitePrivate(invite1, seed)) var accept_content = i.createAccept(invite1, seed, var accept = v.create(null, bob, null, accept_content, new Date('2018-03-14T06:32:18.377Z')) var seed2 = hash('seed2') var invite2 = v.create(null, alice, null, i.createInvite(seed2,, {name: 'bob'}, {text: 'welcome to ssb!'}), new Date('2018-03-14T06:14:18.377Z')) //just test we do not verify the incorrect invite throws(t, function () { i.verifyAccept(accept, invite2) }, 'user-invites:accept-wrong-invite') t.end() }) tape('wrong invite', function (t) { var seed = hash('seed1') var invite = v.create(null, alice, null, i.createInvite(seed,, new Date('2018-03-14T06:14:18.377Z')) var seed2 = hash('seed2') var accept_content = ssbKeys.signObj(ssbKeys.generate(null, seed2), invite_key, { type: 'invite/accept', receipt: '%'+ssbKeys.hash(JSON.stringify(invite, null, 2)), id:, }) var accept2 = v.create(null, bob, null, accept_content, new Date('2018-03-14T06:32:18.377Z')) //just test we do not verify the incorrect invite throws(t, function () { i.verifyAccept(accept2, invite) }, 'user-invites:accept-invite-signature-failed') t.end() }) tape('wrong invite', function (t) { var seed = hash('seed1') var invite = v.create(null, alice, null, i.createInvite(seed,, 'REVEAL'), new Date('2018-03-14T06:14:18.377Z')) var accept_content = ssbKeys.signObj(ssbKeys.generate(null, seed), invite_key, { type: 'invite/accept', receipt: '%'+ssbKeys.hash(JSON.stringify(invite, null, 2)), id:, //key is missing! }) var accept2 = v.create(null, bob, null, accept_content, new Date('2018-03-14T06:32:18.377Z')) //just test we do not verify the incorrect invite throws(t, function () { i.verifyAccept(accept2, invite) }, 'user-invites:accept-must-reveal-key') t.end() })