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dinoworm ๐Ÿ› / catstack

Tree: b817a22329dc2038d6896282542635e15961b37b

Files: b817a22329dc2038d6896282542635e15961b37b / app / todos / features / new.feature

616 bytesRaw
1Feature: New Todo
3 Background:
4 Given I visit TODOMVC
5 And I make sure that there are no todos
7 Scenario: Pressing enter creates the todo
8 When I enter a new todo
9 Then it should be appended to the todo list
11 Scenario: Pressing enter clears the input
12 When I enter a new todo
13 Then the input should be cleared
15 Scenario: The input should be trimmed
16 When I enter a new todo with extra spaces
17 Then the input should be trimmed
19 Scenario: An empty todo should not be added
20 When I enter a new todo
21 And I enter a new todo that is empty
22 Then it should not add it to the list

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