# catstack ** work in progress ** modular framework for data-driven real-time apps ![cat stack](http://i.imgur.com/v5zw1z3.jpg) made by [Enspiral Root Systems](https://github.com/enspiral-root-systems/meta) inspired by [`ahdinosaur/mad-science-handbook`](https://github.com/ahdinosaur/mad-science-handbook) for previous version, see [catstack@1](https://github.com/enspiral-root-systems/catstack/commit/8830cf8b4bb8ce794ed491d03ab0d96bbb66df8f) ## concepts - [modules](https://github.com/dominictarr/depject) - [streams](https://github.com/pull-stream/pull-stream) - [services](https://github.com/ahdinosaur/vas) - [state, actions, effects, html views](https://github.com/ahdinosaur/inu) - [data logs and views](https://github.com/flumedb/flumedb) - [commands](http://substack.net/task_automation_with_npm_run) ## tools - [node](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) - when in this directory run `nvm use` which will use the version of `node` specified in [our .nvmrc](./.nvmrc). - [packages](https://www.npmjs.com/) - install with `npm install -g npm@3` - to install a package, run `npm install --save my-favorite-package` ## scripts - [create](#create) - [install](#install) - [start](#start) - [test](#test) - [lint](#lint) - [format](#format) - [database](#database) ### install generate new project ```shell catstack gen:project ``` ### start #### dev starts development environment ```shell catstack start:dev ``` #### prod starts production environment ```shell catstack start ``` ### test runs [`pull-test`](https://github.com/ahdinosaur/pull-test) tests can optionally take a [glob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/glob) ```shell npm run test -- './todos/**/*.test.js' ``` default glob is `./**/*.test.js` ignoring `node_modules` ### lint checks for [standard style](http://standardjs.com) can optionally take a [glob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/glob) ```shell npm run lint -- './todos/**/*.js' ``` default glob is `./**/*.js` ignoring `node_modules` ### format converts to [standard style](http://standardjs.com) if possible can optionally take a [glob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/glob) ```shell npm run format -- './**/*.js' ``` default glob is `./**/*.js` ignoring `node_modules` ### db:clean ## directory structure - `config/` - `config/index.js` - `config/${ NODE_ENV }.js` - `${ domain }/` - tests are any files that end in `.test.js` ### domain overview in contrast to frameworks like Rails which split our app into directories for each "type" of file (models, views, controllers), our app is split into directories for each conceptual domain, where each domain contains the various types of files *within* that domain. each domain directory may contain any of: - `state.js`: exports initial store state - `actions/*.js`: exports store actions - `effects/*.js`: exports effects - `getters.js`: exports [`reselect`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/reselect) getters - `pages/*.js`: exports routed views - `elements/*.js`: exports presentation views - `helpers/*.js`: exports helper functions - `service.js`: exports [`vas`](https://github.com/ahdinosaur/vas) service ### `${ domain }/state.js` ```js // cats/state.js` module.exports = { create: () => ({ state: { model: {}, effect: null } }) } ``` ### `/${ domain }/actions/*.js` ```js // cats/actions/create.js module.exports = { create: () => ({ update: (model, action) => { console.log('cat:create', model, action) return model } }) } ``` ### `/${ domain }/effects/*.js` ```js // cats/effects/fetch.js module.exports = { create: () => ({ run: (effect) => { console.log('cat:fetch', effect) } }) } ``` ### `/${ domain }/getters/*.js` ```js // cats/getters/getCats.js module.exports = { create: () => (state) => state.cats } ``` ### `/${ domain }/pages/*.js` ```js // cats/pages/show.js module.exports = { needs: { layout: 'first', cats: { profile: 'first' } }, create: (api) => ({ route: '/cats/:catId', view: api.layout((model) => api.cats.profile) }) } ``` ### `/${ domain }/elements/*.js` ```js // cats/elements/profile.js module.exports = { needs: { html: 'first' }, create: (api) => ({ view: (cat) => api.html`