git ssb


dinoworm ๐Ÿ› / ssb-pub

Tree: 2be53dc73ca3a3b263a56c562cc9210e33b81f6d

Files: 2be53dc73ca3a3b263a56c562cc9210e33b81f6d /

1001 bytesRaw


work in progress

easily host your own Secure ScuttleButt (SSB) pub in a docker container

to run a pub you need to have a static public IP, ideally with a DNS record (i.e.<hostname.yourdomain.tld>)

install image

(option a) pull image from docker hub

docker pull ahdinosaur/ssb-pub

(option b) build image from source

from GitHub:

git clone
cd ssb-pub
docker build -t ssb-pub .

start service

1. create a directory on the docker host for persisting the pub's data

mkdir ~/ssb-pub-data

2. run the container

docker run --name my-ssb-pub \
   -d -v ~/ssb-pub-data/:/home/node/.ssb/ \
   -e HOST="<hostname.yourdomain.tld>" \
   -p 8008:8008 --restart unless-stopped \

create invites

ssh root@<hostname.yourdomain.tld> invite.create 1

control service

Built with git-ssb-web