var pull = require('pull-stream') var sbot = require('./scuttlebot') var hyperscroll = require('hyperscroll') var stream = require('hyperloadmore/stream') var h = require('hyperscript') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var next = require('pull-next-query') var render = require('./render').render var config = require('./config')() var human = require('human-time') var tools = require('./tools') var id = require('./keys').id var avatar = require('./avatar') var compose = require('./compose') var keyPage = function () { var screen = document.getElementById('screen') var importKey = h('textarea.import', {placeholder: 'Import a new public/private key', name: 'textarea', style: 'width: 97%; height: 100px;'}) var content = h('div.content', h('div.message#key', h('h1', 'Your Key'), h('p', {innerHTML: 'Your public/private key is:
' + localStorage[config.caps.shs + '/secret'] + '
'}, h('button.btn', {onclick: function (e){ localStorage[config.caps.shs +'/secret'] = '' alert('Your public/private key has been deleted') e.preventDefault() location.hash = "" location.reload() }}, 'Delete Key') ), h('hr'), h('form', importKey, h('button.btn', {onclick: function (e){ if(importKey.value) { localStorage[config.caps.shs + '/secret'] = importKey.value.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') e.preventDefault() alert('Your public/private key has been updated') } location.hash = "" location.reload() }}, 'Import key'), ) ) ) screen.appendChild(hyperscroll(content)) } function getMessage (src) { var content = h('div.content') var screen = document.getElementById('screen') screen.appendChild(hyperscroll(content)) sbot.get(src, function (err, data) { if (err) { var message = h('div.message', h('div.messageContent', 'The message ', h('a', {href: src}, src), ' is missing. You may not have synced completely with the network yet, or the author is too far away from you on the network.')) content.appendChild(message) } if (data) { var message = {} message.value = data message.key = src if (content.firstChild) { content.insertBefore(render(message), content.firstChild) } else { content.appendChild(render(message)) } } }) } function userStream (src) { var screen = document.getElementById('screen') var content = h('div.content') screen.appendChild(hyperscroll(content)) function createStream (opts) { return pull( next(sbot.query, opts, ['value', 'timestamp']), (msg) { return render(msg) }) ) } pull( createStream({ limit: 100, reverse: true, live: false, query: [{$filter: { value: { author: src}}}] }), stream.bottom(content) ) pull( createStream({ limit: 100, old: false, live: true, query: [{$filter: { value: {author: src}}}] }), ) var profile = h('div.content#profile', h('div.message', h('div.messageContent'))) if (screen.firstChild.firstChild) { screen.firstChild.insertBefore(profile, screen.firstChild.firstChild) } else { screen.firstChild.appendChild(profile) } var name = var editname = h('span',, h('button.btn', 'New name', { onclick: function () { var nameput = h('input', {placeholder: name.textContent}) var nameedit = h('span', nameput, h('button.btn', 'Preview', { onclick: function () { if (nameput.value[0] != '@') tobename = nameput.value else tobename = nameput.value.substring(1, 100) var newname = h('span', h('a', {href: '#' + src}, '@' + tobename), h('button.btn', 'Publish', { onclick: function () { var donename = h('span', h('a', {href: '#' + src}, '@' + tobename)) sbot.publish({type: 'about', about: src, name: tobename}) localStorage[src + 'name'] = tobename newname.parentNode.replaceChild(donename, newname) } })) nameedit.parentNode.replaceChild(newname, nameedit) } }) ) editname.parentNode.replaceChild(nameedit, editname) } }) ) var editimage = h('span', h('button.btn', 'New image', { onclick: function () { var upload = h('span', hyperfile.asDataURL(function (data) { if(data) { //img.src = data var _data = dataurl.parse(data) pull( pull.once(, sbot.addblob(function (err, hash) { if(err) return alert(err.stack) selected = { link: hash, size:, type: _data.mimetype } }) ) } }), h('button.btn', 'Preview image', { onclick: function() { if (selected) { console.log(selected) var oldImage = document.getElementById('profileImage') var newImage = h('span.avatar--medium', h('img', {src: config.blobsUrl +})) var publish = h('button.btn', 'Publish image', { onclick: function () { sbot.publish({ type: 'about', about: src, image: selected }, function (err, published) { console.log(published) }) } }) upload.parentNode.replaceChild(publish, upload) oldImage.parentNode.replaceChild(newImage, oldImage) } /*if(selected) { api.message_confirm({ type: 'about', about: id, image: selected }) } else { alert('select an image before hitting preview')}*/ } }) ) editimage.parentNode.replaceChild(upload, editimage) } }) ) var avatars = h('div.avatars', h('a', {href: '#' + src}, h('span.avatar--medium#profileImage', avatar.image(src)), editname, h('br'), editimage ) ) pull( sbot.query({query: [{$filter: { value: { author: src}}}], limit: 1}), pull.drain(function (msg) { var howlong = h('span', h('br'), ' arrived ', human(new Date(msg.value.timestamp))) avatars.appendChild(howlong) avatars.appendChild(h('hr')) }) ) var buttons = h('div.buttons') profile.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(avatars) profile.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(buttons) var writeMessage = h('button.btn', 'Public message ',, { onclick: function () { opts = {} opts.type = 'post' opts.mentions = '[' + name.textContent + '](' + src + ')' var composer = h('div#composer', h('div.message', h('div.messageContent', compose(opts)))) profile.appendChild(composer) } }) var writePrivate = h('button.btn', 'Private message ',, { onclick: function () { opts = {} opts.type = 'post' opts.mentions = '[' + name.textContent + '](' + src + ')' opts.recps = [src, id] var composer = h('div#composer', h('div.message', h('div.messageContent', compose(opts)))) profile.appendChild(composer) } }) buttons.appendChild(tools.follow(src)) buttons.appendChild(h('button.btn', 'Generate follows', { onclick: function () { profile.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(tools.getFollowing(src)) profile.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(tools.getFollowers(src)) } })) buttons.appendChild(h('button.btn', 'Generate blocks', { onclick: function () { profile.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(tools.getBlocks(src)) profile.firstChild.firstChild.appendChild(tools.getBlocked(src)) } })) buttons.appendChild(h('hr')) buttons.appendChild(tools.mute(src)) buttons.appendChild(writeMessage) buttons.appendChild(writePrivate) buttons.appendChild(h('a', {href: '#wall/' + src}, h('button.btn',, "'s wall"))) } function mentionsStream (src) { var screen = document.getElementById('screen') var content = h('div.content') screen.appendChild(hyperscroll(content)) function createStream (opts) { return pull( next(sbot.backlinks, opts, ['value', 'timestamp']), (msg) { return render(msg) }) ) } pull( createStream({ limit: 100, reverse: true, index: 'DTA', live: false, query: [{$filter: {dest: src}}] }), stream.bottom(content) ) pull( createStream({ limit: 100, old: false, index: 'DTA', live: true, query: [{$filter: {dest: src}}] }), ) } function everythingStream () { var screen = document.getElementById('screen') var content = h('div.content') screen.appendChild(hyperscroll(content)) function createStream (opts) { return pull( next(sbot.query, opts, ['value', 'timestamp']), (msg) { if (msg.value) { if (msg.value.timestamp > { return h('div.future') } else { return render(msg) } } }) ) } pull( createStream({ limit: 250, reverse: true, live: false, query: [{$filter: { value: { timestamp: { $gt: 0 }}}}] }), stream.bottom(content) ) pull( createStream({ limit: 250, old: false, live: true, query: [{$filter: { value: { timestamp: { $gt: 0 }}}}] }), ) } module.exports = function () { var src = window.location.hash.substring(1) if (ref.isFeed(src)) { userStream(src) } else if (ref.isMsg(src)) { getMessage(src) } else if ((src.substring(0, 5) == 'wall/') && (ref.isFeed(src.substring(5)))) { mentionsStream(src.substring(5)) } else if (ref.isMsg(src)) { messageStream() } else if (src == 'key') { keyPage() } else { everythingStream() } }